FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

Sorry but is that meant to be your wife ?

I like to use Living room CEO :rofl:

Funny I used this material to transport the snips on a proper way to my HQ‘s!


Dude your 907 Blue genes/NL IS A BEAST. This trunk is insane,lol

I love this plant its over 5ft but its wide asf .I wish I scrog d it . If I have some seeds left I will definitely scrog it next grow… Dude thx for everything.


@FieldEffect lmao and now I have another thread to catch up on! :fist::sunglasses:

1 Like

Someone suggested she was the “Governor” of the household, I’ve thrown that term around before :rofl:

Wonderful to see!

Based on what I’ve seen in the first chunk of your main thread, you’ll get along well with my tent build posts at the top.

General Update: 7 Juicy Woo seedlings are healthy and starting to take off. 2 were culled this morning.

Discarded. Don’t have time or patience for these thin-leaved humidity-sensitive specimens.

Chocolope! I hope for a she :heart_eyes:

Haze Special and Desfran sprouts. 4/5 of the Haze Specials exposed some appreciable taproot, I think the Desfran are both going to survive they’re about to show their leaves to the artificial sun.

I decided to show some moderation and won’t be popping more seeds unless catastrophe happens. The Chocolope and Juicy Woo are very quick growing. I have a feeling I’m going to have my hands full without further complicating things.

Cheers all!


Things got restructured yesterday morning. The full-blown seedling plants down to the lower deck, the RxSB mom culled, the rest ruthlessly trimmed back. I’m culling the herd of Moms as I smoke the product and decide what I actually want to keep. I’ve gone from a full deck of mother plants to 4, soon down to 2. S1 is my favorite of the moment, with almost a month of cure it is showing itself the winner.

The Chocolope is lower left corner, faring well. I have a hunch shes a lady just by internode spacing and instinct. Almost certainly incorrect :rofl: The other 7 are the durable Juicy Woos. I’ll be able to cut good clones soon, they are in vigorous growth phase.

The sprouts are isolated to the top level with the light dimmed a bit to encourage vertical growth. I took some hesitant shells/membranes this morning. The Haze Specials are universally difficult to get out of their shell, seem to refuse to do it on their own. The Desfran isn’t as vigorous as initially assumed either. It doesn’t help that the air is dry, but if they aren’t going to survive that they aren’t going to last here anyway. Early pressure.

Not sure what I think about these 2" cubes. Spatially, they are nice for seedlings and high density. Downside is that they almost need 2x daily feeding. They get bone dry fast under 24/0. Again, putting the pressure early with many more seeds waiting to pop should any of these lines fail flat out.

The 3" cubes seem like a better match to daily fertigation.

It’s time I revisit my veg-side flood-drain. I want more reservoir capacity and something a bit more sturdy. A deeper tray would be nice to have as well. Right now there is only enough capacity for 3-4 days completely unattended, I’d like to have a week of self-sufficiency on that.

Cheers and have a good weekend!


Here’s the early round germinations. Mostly Juicy Woo, with the lone Chocolope bottom-right corner.

My pH was fucked I fixed that yesterday. Looks like it could be K, Ca, Mg, so I went straight to checking pH only to discover it was indeed way off. I’ve stopped my daily neurotic tracking of pH and EC as I get more comfortable. And of course, it flies off the rails at the first opportunity. Back on track.

Any ideas?

The Haze Special and Desfran seedlings are continuing to push minute amount of growth. Slow starts on these.

Probably something to do with my ruthlessly low humidity and general apathy towards weak plants :rofl:

I did dial back the light to encourage them a bit. 200 umol PPFD.

Cheers. Going to head to work early tomorrow so won’t be posting an update in the morning as usual.


Here we go :grin:

Best 16" tent I could find. I have a feeling seeds are on the horizon :rofl:

I have to get one of my shelves moved out of the closet this weekend. Maybe I’ll manage to get the ducting installed before it all shows up. Should be nice even not making seeds just extra room


Dibs! Ten characters.:laughing:


2 steps forward and no step back - never :rofl:

Fingers crossed for a arrival free of shit!


So cool to see that tent & gear headed your way… That tent got real Lucky !!

I’ve a friend who just made a similar call and is bringing his vegetable Garden inside this winter. He is using a 4’ x 4’ x 8’ Tent, laying on its Side. tba but he’s jacked

Nothing but positive Wishes for your Reno


:sparkler: :tada:

Now clue for the Choco, and i’m not reluctant to make bet on sex declaration ^^ I like the spring-shape.

For the funk, K is maintained around the veins but blocked onward by what look like a P toxicity + roots worried. Check frequently the shoots (apical and the secondaries), they are the real warning. If you have some amino acid, can be useful to see if within 48hrs it’s progressing the right way or not. Or even a pinch of humic acid to unlock the uptake.

Rockwhool isn’t my comfort zone (specially with seedlings ^^), but i don’t see traces of PH burns at least.

