FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

Agreed, what i like the most is the 3th node already spreading a bit (on secondaries). Look sturdy and reliable on the pack. I will not share my paranoia on vitality averages then ^^

Smoke them, if they aren’t too much annoying to maintain ^^ : Selecting the best main stem at this step and cleaning the rest can whip their ass to grow a lot more sturdy. They’re searching the sense of life.

The one on the right look like more preparing buds than her direct neighborhood at first glance. Let’s bet ^^

The “secondarie’s shoots” still untouched, she’s buffering well the funk for now.

Just inherent vigor buddy. Try to boost o² (sprayer or diluted h202) to stimulate, they still rely on their dried backpack. The light’s spike was a good idea if you lowered after 24hrs (one cycle), promote auxins you need at this stage for them. A drop of clonex pure in their holes can help also.

Just no ^^ Skunk#1 is itching as hell here the same way, but I resist. (already) High density + 60-70 hrs/week isn’t a good combo. Remember how i wasted two stellar NL5H males … in listening the little red devil Fuel on my right shoulder.

Mostly showing you’re real, with your up and down. Always more interesting to map the downs ^^

I confirm this good idea, if it was necessary ^^ Hydro-formula-wise.

I don’t dislike the idea to make Dutchies lollipops with them, on top of the option 1. Giving them a bit of advance is not a bad idea, you have around two weeks the time they change their metabolism … can help to boost them with a tailored sauce until the pack is coming.

update : i forgot to mention that you can clone them under 12/12 directly … if any.

Well, “Law 1901 Association” garage to be accurate. It’s a garage the same way than any other, but piloted by its member with regular votes (president election, “treasure” person election, budget voted …). I enjoy the hell working there (it’s “voluntarily”), they only work on two models (but in all phases and engines versions) it boost the learning curve as fuck.

But i also spy the pros/cons of such structure for my own stupid ideas in breeding ^^ (yeah the collective, i’m stubborn).

I was totally unable to guess it will be so cool without trying. I can handle to work for free so it’s a luxury somehow, but damn i love to fix machine’s problems. I was just thinking it worked only for hardware and network but now, it’s translating perfectly. Same logic.

No the zip itself that i destroyed during a zombie maintenance. When tired as fuck I’ve the tendance to break everything.

Wifey just fixed it this morning, she’s my tailored Jah shield for so much things. She have golden fingers like you with cloning too ^^


It you could find a way to put Destroyer on the Desfran you would be my hero but I agree that they merit full attention. I’d stick with your gut @FieldEffect .
Best of luck with whatever course you plot!


Will try.

Proceed with the plan. I’ve decided not to listen to the devil stoner :rofl:

I enjoy fixing hardware problems. Finite scope. Definate problems with certain resolutions.

What models do you work on?

If there’s a nice keeper Desfran don’t worry about her involvement with the Destroyer and Chocolope runs :sunglasses:

Cheers guys!


PT Cruiser mostly (all engines seen within a week ^^), i want to drop the Jag and the Mitsu to buy a Cruiser GT. This shit kick hard and the global lenght/width make it surprisingly … entertaining as fck. Got a CRD 2.2 for my wife, still surprised globally to like this car more than i should.

They have some Voyager also, the 4.8 liter is fun for a 4 cylinder. But i prefer the old one a bit cubic. Better engines and better look imho, none seen for now.


We had one of the first Pts and went to see Christmas lights at the Bristol speedway track. The end of the tour took us for a lap around the track. I gave her much power , I agree very fun vehicle!


Gotta say I’m kinda shocked about several aspects of that. One, that anyone in EU would want a PT Cruiser, much less learn that they are actually quite popular over there :rofl:

I just thought it looked ridiculous from the start. Anyway, also wouldn’t have expected you to be so enthusiastic about it.

De gustibus non est disputandum!


Phase 1 are welcomed in rolling eyes in the garage in general ^^ You know when you start but not when you finish. One time they are dialed/fiabilised, they become quite sturdy and reliable.

Same, when wifey asked one i said “when i will drive it they will all think i stole the car of my wife ^^”, finally … i don’t fucking care now that I’ve tested the GT ^^ We will deal a container of two of GT together if it’s popular lol

Here it’s not frequent but when a garage know how to dial their specific flaws, they get rushed it’s impressive. It’s even worse with the Voyager, the garages just refuse to take them in charge lol I like this side of these cars too, somehow. Divas

Amorem caecum ^^ Look at my lovely JH lol, you show this to any next gen stoner … he fly away ^^


Hey FE,

Hope Everything is fine at your end and your light and exhaust system is already arrived ?

