Fighting and Projection

Foreigner, creator of threads is more like it, lol. It will be interesting to see where this one goes. In the OP you bring up 2 US presidents, political parties and end with “don’t turn this political.” Now I can’t turn away as I wait for this to go bang


You should see when people try to use it against me it’s funny.

Being a Foreigner is a rich and rewarding experience but you wouldn’t know because you’ve stayed in the same small patch of dirt your whole life :sob: (not you personally)


Yes it’s a big risk agreed. It may end up in the bin but it really wasn’t my intention.


It can be done. Discipline and will. How much do we have?

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Americans as a whole? --zero of either.

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Again, these type of generalities, and enflaming comments are just what I was saying. Happiness comes from inside;)


Not true. I know many thoughtful reasonable Americans willing to question their own bias and have a meaningful conversation.


Was just a clue to let us know who were he was speaking about, not his words … ejem|nullxnull

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What “Turd”? :poop: Toxic, Tiring etc.

At least we all can agree “Cannabis is good”.


Or “Trash” ?

Or “Tax Evader” :sob:

It wasn’t meant as an absolute.

But. . …for example. …you said you’re non-American. I bet, very generally speaking, wherever you’re from, your average citizen is much more disciplined than your average American citizen. Dude, we are a country of children brought to the store with Mom, we have NO attention-span and all we do is project and compare… And again, I mean this very generally because I do NONE of these things, but I see them all the time in the news, in articles, the accounts of foreigners regarding us, etc etc.

I swear I’m not trying to get you shut down here :rofl: lol

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I think you give us too much credit. We like to think so, but I’m not sure it’s true.


I wear Vans. I smoke. I’m “cool” IMO

but, America, as a whole, is very much not. And your run-in with one promting this entire thread should tell you so.

Again, I’m sorry on behalf of that guy, seriously

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The Matrix was prophetic back in 1999.
The blue pill / red pill really sums up the self imposed and reinforcing media bubbles that so many live in.



i say he just wanted to make up a narative that would give him merit in this unclassy action

he had no reason so he fabricated one

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Really, no need, there’s always a few.

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@Gpaw you ever seen the AniMatrix series???

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But my eldest (he’s 32…) has been on my case to watch that and others…
…He is slowly wearing down my resistance… :laughing:


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Every person has a conscience, and to bypass that, one of the tricks is dehumanizing the opponent, some choose a close relative “he’d r@ your dying mom if you give him the chance, get him”… politics is a popular one since everything now can be made political… and is closely attached to feelings etc