Finding the right strain for medical diagnosis

I have degenerative disc disease. Orals help a ton. Hope some good cbd wilk help. I can’t wait for Sebs Rev. @Howard.Crane didnt you have some almost black plants? Gorgeous bro.

Im gonna run a couple each go. Im gonna give the Point Breaks a go next time. Im a Keaneau fan. Lol. John Wick! Sebs rev are beautiful plants. Theyre really taking off now. :+1:


Seems that the degenerative disc disease is pretty common.
They need to call it what it is thou, good ole arthritis.


I have had two or three, not sure which one you’re referring to. Was it this Casey Jones x Sour Bubble?


Id have to pull my MRI I have no fluid in between certain discs, scoliosis. My baxk is fucked but Ill live though. Later bud.

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Thought one was a Sebs Rev? My bad.

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Oh yeah! Senior moment, I guess.

Not quite black, but very dark. Almost black in the right lighting. Gorgeous plant, and very tasty. Looking forward to running more as soon as I can schedule them in.


Hell yeah man. That things looks like it may kill you. Lol. Creepy. I love it! Nice pic. I knew ya had it lol. Its sickness. Its called partial memory. What officer im sleeping. No habla. Lol

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Ok team, does anyone have thoughts on a strain for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?

Unfortunately, TBI symptoms can present in a very broad range so it’s unlikely there’s one strain for every patient’s condition.

From my TBI I have difficulty sleeping, raging migrainous headaches every damn day, and nausea.

I’ve been chasing indica types as a solution for these, but a specific strain recommendation would be most welcome.

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Been doing a lot of research about Alzheimer’s and it’s symptoms. I have read dozens of “Top ‘X’ Strains for Alzheimer’s” post and articles and while they all vary in which strains show promise, the one strain that occurs on EVERY list is Green Crack. What is everyone’s feelings on it, or do you have another recommendation? want to stay with Sativa dominant as he doesn’t need to sleep, just relax mentally and mood wise. Which is the best to reduce amyloids?


My impression is that these lists (for any condition) are usually not even backed by anecdotal evidence but just something somebody believes might work based on the profile of the strains. And a lot are copied from one website to the next. I found them more frustrating than useful.


Actually, I did read a few that, though not having definitive results, did cover some studies. I would say you would probably be correct, except that all of them discussed Green Crack, including ones that mentioned studies. This leaves me to think that it might be effective.


Try Blue Dream out door works wonders for my cluster headaches . its the only thing that has ever worked for me suffered most of my life but not anymore :sunglasses: