First 6 comments decide my next 6 strains

Edit 6 choices were made:

  1. Random unknown 9 year old seed
  2. Bootylicious #4
  3. Banana creampie
  4. Sticky glue
  5. GMO cookies
  6. Purple kush

I will update once things get rolling🚀

Good afternoon OG! I cannot make my mind up on what to do here…. Okay so heres the dilemma i have

In house genetics Banana Creampie
In house genetics sticky glue
Thug pug Billy’s Unicorn
(The rest are bag seeds)

Bootylicious #4 from Mile 62 Cosmic Cannabis (unsure of breeder)

Tiger’s Milk from Illera before they turned to kind tree (unsure of breeder)

GMO cookie (some fire gmo only found 2 seeds in a lb)

Purple Exo (i think the guy said it was ice cream cake but it was definitely killer not like the normal platinums and bubbas that are everywhere around me only got one seed out of a lb)

Purple kush (unsure of breeder i got it years ago offline maybe sensi seeds or someone of the sort)

Cherry fritter (unsure of this i don’t remember saving them😂)

A few completely unknowns from almost 9 years

Also If they turn out to be male they will have to be kindly escorted out of the grow diary. Let me know what you OG folk think about this one.


Some of that


Bootylicious #4 :wink::rofl:

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Sounds good to me

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I love in house genetics gear :+1::v:

In house genetics sticky glue


So far were at

  1. Random unknown 9 year old seed
  2. Bootylicious #4
  3. Banana creampie
  4. Sticky glue
  5. GMO cookies
  6. Purple kush

Fingers crossed i dont get any herms or anything since they are bag seed and toes crossed that theres more females than males :crossed_fingers:t3:


Those 2 lucky GMO beans


And purple Kush :drooling_face:


We choose a plant line up like we put together a portfolio investment :slightly_smiling_face:


I vote random. The aura of mystery is overwhelming. What could it be!?


After 24 hours the only things with no sign of life are banana creampie and unknown seeds.

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After 48 hours everything popped except banana creampie (i just bought these what a bummer. All 10 seeds were very pale and had no tiger striping so maybe a in house issue) and unknown 9 year old seeds. Also only one purple kush and one bootylicious #4. Gonne give another 24 hours guys.

On the bright side… 2/2 gmo and 2/2 sticky glue

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