FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

Water Comparison

Current (7/27/24)
RO 35uS, 6.5pH
Tap 650uS, 7.6pH
Filtered Tap 670uS, 7.85pH

Old Measurements (3/8/24)
RO 38uS, 6.5pH
Tap 7.8pH

It definately looks like the tap is different than it was, its lower pH now. I know I measured EC and pH for all the water I have available but I can’t find it.

I think it’s clear it’s time to change my prefilters in the RO system based on the fact that the EC is higher coming out of them than the tap going into the system. I’ve got spares, should be just a minor operation this afternoon.

Here’s the plants this morning.

They aren’t the happiest plants in the world, but it looks better than it did a few days ago. Going to take everything out tomorrow and soak the blocks in proper pH/EC just to make sure we are “fresh.”

I’m wondering if my problems may be improper soaking of the cubes in the first place. I don’t remember, maybe I was impatient with wetting them out.

And the general lack of attention due to life chaos has certainly had an effect. But they are healing.

Thanks for the input!

That was my guess. There must be demand for it for them to contrive fems. I’ve been looking for Chocolope for years, it’s a new offering. I was actually looking for clones when I came across it.

I’m working on it :sunglasses:

Feels good to finally have a few minutes to cruise around OG. This next week is going to be difficult and then things are back to normal with work. I mean, I’ll stay busy, that’s always the case, but recently has been as busy as really possible.

Cheers. Enjoyed watching some of the opening ceremony yesterday. I think we’ll be planning a trip to France/Italy in the next few years, the little one is too small to behave herself right now.

Hope you all are well.


Nice and fast progress to the better side :star_struck:

Happy weekend


Total reset today. Soaked in 5pH half-strength nutes while I scrubbed everything to new status. By the time soak was done pH was 5.8 and the EC was full-EC (1.3).

So perhaps I just jacked up my cubes. The reservoir was disgusting too, bunch of gross nooks and crannies. Looks new

Filled back up at 1.2mS and 5.6pH. CalMag too.

Trimmed up my older moms while I was in there.


That looks already a lot more inviting now :slight_smile: both! Environment and the plants itself…

Nice how fast you dialed that in the right direction…


Looking good, anyway you should have a look to those algae in the rockwool cubes … beer3|nullxnull


Good point George. I made some mylar covers and treated with peroxide. Hopefully handles that, you are right it was pretty dense.


Thanks for the good words @CalleMinogue I gotta get over and see what your garden is getting up to :sunglasses:


Busy sunday here! :smiley: Might be you found the root of the troubles if the reservoir was that full of junk. They were not looking that bad, but now let see how fast they recover :slight_smile:

Hope the week won’t be that tiring for you!


Well, despite best efforts the veg reservoir condition did not sustainably improve.

I can only suspect the small starter cubes as the primary fundamental difference vs. successful operation for months before. I’ve tested the water, changed filters, been meticulous with the solution, things just weren’t recoverable - to me anyway. Onward. Back to the proven 3" veg cubes and techniques outlined 6 months ago. The deviations from charted territory have not shown themselves to be viable.

What I did have was 2-3 healthy new shoots on many clapped-out and tired seed plants. So, I took a few cuts of all the moms and tossed them. I got some good cuts, but I’m going to lose N4. Not for the reasons you might be suspecting, she’s in full-blown flower under 24hr light. I’ve long suspected some sort of autoflower tendency from the 907 Blue Genes line. It’s true. I just haven’t seen much of the mom at the back of the veg area. I doubt the clones will root. Honestly, I don’t care. I like S1 best anyway. Plus, S1 is an absolute UNIT outside. I’m going to have enough indica weed to tranquilize me before bed for the next 2-3 years :rofl:

Aside from Chocolope - her seed plant went into a pot outside. My instincts, dubious as they are, tell me it’s a she. So she went into the least crowded outdoor pot. Optimal? No. Better than the fuck-it-bucket (trash)? Sure. We’ll see what happens :cowboy_hat_face:

She’ll be getting limited exposure especially during the afternoon. I’ll turn the pot if she takes hold and wants the full ~2500umol of the midday sun here - the bigger plant grew strangely and left a hole on this side.

I forgot to add the gif explaining my feelings about Choco. I hope she lives, but…

Anyway, here’s what the tent looks like now:

The Haze Special and Destroyer seedlings are in the bottom, with mylar bubble algae shields and hand-watered. I think I’ll just put them into proper cubes shortly and send them into flower. I make things too complicated for myself I think. I don’t need clones of everything, especially with a pollination tent. Let’s get the pedal to the floor. I’ve got thousands of seeds I don’t know why I’m so bent on keeping everything until I know its good or not.

And a bonus NLD sunrise over New Mexico, the best time of day and the best season

Cheers. Have a wonderful weekend.


