Firehead’s Autoflower projects

I should maybe give her some N as she’s eating her leafs a bit early.


Yeah. I think that also comes from the MS side too. She want lots of food. But, structure looks nice!


:rofl: her structure is fucked as I’ve had to bend her main stem 3 times to control her height. The bud to leaf ratio though :ok_hand:


Looking like I’ve got germination on all 8 of the LRxUV beans. Hopefully none damp-off early on.
The heat pad is keeping the dome between 72-76, so they should be fine. :crossed_fingers:

I also put 3 sprouts from my MSxLRUV feminized run in with these this morning. Hoping for a couple good males from the LRxUV batch.


Nothing to report this week with the autoflowers.
But I do have this plant growing, it was a seed from an Azad Kashmir female that hermed and knocked up my Forest Dweller mom.
The leaves are showing the classic Kashmir aggressive toothiness.

I have zero hopes for this plant. But who knows, might be good smoke!

Anyone else grow known-hermie plants just for fun?


Yo @firehead ! I just had to read this thread from start to finish to jog my memory.

For some very odd reason, it seems like Sundays are my prime bean delivery days even though the PO is closed! I’d ask them about it… but don’t want to jinx it! Looking forward to soaking these soon! Hope I didn’t appear to be an ungrateful SOB for not thanking you sooner! :joy:

Anyway, thank you so much bro! :pray: And thanks to the collective PO’s involved for making it such a surprise!
Mailed; Oct. 31, '22…Received; Feb. 12, '23! :rofl:


Edit: Now I’m REALLY confused! I just came across a post in FSFC from Jan 14th when I WON these same beans…2 .5 months after you mailed these! :flushed:

Double edit! I think I’ve solved part of the mystery! Looks like you perhaps ‘bought’ the postage on 10/31/22 but then actually ‘mailed’ the envelope on Jan 17th…that makes more sense! …I think! :joy:


Tlander, :rofl: yes. you figured it out. I bought a bunch of international postage stamps back in october. but, those beans were mailed only a short time ago. glad they finally got there!


@Esrgood4u hows your MSLRUV gal doing? How’s her smells shaping up? Still all mango?

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I took her last week mate as she just kept fading on me even though I upped her N. I’ve been vaping it for a couple of days now. It smells like mango 100%. The stone is really sativa leaning. Sativa is not usually my thing but she doesn’t give the jittery effects I hate so I’m really enjoying it if I’m honest. Really heady effects. I’ll 100% be growing the remaining seeds outside come April and will give them a lot more attention.


LRUV reproduction not going… great.
Of the 4 plants that survived, 2 males. 1 female. 1 runt plant that is so tiny and sickly I don’t know how it’s still kicking.

Also have 4 MSxLRUV in the tent who will also receive pollen, once I’d decide which male to keep.

The female is the one in front in the larger white pot. She’s not a bad mom. Looks very average. Just wish I had more choices for mom selection.

The males will stay in the solo cups, because… they’re males. Who cares about them :joy::cry:

The MSLRUV females are noticeably bigger and healthier, considering they were planted several days behind the LRUV


looks like a real solid, stout plant - excellent plant structure - Auto flower right ?


Latest on the LRUV and MSLRUV breeding.

The male is… not great. If I had a bunch of males to choose from, this probably wouldn’t be the one. Just because he’s growing a bit like a drinking straw, not a great structure…But he’s all I’ve got.

The good news is, this one short bushy MSLRUV in the octopot was not supposed to be part of the breeding. But she has a Skunky, Lavender, berry smell. Similar to original LRUV. So, she will now get pollinated too!

Then there’s this little runt. Don’t even know why I’m keeping it alive…


Updates on LRUV x MSLRUV:
The males has been dropping pollen for 2 days. Gonna leave him in here another couple days

The female LRUV is not big, but she has a rather nice structure, and she is developing buds faster than the MSLRUV gals

One of the MSLRUV gals got tossed this morning. She stretched crazy tall with massive distances between her nodes. Not a good look.

This MSLRUV gal is my favorite. Smallish, nice structure. Compact mode spacing and very healthy. Let’s hope she has good smells and big buds.


(Not a autoflower!) The plant I never should have grown!

An Azad Kashmir gal hermed and pollinated my Forest Dweller mom.

I popped one of the seeds for fun.
It’s a girl! (Obviously, it would be)
She super robust and healthy, with giant fan leaves.
Gonna keep a close eye on her to make sure she doesn’t herm also.

Experiments are fun!


Wth, not sure how I missed your thread for so long bud. But now that I found it


I’ve grown 4 generations of the MSLRUV and this is the first time one has hermied on me. Found 2 pollen sacs forming on a lower bud.

She was my favorite one too, of all the other plants that got hit with the male LRUV pollen


To the compost she goes.


The good news though, this weird little ogre of a MSLRUV (I think she dwarfed, because I transplanted her very late into the Octopup) has amazing sweet smells, very close to LRUV. Crazy levels of frost. Amazing root ball, and is gonna make about a 2 tons of seeds from the LRUV male.
She has 8 buds that are all tennis ball sized, and super dense! :sunglasses:

The only trait she doesn’t have, that many of the other MSLRUV do, is the dark purple stems. Tiny bummer. Not a show stopper though.


Looking great :+1:

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The one remaining LRUV gal is doing well.

She has a pretty good structure. Her smell is just starting to develop. It is classic LRUV, but also a hint of black licorice in there too. (One of the first 4 moms I made LRUV seeds with was more sativa leaning and had a strong licorice smell)


Another autoflower pollen chuck.
The tall one in the corner is the flipped pollen donor. She’s a poisoned rose x cookie devil by @Mr.Sparkle
The other gals in the tent are another PRxCD, a mephisto Alien vs Triangle, a Spotted Lime…

Oh, and there’s a couple NL #2 hanging out in the front. But they won’t get pollinated.