FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

Thanks guys! @m0sirys @Not-Notjosh @NoCal you guys have all helped along the way to make this happen.

Thanks man, but the skills is just listening to the advice here. Trying anyway. :smiley:

The dark color is kinda cool, none of my outdoor plants have gotten that dark. Avenue of the Giants did something similar back in '22, more of a lavender shade.

I’m pretty pleased with it (it is my keeper of the Runtz x Sour Bubbles at this point) but I’m more looking forward to the N4 giant fist bud coming down. Let’s definately have a smoke test next month. This fall we’ll be able to sample both the indoor hydro buds compared to the outdoor organic ones to compare. Can’t wait for that experiment. I’d also love some feedback on how my dry cabinet works. @BigF

Maybe one day. Your tents are cookin’ right along! I’m liking the flood/drain system and putting shitloads of different plants on it. Excited to see how my keepers do outside :sunglasses:

Cheers guys!


You definitively tempted me to throw some seeds in the garden after the freeze here ^^


Do it! :grin:

My seeds for outside have cracked. Clones are still not rooted, I think I left them alone a little too much. Trying to find the minimum energy balance for good results. I can get great results if I obsess over them everyday, bad results if I pay no attention, and probably somewhere in the middle is where I want to be. Life is busy

Going to be cutting another plant or two this weekend :cowboy_hat_face:

I will say I much prefer harvesting these small indoor plants, that have been breathing HEPA-filtered intake air. No washing, and just clipping buds into trays. Easy. Outside harvest and bucking, washing and trimming is an ordeal. This is so much easier. Different kind of fun :sunglasses:


You must be smiling every morning when you open you tent
Now you know fill her up so that you harvest every 2 weeks (plant every 2 weeks new clones)
The ones that stayed small the first time give them a few days of grow so that they be the same size as the larger ones at harvest😉


Indeed :cowboy_hat_face:

I could easily see how to get perpetual harvests out of this. Neat and fairly easy. Getting the hang of how to prune and train more aggressively. This has definitely been a rocket of a skill boost.

I was thinking about doing a Chocolope pheno hunt, or start my Ortega/MLI project next. We’ve got a month or two left before I’m working with a clean slate, don’t have to decide now.

Random buds this AM:

Have a great day everyone!


The more rounds on OMLI, the more close to your grail. Always prioritize structured projects first, their problematics will structure mechanically your margins of exploration aside.

Projects and their tribulations are made to fuck up your planning each round anyway, better to remove the bandage in one quick shot imho.


We’ll give it a go then. :sunglasses:

Was worried I still don’t have the knowledge to do it justice, but no better way to learn than throw myself into the fire :fire:


So happy to see this thread and that your killin it like this bro! A blessing to the community you are.
Yeah, I know I was gone for awhile but its like I went back into the future and the future is just sooo Dank…mmmm, and Oh Geez…there’s so much Frosting! Can I please stay here forever?
Love you bro and mad respect :facepunch:


Hey @FieldEffect thanks for your lovely thread! I used the whole day to browse trough and it left me stunning! Nice set up- crazy progress (obviously) and seems like the guy who is responsible for this little Eden is also pretty cool :star_struck:

Keep on growing - I will take a seat for sure!


More like walking barefoot on burning coals and coming out the other side without even a single blister…Shamanic Vibes 2b found whenever @FieldEffect is around;)


Pretty nice looking end of flo. That a solid harvest you’ll get. The solo cup are going strong too. Thanks for the show :smiley:


You guys are so kind, I feel like a rambling idiot trying to do too much at once. If I didn’t get all the advice/mentoring I do that tent would probably be in flames by now. :rofl:

But happy to read that it’s been an enjoyable show.

Trimmed back my moms today and took some new cuts of S1 and N4. Removed some persistent helmets on some seedlings. General maintenance.

Runtz x Sour Bubble: Both of these smell like straight burnt rubber. Really unappealing to me personally but I know people search for that. Sure are pretty though. I think I’ll let these go another 3-5 days.

