Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

You got the gas for the chain saw?


:joy: no joke Shiska

I don’t think shears are gonna cut it :eyes:


We are arranging the trucks guys.
Its a crazy patch of dirt !


From yesterday the 17th, last few plants were Amended on the fly. Are things ever Looking solid as we near the end.
Here is a quik medley

THAI #1 below

Pole Dancer below @Great_lakes_Genetics

US 22… with a “Lemon Bleach” smell to the Stem Rub @THCeed

FAM Autos @ReikoX

2023 Heirloom grow

JOTI Blue God

Blueberry Diesel @anonymous4289

Blueberry Diesel Cola

Blueberry Diesel from the back

THAI #2 below

THAI#2 below and that Purple Pheno is shining in the Sun

THAI #2 Love those Red Branches on the THAI #2 @SativaKid

Panama Reds below X 3

Last Soil Amendments have been scratched-in to the Panama’s


Wow ! Absolutely stunning all around! Some serious nuggage! Great job seeing them to the finish :clap:t3: very nice work


Morning @TopShelfTrees1, its a wonderful burden bro.
Anxious to get over to the Heirloom tent and dial-in some Humidity…
Instead of chopping 5” off of my tent poles, due to my Low basement, the new MarsHydro is standing tall in a Buddies heated garage, around the corner…
Waiting to load the tent last nite,
Man we had a giggle


Nice! 5” damn! So close, had that issue here on one side . Thank God my Secret Jardin is short :open_mouth:‍:dash: gotta get you back the VS too, on our next adventure I’m assuming. Awesome work for real, there’s a few of you in living vicariously through lately, all absolutely crushing it. And I love it


Thanks @TopShelfTrees1.
We’ll talk tomo, about what’s-up in the next couple weeks. I’m in


Awesome, have a great day my brother


The Thai is sporting some buds! It’s that natural teas!


As Natural as possible @SativaKid
Worm Castings, Molasses and Kelp Meal were in every single Tea batch!

Big Picture, with all our rains, and making room for Fish Hydrolysate feedings, it was about every 3 weeks that Thai 1&2, may have seen a Tea. (3 product Nute rotation was the target: Tea / Fish Hydrolys drink / water)

On occasion the Bloom Microbes and Enzymes from NPK were added to the brewing of the Tea.
Amino Acid, P, K and Silica have been added as well after the 24 hr brew.
Then pH’d to ~ 6.4

Thanks for asking !


Hi @MissinBissin, I only just now started reading about your cobs but didn’t get too far. I saw that first pic of the cob turned brown and looking like candy!

I was just wondering how you liked it? I’ll try and get back to finish the whole thread. I just love that look of the color. It reminds me of old Thai Stick. It was much skinnier, but had that nice chocolate color. I’m digging your outdoor grow a few posts up, too. I’m finishing up a few Lemon Thai outside this year and all is going great. I love that sight of the trees with colas everywhere. Mine have already surpassed my expectations and anything from here on, about 3-4 weeks, is a bonus.

I’m of the same belief, @TopShelfTrees1. The few seeds you get from a plant like that seem to happen without seeing it. That’s what I used to grow, exclusively; bagseed from killer local weed back in '95. Every one was a female. I still save them when I find a single seed in any good dispensary weed. Always female. I noticed this a long time ago and to me, it seems logical if a plant has no male donor when it comes time to flower and die. I always wondered why the seeds are always female. peace :v:


Thanks Gman. Great to hear from you, there will be a fitting response in the a.m.

Cheers OG’r


I was blessed with a cob from my brother @MissinBissin , I’ve now smoked a few joints of it and some bowls, it’s smooth af, very very heady and euphoric, but feel it in my back a little. Crazy long buzz, and I’ve only smoked little J’s. Definitely a cool process I’m truly blessed to have/try!


Morning @GMan

The Cobb process has been defined as a legitimate way to increase potency (that and Fermentation)!

And even though my initial attempt was a little past ideal Moisture, it definitely had a Visual and Noticeable change to the nuggets involved.

It smoothed the smoke out, changed its intensity. And the physical aspect of the Cobb simply became a dried solid Solid mass of Crystals

Today, I am banging the seeds from the Fighting Bilbo plant, which underwent a Rodelization, and its still full of a nice amount of fresh buds.

It has been hanging for 1 week, and the initial Moisture has had a chance to evaporate. We are chasing the seeds this morning, destroying the buds to do so. Then I’m Cobbing all thats left over.

The avg moisture is still going to be high within the plant structure, and its going to have a lot more moisture than last years efforts.

No drying tent for this one, no measured RH%, its been a week, and its getting Cobb’d

I’m stoked at all the learnings that fly past you when growing. Some of them just make too much sense to miss.

Thanks for checking the grow out… I’m glad something caught your eye.

Sending you the best NRG available heading into harvest.

I’ll keep you posted on the Cobb and have a great day !!

And good luck with that Thai, I’m getting really excited at this end. Here is @SativaKid’s version last nite in the golden sunshine

To the Ladies


Here are a couple of bud shots this morning. These were originally from Dutch Flowers I think, and worked by @santero. I made a few seeds with them last year and these three plants are testers from them. My lone female and two males last year were smaller, and in pots. These girls are starting to blow me away. Very tropical smells and really oily, and just starting week six of flower. They’re really fast and start early, too.

Peace :v:


Gorgeous looking Ladies @GMan.
Early starters at this end as well!

Both of @SativaKid’s phenos were making flowers while the others were still trying to figure their junk out

Crystal Ball says Oct 7 for the Thai#1
We’re on the same timeline


@GMan beautiful and spot on on that oily thingy :slight_smile:
the line i made was LT-F3 (2 females) X LT-F1 male.


Dude, they’re blowing me away! I can’t even make the photos show how fat they’re getting. Everything was uniform except one stayed shorter and grew out wide. They’re very terpy and each of the three have a little different nuance of the same smell.

These seeds were from one female and two males. They stayed small and in pots. I was surprised to have them (I started about a dozen plants, giving away most) all look so much alike. I’m real impressed and happy. :yum: :pray:

It did well with the Goji and Oaxaca, too. I gotta grow some out and make more. I only had one of each and the seeds I have are limited.

Sorry to get sidetracked @MissinBissin. I’m interested to see yours finish as well. I was curious about his Thai strain. I know he was really happy with it. :v:


yes, @MissinBissin , mate … sorry for the little hijack :slight_smile:
i wish i could grow outside. your plants all look so nice *sigh *