Fighting and Projection

I had totally forgotten that is possible. Thank you so much for reminding my CRS ridden brain. :slight_smile:

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That’s why we have to be careful with the words we use, despite there’s people that may call this censorship… :roll_eyes:


We used to get in fist fights. One on One, One on 6, whatever it was it was, but you were arguing face to face. This Gore shitshow has turned the weakminded into zombies.

Sure, but don’t get yourself banned in the process. The Mods here are not keen on drama.
But If it was in a bar fight, i totally would be on Your side.


I think the solution starts by simply making the necessary assumption that those who disagree with you have intentions no less honorable than your own. Simply put, if you can give them the kind benefit of the doubt, you should.


I like to think i conduct my fights in a clean and orderly way. If someone has a problem with it, we’ll I’m willing to discuss that.


Definitely an American guy.


I’m with you, on the ‘careful’ sort of, i guess. But, there is a common thread to it all. The downfall of American Society, as I cannot speak for other countries, is political correctness. It has invaded our culture, and taken no prisoners.

‘Someone’ runs a site. A great site. 20+ years worth of a site. Makes a living providing info to the masses. Great stuff. He is now being hounded by smoogle, and fookbook, and the like, to censor his website. It is a fucking outrage, as they pull his ability to make money based upon written word, a RIGHT!!!

So, Keep your eye in the rear view mirror. They are are not in plaiin view.

Yes let’s please all hold our horses so we can continue this discussion and not get shut down.

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I use to flag when I see the T word :see_no_evil:, never brings nothing positive to a discussion … 11


Sorry, man.

That’s like, the “cream of the crop” of what America has to offer nowadays :man_shrugging:

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yeah, im not sure we need any ma’ggie references in here…other than

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My bad

Delete requested

Anyway. . … Sorry you had to deal with that. This very type of discourse is IMPOSSIBLE nowadays, especially in America/with most Americans.


I appreciate your concern but I’m really not injured. It left me scratching my head though.


What’s impossible, reasonable discourse?

Here it comes

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Yeah. Woohoo 60 responses to a pseudo political thread. That’s got to be some kind of record.


But your name already makes you an easy target for bigotry.

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You mean before it’s closed? frech|nullxnull

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But you raise such an amzing point, and I think it’s really the essence of these types of problems.

Projection. And, if I may, deflection.

I mean. . … since when did “flat earthers” get a real seat at the discussion table, for example?! lol! (Trying to keep it non political, sorry for straying, but, still valid in that people VEHEMENTLY will argue a moot point as absolute fact. “Birds are Drones” is one that cracks me the hell up)

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