Just running a few things for fun

So guys I have to work on my photography but here’s a bunch of random things im running .
I have 4 plants bagseed, 1 pink ghost cookies , blackberry pie (or bbgelato) , 1 roadkill , 1 white chiccs(sour d x lpc) , 3 sour d ibl , 1 sour d (clone from cohoes Ny,) ,also a glu , jolly rancher gifted from my boy who had too many plants going in his garden … im focused on getting some good sour & interested in what the bag seeds will offer. It was bagseed from a room with 3 strains that tasted amazing with the seeds in the flower.male was og ,super excited to see the offspring.
The big bushy plants popped 12/22


Welcome my friend, some interesting stuff for sure. Looking forward to seeing what you find.

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Thanks bud :seedling: I’m just hoping to come across some dank …I’ll certainly be posting the journey here. This is one place I can talk about my passion and witness others do amazing things.


My go to word…. DANK!! I live for that stuff!! I guarantee you keep looking and you will. Love the enthusiasm. I’ll be following along.


Same here, I’m old enough to remember what real dank trees are ! It’s very far & few which is what encourages me to grow.
I love to see when enthusiasts nurture a plant from seed to harvest …I don’t have much experience but from the little I do, I know you get what u put in & I never wanna lose sight of the passion.


If you ever need anything don’t hesitate to hmu, I’m always around. Respect :facepunch:t2:


Appreciate that fellow growmie :muscle:t4: definitely will :exclamation:

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Welcome from this way also. I’ll be checking out the grow dome over here, so don’t mind me.

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Haha , greetings & appreciate it, had to make one on the fly , first clone I’ve ever tried to grow, yet I’m enthusiastic about sour so I’ll do what I can to keep her pushing. Despite temps kicking my a** today, I did see some new growth on top of the clone… I’ll post some updates shortly

Plants look great and sound tasty!
What soil and feed are your plants thriving on
if you don’t mind me asking?
Good growing. :v:

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Definitely don’t mind ,I just don’t recommend trying until I post results lol.
I used 65/70% coco/pearlie 30/35%soil (Dr earth) cow manuer , lobster meal , Epson salt (3/4 solo cup of each / 1/3 cup Epson salt. ) just was kinda winging it.
My nutirent mix is ever crazier lolol

So with the nutrients I’m using bio bizz / gh . For now I swap out the gh gro and use bio grow with gh micro / bloom .
For now just 1 ml of each .being I’m mixing nutirents might do 1 ml of each max ,they recommend about 4ml so I try to stay well under to read the leaves

Ok so you amend with epsom salt. Interesting
and new to me. They look great must be working. :+1::v:

Yep , I haven’t used any cal-mag.
I also bought lobster meal by accident but it seems to be working fine. Ima pot some with no lobster meal to see a difference.
I have some tuna breath from 7eastgenetics I wanna run next , I figured tuna , lobster meal , lol

Yeah i water in with epsom. My outdoor soil gets crab, kelp, alfalfa, neam meal and Duck pond water out of there kiddie pool, well they did. Duck got got couple nights ago. RIP ducks!
My indoor stuff is just happy frog w/dr earth dry ferts.


Just a update on how things are coming along before I flip to flower this Friday.
I feel like most of my plants loved the nutrient mix .light steady feedings .


Good work. :clap:t2:
They look very happy mate.

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Thanks gromie! I’ll be posting a few more updates around day 14-30 of flower . So far day 5 ,they’re sizing up , preparing for the gender reveal


Update of day 14 of flower, all 4 bagseed phenos have expressed female traits


I dig your side lighting! What type of overhead lights are you running in there?
Your screen name makes me think of Ron Mexico for some reason.

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