Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

Love the Radio Flyer Auto Wagon :sunglasses:

Had one of the steel ones as a kid used it all the time. Fond memories

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Frankenstein is putting a clinic on @JohnnyPotseed. After checking last weeks Super-Crop, we bent another 4 Branches that had exceeded 12’…

Here she is, all corners laid out and a couple of extra big branches

Circled a Super-Crop @ just over 6’

Buddy getting Lost in the background. Frankenstein has a Huge canopy !!

And not to be out-shone !!! Wow the SSDD (x Starlite) bx1 f2 just sucked-up 4 days of rain and is close to 8’. Yep, she too was Topped.

You can see where we lost the back-side (north) of the SSDD to wind a month ago… makes room for Frank so its all Karma

Can already tell that the Cali Orange Haze is gonna be our Surprise Sleeper. Quietly just gaining some serious Mass, and pushing lots of fresh New Growth, the vertical kind


Dr CBD, well, he just tags along. Zero issues

This Pair is Freaking AweSome: Frankenstein left, Sunshine DayDream right



Giving your age away saying you had Real-Steel toys @FieldEffect hahaha

I can relate

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Awesome looking garden ya got going on there, cuz!

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Thanks @JohnnyPotseed, you were so right. She’s (femFrank) absorbing All that we are throwing at Her

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I figure that gal is gonna yield you a good bit of great buddage! lol

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Now THAT is a garden :sunglasses:

Jeez. Giant plants, happy ones too. Frankenstein is ridiculous :rofl:

Everyone thinks I’m older than I am. I think I’m bordering on millennial but not quite :grin:


Some serious large plants . Hopefully you have enough nice weather for them to finish.


@MissinBissin do me a favor cuz. Go post a couple pics of the Frankie gal on my circus thread please. Thnx

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Looks like an epic season so far pal.

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Looking great :star_struck:. You got some monster plants coming on strong. It looks like everything is starting to bud also.
Thank you for the tag and update

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Nothing but Hope here @ShiskaberrySavior, we know they can get flattened / ripped-off anyday…

Also its why we Super-cropped the Frankenstein, to keep it below the other background Trees, for people cruising past


US 22 is proving to be one Game plant.
Now at the start of week 3 in Bloom, she is stretching and showing me her Budding style…

Does not look like these branches will be filled with a wrapping style of Bud. Rather I’m thinking this is going to produce individual Golf Ball Buds.

Regardless, these branches are up 8” and growing to the Sun @THCeed

Soil Amended yesterday and a real haircut in a few days. Fish Hydrolysate for Lunch, she is a little droopy. Nothing but sunny skies for the next 4 days !!!


Wow she is looking beautiful. Just gorgeous.


I’m loving the fish hydrolysate and so do/will your plants.

Looking awesome man!


A little flash makes Buds go a long way. I had to see where the Thai# 1 was and man she is getting loaded

US 22 was looking so strong and beautiful after her Fish Hydrolysate Lunch

Pole Dancer has that look, below

A couple of @ReikoX Mystery Autos
Panama Red down to Two Ladies…

Fighting Bilbo is pushing ahead, the OG row had a rough go this season with our strip of land being exceedingly Wet this Summer. Nutrient were Consistent, in that we batched the soil amongst the crazy weather patterns, and we were presented with a palette of unique scenarios amongst the plants.
Here is F.B. and there are not many Fans Left intact and the sugars are Golden yikes. But you should smell these buds, she isGoing to be just Fine

THAI #2 has a different outlook, including the plant structure. SativaKid has confirmed that there are 2 phenos in this strain. Yellow Normal and the redish/purple pheno. I got lucky and have one of each growing. Here below are a few pics of the red/purp pheno

She is hard to see with the Perfect Camo behind her. Camera will be there for tomorrow’s visit

This Morning though, Frankenstein gets DeFoliated today… we have our work cut-out for us, Holy Shit

( + cali orange haze + ssdd )


Frankenstein had a Haircut today. Off with the Fan leaves. We went halfway with the 21-day defoliation last year. Its All the way this year. SSDD and Co. get it next.


That’s a LOT of work there, looks like a bomb went off and she lost half her leaves

Look at the trunks on those things. :open_mouth:

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Heres the scary view @FieldEffect.
Give her a few days of Sun and she’ll be fine

3.5 hours of steady snipping


Admire the effort that goes into your results, @MissinBissin