Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

Great. My towel interior temp keeps creeping up into the 90s. When I look back at your bloated bags with condensation makes me think it’s hotter. I don’t even know if it’s bad or not. I’d think it would accelerate the process. Just curious how warm you’re keeping those turds. Good data points :nerd_face:

Hope you don’t take that turd joke the wrong way, I have a lot of respect for your work and those turds 🫡

God, I’m immature


Looking great no rush on this end.


You have made an excellent point this morning, and I have made a change to the Heat blanket’s set-up.

Your mention of too much heat led me think that wrapping the germ mat in the outer layer of a Towel roll, would leave the core without a chance to vent or release the excess heat… so I have layed the Matt Flat, under a towel, put the cobbs on top loosely, and layed the towel back overtop of them.

They (cobbs) are Not intrinsically Wrapped up in the heat anymore. (My laser is at the grow tent, I’m grabbing that this aft)

Thanks again for asking about the temp. I do think I had too much of it @FieldEffect


I wasn’t presenting it as a problem at all, I was more curious what temperatures were yielding your results as pictured. I have no idea what is going to work better or worse. I don’t even have a guess beyond that I expect more heat would increase the amount of fermentation in a given window of time. That doesn’t sound bad to me.

I’ve got my heatmat flat with Cobb towel bundle placed on top. Sounds similar to your new arrangement

Cheers! :sunglasses:

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How’s the cob curing going try any of it yet?


Its all working wonderfully @ShiskaberrySavior.

I’ve broken a couple open and the results are continually surprising, smooth and definitely will leave you asking questions.

The Smell has grown considerably


This sounds like something to play with at some point! How’re you doing?


Morning @Emeraldgreen, I am hanging-in there no matter which you look at it. Off any pain Meds, feeling what and where it hurts, and keeping a loving diary about it. 3-4 months is the target

Knowing its already hurting, I’m kinda getting in shape, without extra pain this time lol. I’m doing no extra damage, but motion is essential, I can’t afford to lose it.

Please do try a Cobb one of these days. I can see some people tossing them to the side, kind of a Novelty thing.

But it does change the Buzz !


Sounds like steady progress is happening. Motion is essential for recovery. I’m working on my own at this time also. It’s amazing how much my body has changed as I get older!
Here’s to getting better!

Definitely a project for the future. I’m curious about how it changes stuff. Indica/sativa and such
Outa :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


I’m doing it with the last and longest flowering highland guerrero I have going. 3 weeks maybe? Its at 13 weeks now. Reading the mondo thread on this over at icmag. Its got me hyped and hopeful that the process will turn this into a rocket ship. :rocket: :flying_saucer:


Fermentation is the only way to increase actual strength of the cannabis and effects. So its been written.


Thanks for that info on the link, I’ll check it out as well @Cbizzle

Good Luck and “Cobb-on”


santa sent me a wrapped vacced cob and i didnt want to temper with it until i inow more about it the process and timing and other knowledge im casting a line here to fish some info if its ok with santa?


You’ll love it, trust me :wink:


Good Morning @amumayuk !!

I can definitely provide you with some info on the Cobb.

History has this twisted practise being aimed at preserving Ganja, for extended periods of Time.

At the core is the Fermentation and sweating of moisture, from within the wrapped Buds. This liberation elevates the strength and effects of Ganja.

Yes they used Piles of Dung as the heat sources, but we have Sous-Vid gear and other options.

They used Corn Husks and string, we use Parchment and Vac-sealing

The process is not awkward, but the Cobb you have, vac-sealed, will stay as-is for years. Dry and crumbly on the inside, you can treat it like Hash and incorporate it into mixes for joints or just Roll-out a Big Phattie and put on your Smoking jacket… so the neighbours can watch.

Once its open, keep it wrapped when Not in use, is the best I can offer right now. Happy to give you a B4 and After on that aspect… and that you enjoy the Treats my Friend

Open anytime and Have Fun
fyi, here is the process I’ve been following. Spilling with stories and variables, but we’re close here.

Still learning ! w/ photos of Cobbing efforts at the start of this Post and throughout


~ d


really apreciate the info and the cob i wasnt sure if it was ready to open yet or not
but so far i have put it in my canatrol for storage but im guessing the cobb is meant to preserve it a room environment


5 stars would recommend this method :partying_face:


It can be stored anywhere right now…
Moisture within the package is/has always been a sign that requires action.

At this stage, its a Dry Uniform chunk. The thc / moisture contained within, has been shared throughout the Cobb.

It’s a process that lets you stuff the little Larf right in there with Primo Nugs, and it all gets equalized.


Sounds like I need to pull a cobb early and procure a smoking jacket :rofl: