Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

There is my morning tomorrow @George. Thank You for those baseline tests. And count on some sample’s being taken. 2 days of rain here have nullified the other balancing remedies taking place.
Going forward, remedies will run from the results.

Tomorrow I’m taking Fan Leaves off on our Flip Day here in Southern Ontario.

Wonderful procedure @George Thank You

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I’m really intrigued by what’s happening, deficiencies in new growth come from absence of immobile nutes (Iron, Zinc …) that plant gets from the soil. That soil will surely have them, so there’s something impeding them to get them, rain is normally acidic and there’s enough soil to buffer that pH by itself…

Nitrogen is mobile so when missing plant takes it from lower leaves and that’s why they yellow, I see your yellow leaves are always on the top, like the Bilbo, could be a Sulphur deficiency and don’t know if that :fish: would come handy, maybe an Epsom salts foliar spray would be better, check these pics …

Take all what I say with a grain of salt, hope that test will give us some clue … beer3|nullxnull


Quik FYI @George regarding your comment on Sulphur Def…

In an Effort to prevent the White Powdery Mildew this season. I have pre-emptively sprayed the plants with 90%+ sulphur pellet mixture, twice, leading into the Veg/Flower transition.

Two really good specific sulphur applications have been metered-out…

We’ll talk tomorrow, I’m grabbing samples shortly ! Cheers

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Closer to home, I cannot miss this bunch; pulled the obvious Fan Leaves from lower and mid areas. Tops undressed accordingly
Pole Dancer

US 22

Thai #1


That ladybug is putting in work! Nice love those little bitches! I always grab em and bring ‘em in , throw them in the Veg tent, surprisingly you won’t see them for like 2-3 weeks then poof, one day I’ll notice like 7-8 so I know they are patrolling and handing out eviction notices to those little invading bastards!


Someone has to be on Our side @TopShelfTrees1

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OK @George the Soil alkalinity / acidity test at OG row has shown to be neutral, right across the board.

Not one sample Fizzled, Bubbled or showed any reaction. Only when dumped in the Waste pail. There I saw Fizzle between strains, dumping Baking Soda on Vinegar !

Today most of the Fan leaves were removed as per the norm recently. We’ll see that again in 21 days.

Finally had a good look at Fighting Bilbo, she’s going to be a looker.

Something is still crushing some of these strains. Blue God has something chewing on her Ass. Picture to follow. Downloading a full day. I have a day full of pain lol and I’m so happy its done for now .

Sour Diesel getting shaped for a Doobie as I type this, picture editing and uploads next 30 min. Cheers OG. We’re in Bloom here.
Fighting Bilbo below

And the Alkaline / Acidity Soil-Teat images and results below;

Definitely had some reactions in the waste-pail

Blue Gods in rough shape. And of course, hard to see her below

How do you say BlueBerry Diesel !!

And a scantily-clad Durban Poison

The big Panama Red shocked everybody involved… with His Gender reveal this past weekend. Bang! Home owners are out buying their boat, touring around. I’m giving them a break as well. First thing they found This Morning.!

Gently de-Constructed him, chopping one limb at a time gently. Damn-it, he’s gone. Did not appear to have any leakage… still, its Too close.


I must say you’ve been very diligent Arriba|nullxnull, good for your plants that your soil pH is OK, although it brings more mystery to the deficiencies shown icon_e_confused|nullxnull, adding Potassium might help with that possible Iron and Zinc deficiency, better for you to go to the fonts:

It’s written by Ed Rosenthal and a good lecture, having the plants in front of you may help better, not easy to see what’s going on in your yard, anyway most of them are looking gorgeous … beer3|nullxnull


looking good man. :+1:


Quite a series of tests there. I’m with @George puzzling over Blue God and Durban.

The rest are looking great!

Bummer to hear about Panama Red. That plant was really putting up a fight with the windstorms and bounced back so beautifully


Thanks for that article @George.
Add a 2nd day of rain and things become somewhat vague, again.

Big Picture, I see the rain as a Balance move and some consistent nutes are whats needed. “K” will be the element I’m looking to bolster now, and in the coming weeks.

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Thanks @anonymous4289, she’s chugging along without issue.

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Morning OG, I’ll get these labeled here shortly
Wreckage Master Bastard Kush below

Pole Dancer

US 22 below x 2

Pole Dancer below

Honduras Panama tincture w/151Rum “cured for a month” after decarb and cooking. ie: full contact with all plant material and alcohol, in sealed glass jar. Strained after a Month.


Awesome! I hope it’s straight epic tincture! I’m really intrigued by this method (among other things) very cool


Going to find out very shortly @TopShelfTrees1.
10:30 appt then Testing begins.
Strained the Alaskan Purple as well. Cloudwalker sits for a few more days…
3 gringos = 3 flavours


Awesome! Start small brother



US 22



Plants looking good especially that Thai.


Thanks @ShiskaberrySavior the Plants producing these Phat Colas! And I’m along for that ride. Thin them out again in a couple of weeks then let them run. Its only a 8.5 week flower time, so these are going to be the First harvested this year; week 2 now

And @boatbum325 your GG#4 x SensiStar is being Loved… maybe not
Getting full sunlight, but I made sure she was Bloom Fertilized and Amended yesterday


Thai # 1 is on fire, start of 3rd week in flower. pics below

Pole Dancer below

US 22
@ReikoX autos just bangin

And from the Wind-tunnel of Chatham-Kent; Haffa Haze left, US22 middle and Wreckage Master x Bastard Kush on the right

Haffa Haze hit 5’

US22 hit 5’

Wreckage Master Bastard Kush blew past 6’