Fighting Buddha gets Cobb’d & 2023 deBauchery

The Thai are confirming Sex in the 4th week…

image image
And Thai #2 not as Blatant a Flash, but am I seeing Pistiles? !!!

@SativaKid @Tlander @George


Looks like a girl to me


Really nice clean setup you got going on! Beautiful plants and stellar photography too!


Looks like a girl to me, I have one male, one girl and in the middle a runt because of the transplant shock … :see_no_evil:

I wonder if your purple petioles are strain related or just a deficiency icon_e_confused|nullxnull, great pics … beer3|nullxnull


I am hoping they are strain related @George. I will look into that phosphorous Def…

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Could be, but as they both have the same origin (@Sativakid generosity Arriba|nullxnull) and mine have it less pronounced just was a suspicion of Potassium def going on, hoping for the best … beer3|nullxnull


I get that often. What is that a sign of in terms of deficiencies?

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Thanks for asking, it could be a sign of Phosphorous deficiency:

but only if you also see those copper or purple blotches in the older leaves. If you only see those purple petioles on the upper part of the plant and you notice that the zone of the petiole exposed to the light is purple but below is green it is similar to human sun tan, not a deficiency. Also can be strain related, each case is different … beer3|nullxnull


That’s great info thank you very much.


Thanks a zillion @deeez99
Mucho appreciato
And Thanks @George,! I do understand that sequence now.

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Today was a great day to make an easy call on Topping the plants. Only a few left intact


Looks good so far gonna be some nice plants happening.

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Thanks @ShiskaberrySavior this is going to be a great Summer with all this OG gear

Mysterium V1

ACDC, Haffa Haze, SSDD f2 bx1 etcetc

Afghan #1

Thai # 1

Mysterium V1 and her place at 6:00 in the the small tent

Bahia Black Head bag-seed from a 2022 grow

The Imperium Clone goes out tomorrow.


@MissinBissin is the Thai 1 from sativa kid?

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Yes it is @Emeraldgreen 100%

Have to see it for myself here this Summer
Thai #1 topped w/ nodes 3, 4 and 5
and its Crown is a really busy place as seen in the last pic

Thai #2 topped w/ nodes 2, 3 and 4 and its got lots of room to move up top

Both Red-Headed Hippies are looking good as well. (Even though Red GSC is involved in the R-H Hippie, it waits till 2024)

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I’m curious about it so I’ll be following along

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Happy to have you riding ShotGun @Emeraldgreen

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Gonads are in the House…
And one of SativaKids Red-Headed Hippie’s has “come-out” and is flashing his Gonads… (dead centre)

He has a New Home and there will be Pollen Collection. Thanks for that next-step @TopShelfTrees1


My pleasure brother, looking forward to these turning into absolute behemoths and truly expressing themselves! So many cool strains it’s gonna be awesome!


And the first Pollen from a Red-Headed Hippie … should be fun Bro