FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

LOL @noknees that meme flies right over my head

Good to hear @Budderton. We’ll see what happens with this pedal-to-the-metal approach. I didn’t realize I basically spent an entire month farting around time to get some growing going

@funkyfunk hope so. Also hope Chocolope is a good specimen.

Cheers :cowboy_hat_face:


I bet @Pigeonman could help you out :grin:


Garfield = NO
Tom = NO
Heathcliff = FUCK YEAH!


Well, another week. Things are improving quickly, which is good, because it’s flower time in a few days.

Some are Heathcliff, some are more Tomish :rofl:

Transplant began today. I think the majority of the plants have roots but they aren’t ready for transplant yet. I should be able to get the small cubes back over to the veg side but need to sterilize my veg system which I haven’t gotten around to.

Here’s the flower side on 20/4 just to keep the temps down in the afternoon

And the remainder given a few more days

In other developments, I’ve been putting away seeds again. From the trades and non-rational purchases I routinely make, I have built up a gallon ziploc of seeds I have yet to vial and enter into my seed inventory spreadsheet. So I was emptying out the used vials to relabel, and what did I find?

FUCKIN AMAZING 5 MORE CHOCOLOPE SEEDS. :open_mouth: :grinning:They were kinda hiding in the cotton packing. Gardening routinely makes me feel like an absolute idiot, this is a fantastic example for you guys to enjoy. The guys at work would never let me live this down, but they can never know anyway, so it’ll be the interwebs little secret.

For once, I’ve done something stupid that has the potential to be hugely beneficial.

Made me a scouring pill bottle. I’ll do H2O2 rinse, some SuperThrive dilute water and we’ll give this another go. I’ll plant them straight into 4" cubes and into flower.

I’m not going to clone these, if anything is good enough to keep I’ll attempt to reveg it. The goal is a seed increase, hopefully I get a male. Never planned to say that before…but there it was.

If it flops then we continue without any real plan other than Juicy Woo, Haze Special, Desfran and Chocolope flower. Seeds will probably be made but I don’t know what I’ll be working with yet :rofl:

Pipe dreams (smoking Cinderella Pineapple) of Desfran x Chocolope and Chocolope F5 (it’s already an F4).

To a bright few months! Cheers


:laughing: :partying_face:

Moare chocolope!

I like your plan. A lot!

It’s gonna be a nice flower room soon.


Been a while @FieldEffect. Good to see the adventure is still going on indoors, and outdoors as well.


Good morning @funkyfunk @Nitt I feel like my hair has been on fire this week.

I’ve got 4 choco sprouts :sunglasses:

I’m actually wondering if leaving them out on my desk at room temp for a few weeks improved the germ rate. One is slow, still in paper towel. Rest are looking OK compared to last time.

A few cuts still not rooted, I’m not sweating it. If they root, they root. If not, well, it wasn’t meant to be :rofl:


The flower chamber I switched to flower today. The Chocolopes will go in when they are ready.

Cheers, thanks for all the help and conversation. I’ve been bad at the conversation for a few weeks just how busy I’ve been. I feel like I haven’t spent any time on OG.


Well it"s summertime, you’re right not to spend all your time over here :slight_smile:

As long as you keep taking good care of your plants like you do :wink:

Enjoy the week end!


Caught up now bud! Well done on everything, super excited to see it play out.

When I read you found those beans I smiled :fist: that’s a good feeling eh!? Glad to see you have some sprouts as well! Keep it up! :pray::seedling:


Well you know that rockwhool is not my comfort zone, but i’m quite surrounded by hydro users ^^ (clay balls § rockwhool mostly).

The best of them are buffering their grodan a lot more. Up to three days in a recirculating tank (just a water pump constantly moving the solution bottom-up).

It’s cool as a Jah’s joke ^^ Great news ! The same happens to me lastly, i discovered a couple of ERSB F1 pollen bag i forgot in the depth of my freezer lol Directly sent to funky ^^

I love these little pieces of joy generated by the stoner lol


Hey guys,

@funkyfunk I haven’t been doing as good a job as if I had a bunch of spare time but they are doing OK. The plants with the chops to survive my mistreatment are doing fine. Throttle is turning up the flower side is almost full. Plants mostly good, some casualties but if my numbers are higher a few duds doesn’t matter as much. Ruthlessness is at my fingertips :rofl:

Thanks and it definately made my weekend. There are 3 Choco plants in the flower area. Hopefully there will be a good male. If all goes well, I’ll have plenty of Choco seeds to play with in a few months. We’ll see though :cowboy_hat_face:

Hey there Fuel. Been a while. We’ve both been busy. My car croaked the other day, CVT problems. It’s at the shop I got stranded. I’m waiting to find out how much that is going to cost me :grimacing:

I’ll tell 'ya what I could find cheap around here, a PT Cruiser :smiley:

Anyway yeah many of the cubes I soaked for at least a day, and what do 'ya know - NO pH problems whatsoever. I’m going to get another restaurant bus bin for this purpose. Just leave 'em under the desk for a few days soaking nothing lost soaking extra time.

Ah, that’s where @funkyfunk’s pollen came from. I was wondering where that came from because I thought you used it all :rofl:

I’ve clearly got some catching up to do.

Cheers guys!


State of the Flower chamber


I wonder if high water retention on rockwool and lack of ventilation (due to being wrapped and covered) might affect general health of the roots icon_e_confused|nullxnull, how do you find them when you transplant? beer3|nullxnull


Its a Beautiful Chamber !!!
Amazing stuff @FieldEffect at such a height with huge Fans… eye candy my Friend


I’m kind of with @George on this one @FieldEffect when he mentioned Ventilation.

My own use of the cubes is limited, but I would think that removing the Side-wrap would open-up another level of opportunity… oxygen contact etc.

(I’m 50/50 with removing film in real-use. Not proficient at either lol)

Worst-case scenario could be a quik-drying rate? And I type too much


Woa they bumped really well, congrats :slight_smile:

1 Like

Well, I think the wrap is primarily to inhibit algae growth, as is the cover. Secondarily it prevents the blocks from growing together. The mylar bubble cover is loose, certainly not a flush fit, there is a several mm gap on average between that and the surface of the block. And, at least on the front of preventing algae, that seems to be working quite well. We’re pretty algae free in the FE tent :grinning:

I didn’t think much about the rockwool being too dry other than as they get big they may need to be flooded more than once a day. The roots look quite healthy at this point. Tent is currently flooding itself so messy getting pics of roots right now, I’ll try to get some tomorrow morning.

You guys may totally be on to something.

Appreciate the speculation as well as the kind words! Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face:


Maybe something to consider., for the main space.

I’m not fan to let the block naked either. At least to give a sense to the tension with a logical path based on gravity.


Thanks for the follow-up on that @FieldEffect. Those cubes have been such a grower-staple for Years, I was just throwing that wrap-Question into the wind.

Might be a “side by side” kind of project… down the road; with / without

Gravity rocks @Fuel


A note about rockwool and drybacks: if they dryback too hard, they lose water retaining capacity permanently. I have a Growlink sensor and can see it happen. Cube will start with a max VWC around 60 percent. If it dries back too hard a few times, that max capacity can go down to 50, 45 or lower, and it never comes back. Guy from Aroya explained it has to do with fibers breaking.
This is the main reason the pros say rockwool is indeed harder than coco.
Personally, I dont think its harder at all, long as you can manage drybacks well.