Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

Plants are looking great. Have you smoked any pole dancer bud yet or is this your first harvest of that strain ?


Its going to be a First for both Pole Dancer and Lime flavoured Bud.
Cannot wait @ShiskaberrySavior


bad news first… The OG row has had a couple casualties each month, and this month its soggy soil that wears the blame… It was only a gentle tug and the brown Durban Poison was free of the soil, and the same with the still green, Fighting Bilbo, no resistance to be plucked.

Does my garage ever smell awesome. Photos to back up the assumptions, but I’m out to help Amend a few plants soil for the last time. Here is a shot of the fighting Bilbo, she did not look like she was ready to quite. But before Rot set-in, she’s history and drying.

The Durban Poison appears to be Full of Seeds; I believe it was a Survival production… GOING TO REALLY LET THEM DRY OUT

Here is the Fighting Bilbo


Shit happens! Especially outdoor! All works out in the end, nice.


That’s a bummer with a little surprise! Sorry to hear about the casualties. So you think Durban stress-selfed?

I trimmed some rot today hopefully it is contained. Those caterpillars plus rain all week = :zipper_mouth_face:

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There is no other reason that I’m able to figure, that she filled with Seed when the Roots realized they were losing the battle…
Durban was green Wednesday, Thursday it was Brown… almost yelled when I saw how easily Bilbo was plucked out of the soil lol. I do believe there was a quiet curse !

But the Buds on Fighting Bilbo are full of Sugar / and she is the First to be Cobb’d @FieldEffect and the out away for a month or two




Thats a new word, first thing in the Morning @TopShelfTrees1.

You know I’m looking it up!


It means exactly that - self preservation


I’ve seen it occur , usually just a few up top, always fem too. But I’m of the belief that once a plant knows its time is near, naturally whether early or late it makes a last ditch effort to preserve its genetic lineage. I’ve even had heated discussions on here about this before. Seen it with my own eyes many times. Especially in the big ass plot outdoor days


This is a perfect example then, every plant along the line had issues this Summer except BlueBerry Diesel and THAI #2. They are both thriving still
Here are a couple Thai 2 shots purple pheno

BlueBerry Diesel below

Fighting Bilbo with the Brown Durban in the back seat

One small Durban Bud was Full of seeds, many dark ones !!! There will be Seeds (and i’m burning the bud)


Chonkers! Big chonkers

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But then each week I get to report on Frankenstein and Sunshine Daydream f2 bx1. And that just Kranks me up.
Morning @JohnnyPotseed and Hello again @HolyAngel

Canopy shot

Gotta love 5’ super-crops

One of the Colas

Sunshine Daydream left, Frankie on the right, Amendments in the Middle. pS. Thats a Huge over-sized wheel barrow with two front wheels

And the back-side

Holy Shit is the first thing that came to
Mind seeing this picture. FYI she is looking due South here. I’m looking North

Not bad for 3 branches! SSDD f2 bx1

Here is the low-level Money-shot!!

Dr. CBD from Seedsman


Lol, didn’t Soma coin this word, and then catch all kinds of hate for selling late herm fems?

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A few people still believe in that process but I personally think it’s real bad to do.

Looks like the Frankie is gonna finish way before the ssdd :thinking:

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I’m really hoping so @HolyAngel, smooth out this Falls work-flow

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All female seeds.


And I’m loving that fact @THCeed

Seriously, the crappy brown ganja is really strong! And She’s full of Seed.

Thank You once again @misterbee for this Durban Poison, 9-weeker intro.

The other Bonus I’m running straight into, is that the “Fighting Bilbo” also pushed a whole crop of Fem seeds out… Rodelization @TopShelfTrees1

Thats what-its looking like. Green crystal buds are hanging, test bud just gave me 8 dark seeds !!! I’ll let them dry then float a few

Smoke is still green, but its full of a Metallic Incense and Haze. And all above the ears


Awesome brother :facepunch:t2:


I just put the Jewellers Loupe in the car @HolyAngel. Its that Time !!