907 Blue Genes x Shiskeberry #3: S1 smells the fruitiest of the lot, others more herbal/tar notes. Happy with selection overall but S2 (I tossed the mom last weekend) is really getting gorgeous LOOKING. May have thrown something I shouldn’t have. Thinking I may try to reveg her, we’ll see how she crosses the finish line

907 Blue Genes x NL#1: Love these ladies. Absolutely stink of blueberry pie and just a whiff of pine. Ratios vary among the 3 but I’m drawn to N4 still.

Solo cups coming along:

Back in the tent, first to harvest towards front so I can inspect easier.

A pic of the 3 closest to harvest (R4,R5,S2)

Cheers thanks for the engagement, advice and support. Really enjoy the community here :sunglasses:


:axe: time in Nuevo Mexico, as the sun rises.

R4 and R5 are done. I could have left them another few days so the lowers could ripen up a bit but I’m done with them. They’re cloudy, they stink, they’re coming down. The space can be better utilized to get my lower sections of the plants I actually want done.



Into A Tray:

To be clear, they are/were beautiful plants. Frost for days. No doubt about it. I do think I kept the best of the three with R3, momma still chillin’ on the other side of the tent partition. I have respect for them, but they aren’t what I was most concerned about in this tent. I want paralyzing blueberry terps that will knock my ass out at night.

These plants more specifically. N4 in particular with her mishapen mutant wide primary trunk.

Another while…




Solo Cups:

The remaining gang:

Cheers all, have a wonderful Sunday.

I realize upon seeing the post pictures that only a week ago I had 12 plants stuffed into this 2’x2’ area. The fact that it feels spacious now with only 9 makes me chuckle a bit. I love this and the exploration it allows - thanks guys for helping pull this off. Maybe someday I’ll just flower out one in this space but the fact that I can flower out 12 plants, inside, free of external issues (weather, bugs, dirt) is remarkable to me. In the winter. What a boost to productivity. Not grams and ounces productivity, but learning the plant and driving towards my goals sort of productivity.


N4 makes everything else look a bit dainty :grin:

picking the combo tent that you did really set you up well.
you’re getting a lot of “reps” in, a range of them to boot, in a pretty small space.
learning to work so small is good too, & will help when you have more room.


These are my winners without knowing the smell and smoke
Just imagine 36 of these in your 2ftx2ft tent
Yes 36!!
Every 2 weeks 7 clones in flower once full you harvest 7 plants every 2 weeks that is between 49gr or 70 grams every 2 weeks x 26 in a year :hugs::hugs::yum::yum:


S3, N4 and N3, respectively.

How are you doing @tamimes? You feeling better nowadays?

We’ll see :rofl:

It did work out well overall, I wish I could have fit something bigger but I’m content with what I have. I agree it’s probably very powerful to learn small and get bigger, just in general. Hope you are well buddy, thanks for stopping in!


I really love that. Youre running a tight ship, there FE!
Some really sexy shots, as well :100:


+1 :heart_eyes:

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Seeing that many plants stresses me, but Its working out so well for you. Easy to see youre killing it AND having a great time :vulcan_salute:

Im in the middle of trying to appeal my VA Disability. If I somehow get 100%, I may stop working… Undecided, but could make it work. If I’m in a position where I have a bit more time on my hands, I’ll definitely look into what youre doing. Exploring could be super fun!

Grow and Veg em in the side, Blast em to space on the 2x2 side! If I see one that REALLY kills it, she’s Octopot bound, lol.

Should know in about 2-6 months, lol. Government moves quickly…

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They’re surviving somehow. Lots of learning going on and plenty of mistakes, enough good results to keep pushing. I’m relieved the number is decreasing :sunglasses:

The stress has faded as I have gotten comfortable with them. I look forward to Fridays when I take them all out to inspect and smell them, note traits change and flower development.

Outside too, this thing happens a month away from harvest where the concern and fastidious care dissipates and I just think about the next grow. Outside I’m always battling something (rain, caterpillars) in September.

Thanks for the kind words. It takes a village. Maybe not, but I’ll take the village. Good crew of folks on here. :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope you can get your disability sorted out. Exploring is a lot of fun, especially if you make the seeds. But I’ve done this with very little time. Usually spend about 15 minutes a day maintaining levels, and an hour on Fridays doing my fluid exchanges and plant study. It’s optimized for space and time efficiency

Cheers, thanks for stopping in