Congrats for the extension,


Thanks guys! Feels like my head has been on fire with work I haven’t had hardly any time to check in here. Tomorrow I’ll have some time to catch up on everything.

Or really unfortunate depending on how you look at it - it’s new owner is going to demand unreasonable things from a $60 tent :rofl:

16" x 16" x 48"

Interesting take. My pH had drifted high, up to 7.3. So, P uptake increases, micros uptake decreases. Of course no pH burn because drift toward neutrality. Thanks for the input, it agrees with the situation.

Back to obsessive monitoring for a while :rofl:

I owe you a reply on your thread I haven’t had a chance to compose one yet :slightly_smiling_face:

I think Choco is a lady. :heart:


Your gonna be off to the races in no time @FieldEffect! I’m tuned in for this! Pulling up a seat in the front row with my popcorn bucket lol


Dope. Much more easy to BX it for the chemotype (not a generic rule) ^^
Very interested by your sight on the other side of the mirror. Update coming tommorow lol, no pressure :smile:


LOL it can be arranged :rofl:

The tent already arrived I haven’t cracked the box yet. Light and exhaust system due next week.

It’s been a hectic week if I’ve ever seen one. Lots going on, tons of obligations, mostly at work. Luckily the outdoor plants take care of themselves, the indoor ones almost manage alone but they are somewhat neglected. They are getting pretty good sized.

@HighTilliDie welcome buddy


Same shit here, i don’t planned to love so much working on cars. I planned to give an help only two days per week, i done the whole week and i come back the next full throttle again ^^ So tired (10-13 hours/day non stop) that i ruined a zip of my modded 4x4 … at the worse location. The upper one, making a negative pressure loop. I try to repair in emergency tomorrow but plants aren’t happy ^^

You’re more smart with your hydro, even if Jah don’t missed the provocation with the PH ^^


At a shop or at home? I somewhat enjoy working on cars too, another good skill to keep up on.

Assume you are talking about a zipper cover?

Anyway, like the busy idiot I am, replaced the veg reservoir yesterday morning and forgot to plug the pump back into the timed outlet after I emptied it. They weren’t pleased this morning.

Juicy Woo gang. I’ve got half a mind to think that’s a nice structured male second from the right.

Juicy Woo weirdos. The left two are growing with alternate phylotaxy like clones from seed. The right two have crazy structures and seem to have self-topped. If I wasn’t so curious I’d eliminate them from the garden already - I can already tell they are going to be freaks in the SOG. The middle one has very skinny leaves, I want her smoke. Presuming it’s a female I guess.

Choco was most displeased by my string of errors this run. Particularly the lack of nightly fertigation due to the pump being unplugged.

The seedlings have been having a rough time. Haze Special starting to make an honest go of life in my tent.

Desfran, on the other hand, not wanting to grow much. Not exactly sure where I’ve been fucking up here could be a ton of things. I’ve been watering with veg solution and water alternating every other day. They’ve gotten a bit of kelp and Super Thrive.

I had cranked the light up to about 300umol (from 200) yesterday hoping to encourage them to photosynthesize, they didn’t seem pleased about that. This morning added a bit of extra water and the dome with vents open to decrease the “encrispening” rate :rofl:

I’ve got half a mind to pop a pack of the Destroyer and modify my plans. Luckily the other half of my mind is reminding me that probably won’t end well. I don’t have the energy to devote to them succeeding right now, and they merit that.

Here’s the state of the tent. Kind of embarassing to show this, I feel like I’ve been letting the plants down.

But alas, they are plants. They’ll be fine. Or they won’t.

Option 1: Wait for Haze Specials and Desfran to come along some more, proceed with original plan, clone everything into flower chamber. Means we’ll be looking at mid-late August for starting flower. I do like the idea of keeping everything identical in terms of timing.

Option 2: Full throttle option. Cut clones of Juicy Woo and Choco immediately. Get them into flower as soon as they root. Chuck Haze Special and Desfran in whenever they are ready. I know this will backfire when it comes to nutrition in my tiny flood drain.

The next two weeks are going to be busy as hell for me, so I’m inclined to just wait it out and do Option 1.

Cheers! Hope Sunday is well for you all.


stick to the script. maybe worth popping some more Desfran? assuming you could get them in a timely manner… :thinking:


Honestly they don’t look that bad, they got a little hit but nothing too harsh on them. Nothing to be embarrassed about really, shit happens sometimes. They’ll bump with a bit of care.

I agree option 1 seems the easiest on the long run, specially if you’re quite busy. No need to add stress on yourself. Better take the easy road and enjoy the grow.

I like this juicy woos :slight_smile:


I gotta say I love it when people agree with my hunches. I’ve got another Desfran I could pop without consequence. Maybe I’ll get that and the freebie Euforia wet.

Truely appreciate all the guidance I get here, thanks again @noknees and @funkyfunk