Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

Love this pic!

Are you a photographer also? :wink:

Also, sinking doesn’t drown seeds for awhile. There’s plenty of O² in the water to sustain them for days, or even longer. I’m no expert tho. And my experience pertains to lots of plants. :wink:


Thanks for asking, and yes, thats my outlet. Had been since my first camera in 78 lol.
Thanks for that info on oxygen, being contained in the water…
Love your comment… “pertains to Lots of”.
Majority of Growers here, are already specialists. Concerned specialists that share n care. Its appreciated.
cheers @Rhino_buddy

fyi 72 hrs was the target, which got overlooked, and even at 85 hours, White tails were almost touching bottom. Easy to plant !!!


Red Thai did not take long to break-ground. 18 hours from planting… shrugged the membrane off within the hour

#2 just pushing through 11:50 a.m.

@George @Tlander


Seems it won the battle with the membrane :see_no_evil:, still grabbing the cotyledon :sweat_smile:. Looks that burying deeper the seed solves the problem Arriba|nullxnull.

The bigger mine is getting new shoes today, good genetics … beer3|nullxnull


Thats a Happy Trio for sure…
Good Evening Jorge !
I’m just a little way behind you.
I cleaned the bits n pieces of the membrane, nothings going to trip Her. (x2) fingers n toes crossed.

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Good morning Doug :grin:, it will be fun to compare if you host me in this thread … hats off

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There is always an open door policy Jorge. I seem to have split my activities, between threads
Whimsical and personal challenges I think… fall directly-under Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d

Anytime Sir !


Red Thai from TRSC? originating near Issan area?

Thanks for posting this @MissinBissin

Was thinking of giving this a try, and had found the other thread with the flowchart, but I remembered I had seen good pictures with the sous vide cooker, and BAM this thread pops back into my life. Perfect.

I’ll try this just after harvest, with a few days of drying under their belts but not fully dry. Hopefully moisture isn’t too much an issue. Gotta read through that IC Mag thread this summer and get a better idea of ideal moisture level.

Good to see beans popping for this season! Love the cat picture


Good Morning, I am not sure where the Thai strain actually originated from. This Red Thai strain was created by @SativaKid
I have posed a couple questions to SK on the strain from fellow growers, still awaiting answers. I’ll be sure to add your Location question.
Thanks for asking !


Hey Thanks for that post @FieldEffect, great way to start the day!
For sure I will be Cobbing a whole plant when harvest comes, skip the Jar kind of activity. And a point someone made along the lines of thoroughness,

Cobbing is a great way to incorporate Larf and smaller nuggets, into the finished product… all of the THC gets shared and moved around during the Cobbing process.

The sweating makes it all the same strength ! And I will be throwing one of them in the freezer as well when complete. Must keep a finger in That pie.

The buds I pulled from the freezer 2 days ago, are jumping strong and stinky

Thanks for returning to the thread. By all means we are Cobbing 2023

Best of Luck heading into the fun zone

~ mb


Thinking back to high school and Mexican brick - I think it’s much the same process although doubtful as deliberate and careful. That stuff got sweated and kept hot a while, probably smuggled in a backpack or tire. Almost surely packed somewhat wet for time/exposure/weight reasons. Very early 2000s.

We weren’t far north of the border so I don’t think what we got was too bad, but it wasn’t great either. Tons of seeds, I don’t think they even bothered with trimming much if at all. Just jammed mostly wet weed into a press and vacuum seal it. But damn, did we ever get high. And the smell was so unique. Maybe this’ll take me back in time in those regards.

I like the idea of wrapping all the larf and cobbing it, dry/cure the nice colas the usual way to compare.

Very curious how Cobbing 2023 will turn out. Leaning towards the Honduras x Panama this season and will be experimenting with that (or whatever sativa gets popped). Dove down a landrace/haze rabbit hole and now have too many options for me to sort out :rofl:


Quick question on a parallel.
Canadian / American / European ?

O ok, then I think it’s WOS Thai x Red GSC


Thanks for that @US3RNAM3, I do need to find a hard-line on what came when.

I appreciate the sequence you provided.

My understanding was that it was a single red thai plant that was found in a large germination. This Red pheno… was then bred to GSC, resulting in Red GSC…

Red GSC x Original Red Thai = Red-Headed Hippie…

I’ll post it if I find its different… I’m open to info from anyone involved in previous incantations of this strains Genetics.

SativaKid has last word…

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Honduras Panama
Not that many Fan leaves, but there are Layers of Sugar leaves on top…
Heres the core


Lets get some of these Photo-Periods playing that guessing game… April 1st, thinking of June 1st

Females, please step forward

(Stack of Flips is not visible, autoflower bag is in next room. I’m having wonderful times)

It has begun


nice selection !!!


Regular seeds, step right-up.
April 1st and the first ranks of Volunteers have been introduced to the Pool.

Fems in a Weeks time. (Yes, the containers are labeled, 2 of ea Reg strain. And a Panama Red seed that was Frozen, testing viability of frozen seeds


What were your picks?

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