Firehead’s Autoflower projects

I mean they gotta go somewhere. Can’t just toss good plants out on the street. :laughing:


80 deg F, 75% humidity in the northeast last couple days :frowning:

I should know better than to have plants in mid/late flower at this time of year.

The small dehumidifier in my grow room is not able to keep up

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In the batters box, for upcoming runs:

  1. The next phase of my Mango Smile x LRUV autos. Looking to dial-in the strain a bit more. Looking for the more of the big MS/Haze plant structure, but going to select only the females that have the most intense blackberry/LRUV smells.


Well, the thrips made their way from one tent to the next (they’re probably in the last bag of soil I bought). Found the beginning of damage on the Mango Smile gal I had growing. She was at 83 days. Wanted her to go a wee bit longer, but it’s time for another bleach cleaning. So she go the chop. Im gonna guess she’ll yield about 3.75-4.0 oz. Not as big as last one I grew.


The current nursery tent:

  • Azar Kashmir (8 remain, 2 unhealthy ones were tossed)
  • Mango Smile x LRUV (8)
  • Forest Dweller (3) by Rainbow House seeds. These were freebies, but I got really exited about the pine smells they say it has, and the super skinny leafed sativa leaning structure. Gonna cross these to the Kashmir for fun (


Of these, is the mango smile LRUV an auto?

I assume the AK is photo, and the you posted says the Forrest dweller is photo.



Yes. The MSxLRUV is technically the only auto at the moment. There will also be a Spotted Lime x Mephisto Alien v Triangle auto seed run very soon too


Hoo boy. Lots of boys in this batch.

The MSxLRUV so far: 5 confirmed boys (in the back row), 2 confirmed girls (front left) and 1 unknown still…
Those are not my favorite ratios. Oh well, let’s hope one of those gals is a rock star


Sounds like the ratios I was getting off those original El Ruv seeds. :wink:


:joy: that’s exactly the thought I had too. Oh well. As long as the LRUV passes on some major blackberry smells, I’ll tolerate the high male percentages


The MSxLRUV next generation is on the way. One really nice male, and 3 females.

The male is very impressive. His structure and side branching 100% from the MS heritage. He’s also dropping pollen way before the females are even ready for him :joy:

Hopefully one of those gals has the strong LRUV blackberry smell :crossed_fingers:
The gal in the bottom-right of the frame is my favorite just based on structure and leaf shape.


Current autoflower breeding tent.

The male has been tossed. These gals have been pollinated. I also saved a bunch of polled from the male. He was a monster!

The two gals on the left had to be flopped this morning, because they are real stretchy, and were too close to the lights.
The one on the right is a bit shorter, but has the most gorgeous, perfect structure. I’m really crossing my fingers that she got the LRUV blackberry smells, because she is an almost ideal specimen.


Got my fingers crossed for you :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

It is such a great feeling when you find THE plant you are looking for in a breeding project!
Structure :heavy_check_mark:
Aroma :heavy_check_mark:
Vigor :heavy_check_mark:



Of the 3 seeded gals, one of them is developing some trichomes now, so I can get some smell from her… and she has the sweet blackberry LRUV smell! :+1:
She is not the one perfect plant in the bunch… but she is the next best structured plant. So… that’s pretty good.

The other two are a few days behind in developing trichomes, but I should know about them soon.


Updates on the MSxLRUV F1s

  • the one female that had the perfect structure (side branching, height, leaf shape) turned out to have the poorest flower development. Slow, airy, overall weak. And smells mostly like the Mango side, but lamer. I couldn’t bring myself to chop her, so stuck her out in the back yard. Now at least I don’t have to pay electric keeping her alive.

  • the female that has the strongest blackberry smells is a fairly good structure, but flower development not super. And she’s very finicky and not happy about her small 1 gallon pot. Overall looks a little sickly. I’m only keeping her because she has The Smell

  • the plant I was least excited about has turned around. She is sturdy, has great leaf shapes, deep green color. Her smell is leaning more toward the mango, but has a bit extra sweetness with some of the blackberry, and a noticeable lavender smell. She also likes to be kept dry (needs less water) and she claws-up when too wet. But overall, super healthy with a nice big main cola and buds are starting to bulk nicely!
    I think she is the keeper. Will need to see how her offspring are, and what influence the male had. But so far, she’s a good one!

Another shot of her from above:


Next up, for fun autoflower projects…
4 Spotted Limes and 2 Super Lemon Haze CBD (greenhouse seeds) plants

Plan is to create some F3 Spotted Lime beans (because I REALLY like this plant)

And also pollinate one of the SLH… to create a nice Lemon Lime CBD Haze

So, fingers crossed that one of the spotted limes is a good male (I should have sprouted a couple more, but I’m juggling for space right now, and really had no business even starting these! :joy:)


Autoflower pollen chucking underway:

  • 1 Spotted Lime male currently dropping pollen.

Gals that are the recipients:

  • 1 Spotted Lime Auto (back left)
  • 2 Super Lemon Haze CBD auto (back right)
  • 2 Forum Stomper Auto (front)

These plants are small, so I won’t have tons of seeds. But there will be freebie giveaways for sure.


I really love the spotted lime too! At f4 myself! :wink: and I have not even had them for that long…


Also, are your Forum Stompers the ones from Sebring? Have you had any real good plants out of your pack?

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Yes. These are the Sebring Stompers.

First one I grew was amazing. Nice smell. Very potent. Good yield.
The next one I grew… hermed real bad.

So, gonna give them another try and see what happens.

These two were planted about 2 weeks behind the others. So much smaller. But the one on the left looks like it’s gonna be a nice one.


Looks so tasty in here!