Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

Good 420 Morning ! Red Thai is flourishing (46/52 was the final germ #’s @ 88%)
Float Tech was used, will do it again.


I did a little Up-Potting on the 21st. More coming this Tuesday as the rest will be up-sized.
4 out of 52 have a bit of Calcium deficiency from the looks of things. Red Thai, Chem 91, Frankenstein & Purple dawn each has it showing on lower Fans

As recommended by @George, a Foliar treatment involving Dolomitic Lime was carried out on those affected. Everybody looks strong today, but I’m sure they too tasted a little lime as well. (1tsp/qrt)

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24th Red Thai #2 was Topped this morning between 4th and 5th nodes. 1st node leaves removed exposing 2, 3 and 4th nodes exclusively
@PhlizonGrowLight. like Idling a massive engine, 20% power at 18” and 590ppfd The Sun might get a little jealous of this one
April 25th… Entering week 13 (BBP influenced) is a Jack Herer auto and her last week of daylight. A fade has even started. Bud shots downloading


We are talking day 14 of Veg (except for Red Thai; photo is day 21)
Here are a few recent pixels of what an OG Legacy is. Cheers to All and Thanks for the Beans! Even if I paid for them! Wait a second, Especially if I paid for them! Its happening!

Bloody Monster @JohnnyPotseed
Chem 91 x Dank Hallow @MonasticDank
US 22 @THCeed
Bahia Black Head bag-seed from 22 Fighting Buddha x Cherry Bilbo Haze fresh Cross from East Coast
Imperium X cutting Yowza

G.G.#4 x SensiStar @boatbum325
Red Thai no.1 @SativaKid


What a line up pal! Your plants are looking really happy

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Gorgeous green beauties. I want a better setup and some better skills, pretty sure both will come with time :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for sharing those wonderful pictures. :sunglasses:

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Super Happy! The plants are super-happy cuz I’m LTtFA, feeding water and alls good.
Somehow I have 53 potted plants in the 4’, But Gunner says its Kool, shut the lites-off, we’re outta space

Now, I’m going to shoot SSDD and Jack Herer b4 I chop them.

Morning OG, its Saturday

The Red Thai are gaining some mass and are spreading out. In a weeks time they lead the charge to a different tent/lite combo. They are ready for more lite !


May 1st and lots of good things are happening
@smokenhike and his LSD x NorthernBerry

Fighting Buddha x Txerri Bilbo Haze ak “fighting bilbo”

Pole Dancer. @Great_lakes_Genetics

Orient Express from Ace Seeds
Dr CBD from Seedsman

Cali Orange Haze from @Emeraldgreen

Wreckage Master Bastard Kush @THCeed
Afghan #1 from Seedsman

@SativaKid and his Red-Headed Hippie


Looking great. Thank you for the tag

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Spotless my friend

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Thanks @royal it was a tough-call this year lol
Your plant has me drooling @Emeraldgreen
Yeah, I gotta keep-up with @MonasticDank dammit, a notch higher each grow bro
Thanks @George Water and Time have solved each little plants problem, Except Thai 2. Still a bit of the Leaf discolouration happening on an upper Fan… fed Water all week and this am, Worm / Molasses Tea

Hope you All have a killer May


Lotta happy looking ladies. Keep me tagged.


For sure you can count on it. 4 of your Ladies are in the Race… (2 pole dancer 2 mysterium v1)
And its a Long way to the Finish @Great_lakes_Genetics
Have a great Summer

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Are you getting a citrus stem rub on her?


Wow I have not tried it at such an early age… I’m going


100% Citrus @Emeraldgreen Lmao !

Its almost too funny that its sending such strong signals at 3 weeks old.

Not a specific Lemon or Lime, but it IS Citrus all the way

Thanks for that Heads-up!


It’s a really specific smell she had on the stem rub.


It just keeps getting better !

:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: my friend said his are pretty uniform also. He’s about 14 days into flower

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Cali Took-off and had Fans-out before I realized she was a Leaner

:joy: she definitely has her lean on!

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