Firehead’s Autoflower projects

That’s awesome! if that person ever sees anymore let me know :grin: I would gladly do the same

If the AvT is as amazing as I think it’s gonna be, I’m probably going to make an F2 run soon. If I do, I’ll keep you in mind. :+1:


AvT… Keep me in mind too. :wink:

I found a pack of 3 LRUV you sent me long ago. I thought I was out. Gonna go for some f2s of those.


Ooh! Nice! I hope you get a male, cause we definitely need more LRUV flying around here! That’s an auto that should not go extinct!


100% agree. I’ll definitely share some pollen if there’s a male. :crossed_fingers:

Smoke report.

Forum Stomper is no joke! Strongest weed I’ve had in a long time :green_heart::deciduous_tree::sunglasses:


Good to hear! That from the Sebring drop way back when? (Last spring) 💁

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Yes. These are from the Sebring F2 run! So so potent!

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The LRUV x Mango Smile girl had some major problems, due to me not managing the res ppm correctly. She suffered some early calcium toxicity, and was seriously stalled out in development.
But I corrected the res, and a few days later she’s bouncing back and the buds are fattening up again, and she’s really packing on some serious frost. Her smell is great too. Sweet and spicy.


Not sure how i missed your journal . the LRUV x Mango Smile looks amazing !


Yooo that lruv mix you made looks so nice. Also good news is I have like 60 or so more lruv beans from 2019. The same batch as I sent you first. I could send more your way so you can get some males. Hopefully get a tall + branchy one so yields are better. I’m missing that berry smell like crazy reading through this


The tones on that are beautiful… Do you still have anything left?

The build on my “official” basement grow room (more like a large closet) started tonight.
It’s not gonna be big. 10’x6’, the 2x2 grow tents will be inside. With a small work station for trimming, and a storage shelf for tools/soil/nutes/junk.


Badass dude. Look forward to watching the build out.

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This is gonna look awesome !

Damn now you have me wanting to do this in mine :laughing:

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Brings back memories of building mine. :grin:


Walls are going up in the new grow room.
Can’t use drywall, cause too much moisture in summer in basement. Price of plywood is crazy now. So I found these 3/16 sanded pine wood paneling for pretty cheap. It’ll work, even if it’s not code. Everything will be painted gloss white when it’s done.

Should all be done in a week or so, just in time to get my latest round of seeds in here for a good sized run.


Ooooo nice and consider a pure flat white vs gloss as it is better reflectivity wise inbetween the two


Room is just about ready for plants, once I install the new AC Infinity 6” fan and carbon filter tomorrow.

But I did move a storage rack, and most of my growing tools into the room (soil and pots in the blue bins, nute bottles, testing tools, trimming and training tools, bubble cloner, etc). Top two racks are reserved for clones, seedlings, and small mother plants (after lights go up)

Calling it a room is a stretch. An 8x8 tent would be much bigger…

And, yes. I painted the floor purple! Prince would approve. :+1::sunglasses:


It’s definitely a room. I like it.