Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

funny you tagged me tday as i rolled the last of the cobb and have one last joint left of it i tried to strech it for as long as i could but i enjoyed every puff of it thank you very beaucoup


I totally am! :rofl:


Here is the victim, taking a portrait tomorrow. Equivalent of 1oz at the time of wrapping. ie half-cobb. Knowing I was sharing a few of these when I did the final moisture inspection, thats when I halved them, and finished prepping them as 1 oz Cobbs

Harsh lite in the window, but the colours are pretty accurate; phone pic below

first shot with a 100mm macro below.

65mm macro below


Are you sitting in your chair out in the Yard @FieldEffect ?

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Secret Santa gets all the credit on that one my Friend. I know nothing ! :grin:
Gro Gro Groow


I’m on the launch pad getting ready to depart the solar system :sunglasses:

1oz Panama x Malawi

UV brings out the pistils they look bright pink. Photos don’t come out well but here’s some attempts

The smell on mine is similar to my uncobbed samples, it looks quite a bit darker. Texture reminds me of $40/oz high-school brick weed but the smell is wildly different. Smells like creamy lemon Pinesol. Twisted up a little J :sunglasses:

Cheers :clinking_glasses:


Congrats on that, the crystal-like structures are so cool @FieldEffect
Thanks for that.


Looks so cool like that, awesome!


hah hah wild! It’s hard to get a good UV image, I have to borrow someone else’s camera, mine can’t do it. Too old.


Thats a pretty crazy response, having a UV reaction as such. Love your Cobb-Shots @FieldEffect


Those who’ve smoked the cobs, do you think it is any more or less of a load on your lungs? Like, more or less coughing?


:raising_hand_man: good question

First thing I tend to say is… How Smooth n Tasty the toke is.
But yeah thats a fair question.


Nice! I’m always looking for ways to improve the lung experience for my mum. Now I’ll have to try this. Thank you :star_struck:


Well I’ve been smoking a single cobb Panalawi joint today, few tokes this morning few more after lunch.

Tastes really nice but has a hard time staying lit compared to a regular dry/cure bud.

Effect is thoroughly enjoyable but it’s less “productive” for me than the conventional flowers from the same plant. More heaviness behind eyes but certainly not sleepy. Perfect for a Sunday :sunglasses:


Well, I’ve said IT does Not happen… and just for the Hell of it, I tried and it Did Happen.

When making Cobbs, the first step is to heat the prepared cobbs of fresh ganja to 40C.

This is the stage that I believed would Kill the seeds within the Cobb.

Was I ever wrong. 2 days ago I found a couple Seeds within the Panama Red cobb, and put them in Tap water.

Today, one of them has sprung a Tail. It must be said that I had also cracked the Seed before submerging it. I cracked seed #2 immediately

First-time I’ve seen a Cooked bean, responding


That’s incredible man. I thought for sure the prolonged heat would destroy any viability


Hahahaha @MonasticDank I know !!
Damn Weeds

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I am pretty sure that my top water gets at least that hot, and that’s what I put my beans in to germinate. 24 hours in a mason jar, as hot as the tap can get it. I have also never heard of beans that needed to be cracked or scraped before I joined this site, that has never been an issue, perhaps the really hot water softens the shell enough for this to not be a problem.


Thanks @THCeed, Only lately am I seeing this HOT, HOT water approach. Once again, its just way too Logical.

I continue to be amazed, daily, by all of the details available within this Sport !

That kind of Survival heat in Nature would be Fire. We can handle the Hot water…


Yes, when I first mentioned it, I was laughed at pretty good and made fun of. Boil your beans first hahaha was the big joke. But then a couple of members tried it I think a few even tested the temperature of the water that they put them in and all the beans popped, they couldn’t believe it. I even offered to send beans to members not even to grow but just to test this germination process. To be honest I didn’t even know there was a another way of doing it, LOL