What a nice refreshing feeling, knowing you have “thousands”’of seeds…

We know wasteful is not a “thing” you do with your time @FieldEffect, but its great to hear the Seed-Bag calling !! Lol

Being able to unzip your Projects like that is just amazing. Congrats on making that Tent-move, you’ve nailed it Bud


Yep that’s so true. Being on the regular site makes growing a lot more interesting but as you may feel- its highly addictive :rainbow:

And it makes that craving for next seasons a lot bigger because you wanna grow your own creations :blush:

Good vibes only



I think I am going to just start doing seedlings straight into flower. I don’t need to keep clones I don’t know why I got that ingrained in my head. Moving forward @Fuel had a good point (he makes frequently) that it’s better to keep things moving. I could be cycling through twice the number of plants I spend lots of time generating clones to flower and use as mother plants. Once the Juicy Woo cycle is done I’m going to modify the protocol.

I have been cleaning out my closet. Got one of the shelves removed to accomodate the new tent. I’ll be working from home next week I’ll get the flower tent exhaust ducted out through the ceiling.

We’ve got a spot cleared for the 16" breeding tent!

Don’t worry I’ll sweep before I put it in there :rofl:

Jammed all my growing supplies on the other side. Lots of stuff I didn’t use as much as I expected it’s mostly just stuff I need.

Plants are surviving OK. It’ll be another week or two before the clones take root and we start flowering again. Going to hold off on throwing down beans until we get some plants moved to the flower chamber. I’m too busy to manage more than this at the moment.

Cheers, and happy weekend. High vibes :sunglasses: :cowboy_hat_face:


ahah I’ve taken that decision a few days ago too :laughing: Don’t have the space to maintain that many clones so let’s drop that idea. That’s cool you’re adapting to find a flow. With the second tent, should be possible to play a bit. Nice to see that going forward too.

Home working, that’ll change a bit from the crazy rhythm you seemed to have.

But time for a summertime week end first! Have a good one!


It’s pretty funny hearing we’re going through the same decisions at the same time. I mean, it’d be better to not have these decisions to make, but good to have a partner on the opposite side of the globe :sunglasses:

Summertime weekend indeed.

Dry fit of the pollination station :cowboy_hat_face:


Jippih jai jey Cowboy :cowboy_hat_face:

That is a nice one!

Summertime vibes are lurking all over, while the Growers already preparing for the sad winter season xD

What kind of antidepressants do you take ? Ah man…it’s not so easy… I recently just bought a new tent for the males :upside_down_face: that’s enough to survive the winter :rofl:


Indeed :100: I’ll try to give more hints of my findings if such decision times come in sync again

Summertime week end building tents huhu. Cool that part is getting forward, growing agile! :wink:

Take care!



The best antidepressant. I figured it would kick my but into gear, and it did.

LMAO my wife didn’t laugh as hard as I did. 10/10 :joy:

Filled up the res with some Veg nutes, I want to get these things out of their funk.

I think the issues I had were related to:

a) Not adequately soaking the 2" cubes for the seeds
b) Tons of algae, not only raising my pH, but fucking over nutrient availability for the seedlings.

The resolution, at least what I’m trying is:

a) Well-prepared 4" cubes (soaked about an hour)
b) H2O2 before transplant to 4" cubes and good reflective mats

And pushing the pedal to the floor. Timeline I’m thinking we’ll be getting cuts rooted in another week or so, so I’ve got a week to get these abused seedlings (2x Desfran, 4x Haze Special) in shape for the flip.

The clones are looking decent been foliar spraying every couple days. The feed is doped with kelp and B1. Like an olympic runner. Not using anything illegal, but providing the little supplements that may help. :rofl:

8.5 gallons of Veg Sauce. I’m trying the full Canna regime, 60mL Vega A, 60mL Vega B, 60mL Cannazym (rather than HOCl like last run), 60mL Rhizotonic. Basically the whole shebang. Let’s see how Canna intends their shit to be used. May as well buy stock now, that jug of Rhizotonic set me back but not far enough for me to just make something else. They price right at the convenience/wallet pain threshold :cowboy_hat_face:

Not jacking around with 200umol anymore running about 700. Thrive or die. Get these things cycling nutes and out of the funk.

Let’s see how they do. If they fail to succeed they will be replaced with more seeds.

Chocolope is adapting outside BTW, I’ll get buds of her this season. This pic is a few days old she’s rapidly recovering and shooting out new growth. Better by the day. It’ll be a small yield she went straight into flowering season outdoors but should be enough for a taste.




Right on @FieldEffect ! Pedal to the metal! I’m a chronic underfeeder myself and have adopted a similar approach recently. Coincidentally my latest flower run is still green and looking a lot better than my last!


Push them up! Looks like it’s gonna be back on track fast.

And with a chocolope preview before things get too serious :laughing: Can’t wait to see what you’ll seed.