What strains don't care about your tolerance?

I remember reading a post and guys were mentioning strains that you basically can’t build a tolerance to. I can’t find the post now so I figured I’d just ask the question to everyone. I have a good buddy who just can’t get high anymore, he grows some absolutely beautiful, extremely potent buds but after a week he just can’t get stoned. I tried telling him not to smoke so much but that ain’t happening. So the question is, what strains have you personally experienced that get you high every time, even after long periods of time of smoking the same strain?


Well top of that list should go to @JohnnyPotseed Frankenstein! No ceiling, always high no matter what :slightly_smiling_face:


I seem to remember the sfv og was good at no tolerance build up. I’d also assume the triangle kush would be similar.

The Frankenstein cut can be purchased from @JohnnyPotseed will the weather holds.
Just look for his genetics page to see what he has for cloned and seed availability


DON’T E-V-E-R SLEEP ON “FRANKENSTEIN”, FOR TRUE!! Another one NOT to miss out on is @SamwellBB’s “Purple Poison Cookies #6. You didn’t hear it first from here, BUT YOU HEARD IT!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Try some sativa landraces, Oaxacan is a good one.


Chem d, 4, mb15, Skywalker og

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4 and Skywalker being the most unlocked


Pretty much any sativa from Ace catalog :sweat_smile:

Pz :v:t2:


I actually got chem d and chem soda ogee, Skywalker I have smoked and its one I’d love to grow. Appreciate the suggestions everyone.


No problem

Keep in mind body chemistry is different for everyone it’s very subjective


No ceiling and also no tolerance is the way. Then you could just never stop smoking it.

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lines I keep for cutting thru my tolerance
OGKB 2.0
Biker Kush (Karma’s original version that I’ve taken to F3)
Long Valley Royal Kush
BC Pink Kush which i have only ran outside in the greenhouse so far but the jars are almost empty so that says somethin… had 8 ounces after harvest … it’s gone now LOL

I keep a wide variety of cannabis at my fingertips… Not to brag, but I think I have 21 different strains in the jars. Some are females from the same seeds… like scoutbreath 1 , 2 and 3 and so on but I think it is 21 varieties from 39 plants. Cycling thru them for thier various effects and flavors seems to not give my tolerance a ceiling when it comes to the 4 I listed at the top.
They always cut through although I notice friends of mine get a lot more stoned than I do off those strains sometimes LOL


I agree that kushes are also incredibly potent.

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The advice to have a few on hand always is good. Right now I have Blue Dream, Clementine, Papaya, Forbidden Fruit and SR-71 Purple Kush for concentrates. Deep Line Alchemy 16 for flower. This way I never have anything too long and my brain can reset. It took me four months to develop a tolerance to Ice Cream Cake.


How’s the clementine? I have some Colorado clementine from Laplata growing now. SR71 is a awesome name


Clementine… It is a great tasting skunk basically. The headiness is more than most strains and you can smoke it and it will continue to get you high without fail. I’m on my last few of 15 live resin carts or so and they’ve been real good to me. Just not the best for motivation.

SR-71 was the dispensary collective that grew it in Oakland.


I know people also love mimosa, which iirc is clementine x purple punch

They love her more for the terps I think but you can’t go wrong with a keeper pheno it seems


I have some Mimosa seeds and was thinking about running them.


Go for it homie, why not :slight_smile:


Lion’s milk was one of those where I could smoke an oz in a day and keep getting higher. Most strains cap out at 1/8 - 1/4 even with diamonds/rosin they cap out at 1 grams - 2 grams a day. This strain would get me higher than a 2 gram diamond sesh through an e-nail.

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