Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

Thanks JoeCrowe.



Definitely going to try this with some of that Zamaldelica monster out in the back yard. They say Zammy is some of the most potent sativa out there. This might take me to meet the driver of Oumuamua.
It took a while but I read this entire thread and think I’m ready to try it out. Soon as Zammy is finished.


@BigMike55, I am Jacked to hear that your doing it, and I can save some of the Fuss, now that I’ve wrapped some Cobbs, that actually have Moisture…

The WMBK plant hung for 6.5 - 7 days when the wrap took place. We then cleaned and prepped, weighed the haul and proceeded.

No Sushi roller needed. The thought / act of rolling coins sealed it for me.

“Bud is easy to shape when moist.”
Use both hands and compress it (1.5-2 oz) into rough shape. Its holds the shape no problem

This allows you to Roll the parchment paper over the top of the shaped bud, and next, define the ends by crimping the paper and fold it away from you, at each end… like the coin roll.

Here is the good part. * now grab the far end, the edge with a solid grip. R Palm down, thumb base applying downward force on the far-folded edges

And now with the left hand, fingertips on the far side of the ganja-roll, Pull it, the cannabis roll, towards you while resisting with the R-hand.

You will feel the Herb compress in the roll. Really compress, its amazing to feel it do so. Then move an inch left … Pull,. You will see the results, and when you stop laughing, go to the right edge. Repeat the pull. Roll the paper up and vac-seal… really to do one now (roll a 2oz pkg) takes less than 4-5 min. Easy

Have fun bro, happy to share this change of tactic with you.

Ready for heat steps and time


Love it! Thank you sensei :pray:t3:

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Too Funny Testy1 lol

A light went on, it just made sense… also helped that I was having the inaugural Wreckage Master Bastard Kush Harvest-Puff…

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Haha, for real though I love your experimentation and the way you detail all the processes, much respect

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I am guilty of a lot of reverse engineering… maybe I was dropped alot as a child,
Not sure how these revisions show-up

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Was the milk “non pasteurized”? icon_e_confused|nullxnull

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A after you get that roll into the food saver, how long do you leave it vacc’d until you open it to air out. And then how long before they are ready to smoke?

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pasturized but not UHF. The kind you can still make yogurt out of!

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Mine was, and I know you had stated Non was preferred.
I went to 2 stores that were not in an OG-needs situation, and I was down the street with 3.25%

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Depends on how the specimens look after the first, say, Sous-vid treatment !

24-48 hours…

If there is any visible Moisture, or if you see Parchment that is Wet… it must then be opened, air dried, and then re-wrapped/sealed for the 2nd Heat Blanket stage…

If its clean and Dry, carry-on to the next stage


I’m gonna do it. Soon as I harvest the Zammy. I may have an extra lid or two from that monster, for experimental purposes. Hehe.


Your gonna have fun with this. I smoked the Canaries and got blasted.

Always a nice way to see whats under wraps. I’ve no Minimum time with these @BigMike55. From the get-go, I’m like you, I want IN… lol

If you produce a Tester cobb, one that-Meant to be opened after the sweat. You’ll think you have a big-bud shaped piece of Green hash. It fractures it crumbles, and I’m sure its easy to share in chunks.

You will have an instant feedback for sure.

When it comes to time, 5 or six months has been the max at this end. Hoping to keep some a little longer this time around… (not likely 555)

These are designed for extended time periods, we’ll get there eventually. This method brings about change. I believe the change has happened through the sweats.

time may aid it more. But its changed… already


I had about 1/2 to 3/4 an ox of about a five day dry. I’m gonna try it out. Don’t have a heated blanket. But if I wrap it in a towel and put it on top of my veg tent it will be about 85 F up there.


Nice @BigMike55

It feels wrong to just smash nugs like this but they were perfectly pliable after 6 days of 64F/62%

We’re cobbin’ Panalawi down south :cowboy_hat_face:

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Great work Guys, thats nuts that the Cobbs are spreading. And everybody is gonna have moisture to work with…

I’m sure we’re gonna have a solid opinion before the end of the year.

Thanks for sharing @FieldEffect

ps I just made 5 cobbs of fresh Panama Red = 10 oz bud. In the sous-vid as we speak

fyi (Betty Crocker parchment is Shit… any pressure when pulling and your fingers go right through it.) I finished the job with it, but really there is better out there


I am officially down to one plant @Emeraldgreen, and that run may just be ending tonight.

Cali Orange Haze has been a Quiet and Steady performer, all Summer long.

Pictures being taken at 18:30, we’ll make the call tonight.

Thanks again EmG, it has been a great grow !


Beautiful plant! She’s a plump one, well-fed :grinning:

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Camera makes this next trip, along with the Fiskars :scissors: to see this Lady. She’s been quietly snacking since day 1

Even an upskirt for @Slick1 !

10 complete weeks, 1st day of week 11 @Emeraldgreen