FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

@BigF @Fuel

Appreciate the input! I actually have a few EC/PH/Moisture Sensing probes I haven’t had the time to play with. Soon :slightly_smiling_face:

It definately seemed like there is lots of optimization possible regarding drybacks and crop steering. This is no production facility, but it’s fun stuff when I have the time to consider it and optimize things.

Here’s what the blocks look like on the bottom at the moment:

Looking healthy to me. Soaking the blocks longer before transplant (“buffering”) has produced a very stable reservoir pH on all sides. Some of the blocks went as long as 3 days, others only a day or so.

They are well. I have several males, at least one Haze Special, and two Juicy Woo boys. We’ll see about the Chocolopes, I know I have at least one female. I have to shuffle the plants around and check on the Desfran as well, they are in the back hard to see anymore. When I’m shuffling I’ll organize the known males to one side and trim back the long roots so I don’t have an immovable mess of root tray.

Veg side tidied up a bit. Tossed the cuts that hadn’t rooted yet. Survival of the fittest :rofl:

Cheers guys! Have a great weekend.

I’m fitting to leave the house on my dirt bike for some wind therapy. Catch you all later :cowboy_hat_face:


Missed that impressive root shot! :star_struck:

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Wow. It’s hard to believe it’s only been 9 days since the last tent shot.

Things have been going well. Some of the stress is off. The heat isn’t as bad I’ll be able to venture into the attic to duct my pollination tent properly.

Here was the tent when I opened it today

I noticed Juicy Woo #1 was dropping pollen when I was removing the plants for pics. Thankfully the females are behind the curve, hardly any pistils in the tent. At least I know the bastards are Juicy Woo #1 which is a greasy tropical stud.

Here’s the Juicy Wood dudes.

The right two, 1 and 5, have really pungent smells and I want to keep their lines going.

I had hoped I’d be able to get the pollination tent going by now but I screwed myself by being a) a perfectionist, b) busy as hell, c) not wanting to work in the attic when it’s 120F/50C up there. So, I pulled the ripest pods off everything, sprayed everything down with water and disposed of the males.

Haze Special I’m less impressed with probably just because I’m fat-leaf-phobic or something. At least this run. Skinny Leaves only.

But I took some pollen sacs just in case. They’re all in parchment envelopes with silica dessicant to dry.

Here’s what remains in the tent this AM. I’ve got 4 chocolopes, 1 known female the rest we’ll find out. Soon we’ll know but I’ll have a pollination tent ready we’ll be able to get lots of seeds one way or another.

Cheers guys!


What a surprise you must have had opening the door to that show!!

Everything looks fantastic, I’d say you made a Great Call on leaving the Attic, alone!

Enjoy your Day @FieldEffect and Thanks for the update


That big juicy guy is something :laughing: What’s your plan with the pollen?

Enjoy the garden and the kido!


@MissinBissin Wasn’t really a shock, I knew they were close just didn’t realize they were THAT close. :rofl: I figured I’d have a few more days. I’ll creep up to the attic first thing tomorrow morning and get my pollination station ready-to-run

@funkyfunk I’ll probably make some seeds with Desfran and Chocolope at least. We’ll see how the females develop. No solid plans at this point other than really wanting to pull off a Chocolope seed increase from these plants, but the Chocos are a few weeks behind.


Best of luck on the Assault.

You really nailed preparing those Blocks via ~ soak time, thats a crazy growth emanating from the block bottoms lmao


Chocolope- nice :v:


Good stuff going on here.


Well, some good news!

Chocolope boy :cowboy_hat_face:

Rest of the ladies getting tall. Juicy Woo stretchiest of the bunch followed by Desfran. Choco and Haze Special showing more squat frames. Lots of LITFA seems to be working.

Ran the ducting for the pollination tent this week so I think first seeds will be the Choco boy and a Choco girl, also a Desfran girl. Should be good way to get started :sunglasses:

Cheers happy weekend! I haven’t been on OG much the last few weeks life has kept me occupied.


Awesome @FieldEffect ! I forsee wicked progeny coming from your efforts, continued LITFA success!


Woo that’s good news, and promise of great things to come! Curious how desfran and chocolope will mix. Hope that’s a good male.

Keep up rocking!