Fingers crossed for some good JW phenos :innocent:


Good morning (afternoon for my EU friends)

Problems evident in the tent this morning.

One of the weird things is that the pH is not staying stable like it has - at all. Recipe has been constant for the last 5 months or so:

1L filtered water (not RO just filtered tap)
2.8L RO
9mL Canna Aqua Vega A
9mL Vega B

I’ll adjust the pH down to ~5.8 every morning and by the next morning it’s pretty much at 6.7-7.0. Several gallons of solution same behavior, even cleaned everything out and all new fresh mix, nothing changes. EC is ~1.3ms and appears normal/constant. Total reservoir capacity for this veg system is 1.7 gallons.

I can’t think of anything besides maybe my water has changed, the nutes went “bad” or the 2" wool blocks don’t behave like the 3" or 4" cubes I so used to.

The Chocolope issues are starting to appear on some of the JW plants :thinking:

Same spots like Choco with some other coloration stuff. My gut said Ca deficiency, but I think it could be septoria?

@George maybe you can lend your opinion

It’s clear that I need to sort out my pH variability. Do the Canna nutes “go bad?” They are stored tightly capped, dark and room temperature. I need to test my water but something is definitely different. It used to come out of the RO system at ~6pH, now it’s 7. I know my municipal water comes from different places different times of year, maybe it’s as simple as that. But, chemically, it doesn’t make sense for the shifts I am constantly seeing.

Cheers and appreciate any input.


R. O. water lacks of trace minerals, I would go for Calcium in first case, the second could be the start of Magnesium … beer3|nullxnull


could it be something with the system itself? filter/maintenance or smthn?

seems like a big change. weird. have you checked the water straight outta the tap?


Doesn’t look like Septoria to me, just calcium and maybe one or two others a bit lacking.
I started growing with FF nutes and was constantly chasing pH. Switched to GH and it was the same. Particularly problematic for hempy buckets.
Changed to Athena early in their rise and haven’t had pH issues since. Much happier plants too, their nutes are crazy clean.


Thanks guys.

I haven’t had pH issues until recently. I basically add filtered tap to raise my pH to 5.8 or so because there is so much carbonate in the water.

Sounds like pH issues aside, I need to add some Ca/Mg. That’s easy :sunglasses:

I am going to test both the RO and tap again and see what it looks like. I did that when I installed the RO system but haven’t since (December '23). Prefilters are due for replacement so I’ll do that as well


Hey FE,

Fingers crossed that your countermeasures will work :rainbow:

Really enjoying last days of the holiday…





Positive vibes bro! Finally catching up on things.

Do you plan to stay in that size cube or will you be placing them on bigger cubes. Sorry if I missed that part.:bowing_man:


OG froggington


I added some Cal Mag things seem to be improving :smiley:

No I was going to take cuts and get mothers into 3" cubes and flower out 4" cubes.

LOL happy frog there @Hashpants :rofl:

You have an amazing garden cooking, I’m really jealous of that ridiculous Lambsbread :sunglasses:

If I was OG Froggington I’d be chilling on that thing with a rasta beanie

@Fuel do you know the story of Chocolope and why it disappeared?

I stumbled upon this: Get Your Chocolope Cannabis Seeds Online | DNA Genetics

No regs of course…


Yay for the fast fixing of the issue! :slight_smile:

My guess for the chocolope is that they lost the parents. That’s the easy guess though.


No fancy story but a pure mercantile destiny. Cannalope Haze was popular and they made a chunk with it to renew the pleasure. Just (smart but) lucky combo. The fact that the weed is superior to the backbone don’t affected the sales or the web noise. Today not much people are knowning even the CH.

Same story with the Pineapple Express and the Grand Daddy Purple with their Big Bud backbone, but in the reverse sense ^^ Even if both lines are totally dominated by the Big Bud on the shape and tempo, not much believe that they are “so much Big Bud” and that most of values of the PE and the GDP are carried by the BB.

Know your classics i said, you avoid this way a bunch of useless noises ^^