Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

Purple lemonade from last summer . IMG_0649


Morning @TopShelfTrees1.
Gotta make those accurate comparisons


Oh Yeah, that looks enticing. I’m IN, Thanks for the preview @ShiskaberrySavior


Good morning brother man!

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Just beautiful. Please keep us posted.

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Thanks and Good Morning. You bet I will @THCeed

THAI #1 was grown this past Summer in a 20-25 gallon Bin…
Buddy stated that he had a pitiful tiny root ball last year, and no visible roots in the Dirt. None.

2 days ago we tipped-over the 2023 Thai #1 and we were fricking rewarded with a Full Set of visible Roots throughout the Bins Substrate. Gotta call that a definite improvement of Conditions

AND… the sweating stage of the Cobb process has successfully brought Moisture, OUT of the Buds… The packages will be opened tomorrow.

They will be Allowed to Air-Dry and then will be Re-Sealed for posterity sake. The Shiny spot is a rivulet of Liquid running downward, inside the Vac-pak; BINGO

Parchment is discoloured (darker) and Wet


Awesome! Well done

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All I can say @JohnnyPotseed is Thanks for introducing me to Frankenstein. Yesterday was the teardown day, 3.8 lbs of primo Buds, and just over a Kg of Shake/Larf for Butter / Cookies etc…
EarlyBird is going into Cobbs and Freezer Bags for a Cure. She is a Little Hot, and the time away is going to help.

Still a wonderful Full-tilt smoke, can’t wait to see Frankie at Xmas


Awesome! Sad as F i missed it!

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We have more Phish to Fry… @TopShelfTrees1

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You are thriving this harvest season!

Congratulations on all of the harvesting this last week. Fantastic. That’s about all I can say. That teardown looks like a 2-person minimum kinda job. Beast of a plant.

Good to know a little water in the cobb bag is a good sign. It’s not going to be long I’m attempting that down south.


To this point in time, this is the procedure I’ve used.
Last year I did not have Moist buds to work with, I had cured buds. Seeing moisture opens the doors for Activity
I am at the btm of pg 1 tomorrow. Open the package, let the Cobbs dry…re-wrap! Store


I’m avoiding an overnite rainstorm, Ladies get spoiled on Fridays… (thursday pm)
Here is the Pole Dancer

Here is the US22

Pictures of the Chatham Kent plants tonight; Green-Lite for the Wreckage Master Bastard Kush to be harvested. (Pics this evening)

Trimming Thai#2 and Blueberry Diesel this morning…

I’m truly impressed with the Grove Bags so Far this Season. Frankenstein was hung for exactly 7 days, then was trimmed and Bagged. Here are two pictures almost 24 hours apart, since it was bagged. No Moisture paks, the Bags are doing it.

It has also been a Week since the Durban Poison and Fighting Bilbo Cobb’s were rolled-up in the Towel / Heat Mat.

What a Wall of smell when unwrapping these two Dry Cobb’s. Any moisture that was present on day 3 is long gone.
Cobb’s will dry for the morning then be freshly wrapped for the long-haul.

Burning the Canaries soon enough !


Awesome on so many fronts. Plants look great, buds looking great

Love your garage and the flexibility you have with the rolling platforms…PLANTforms :slightly_smiling_face:

I really like the grove bags. I’m sold 100%. Half the battle is getting them in the bag at the right level (same as with jars) but the bags give a significantly wider band of allowable moisture level because of the permeability. Glad you have joined the bandwagon!

The cobbs look promising. Can’t wait to give that a go and love that I can watch your results.

Have a great day/weekend! Hope harvest of the kush goes well today!

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Looking good man! Im super interested in the cobb’s How long till you can enjoy them?


Easily I can say my last one was opened after 5 months and it was dry and crumbly. Full of sparkles. All that was missing was the Velvet house-coat.

The taste had changed, subtly. There was not enough moisture I don’t believe, to properly Cook those First batches.
But I know @ShiskaberrySavior said it was like a nice cigar.

These initial batches are practise for whats coming shortly. Both of these bud donors were almost dead; so this was a real salvage Op.

Frankenstein, Blueberry Diesel and Thai 1 & 2 get Cobb’d tonight.
My Son’s coming to town just in time.

Thai 2 with the Purple pheno got handled today, ready for packaging.

I’m basically destroying the buds to be cobbed, collecting Seeds !!


“CALI ORANGE HAZE has lived just outside the spotlight all Summer, But has enjoyed the same super-soil as Frankenstein and SSDD.

@Emeraldgreen, the Stem rub earlier this morning, provided the missing-link that I needed. And it was a truly unmistakable waft of MINT
It had not been as concentrated, almost floral previously. But it took a new nose in a Crowd of 3… and then it was easier to confirm lol. I’m laughing, just could not provide the olfactory bulls-eye.
Till today Bud. I’m hoping it fits your Lineage.

And she is beautiful. Zero issues all Summer. Confidently Topped, and taller than 6’4”, she is definitely Wider than 7’, and its hard to see/understand the actual scale from the harmless globe shape…

Almost finished her 8th week, she has been in steady motion since the Flip; Aug 14th.

What kind of timeline do you think she will command? We have 4 days of Rain predicted in a couple days, and a week of 11-14c temps. Shit is happening here in the Peoples Republic of Ontario, this week

Thanks again EG, she has just been amazing! Cannot wait. She’s only been getting water for 10 days now, no nutes


Looks like we are Targeting Tuesday… just because the weather report, hurts…
She looked really nice this morning. Two big guys are having a conversation behind her lol
She is beautiful AND burly at the same time. With her first real touch of WPM. Details in a message below, Milk application resumed and a Defol leads tomorrow’s chores…


She looks great. My memory is 8-9 weeks. My buddy who is also flowering her said she is finishing earlier than the clone. I’m not sure about mold resistantance.