Which Strain to try next!

Got some packs from the new Bodhi drop and Can’t decide which ones to pop first. Leanin towards the Flying Triangle, Booty, Razzberry Unicorn, and Twin Flame V.2. Anyone grown any of these before and have any pics or info in how the grow went? Thanks!


Why not one or two from each? Space constraints? Also welcome to OG!


I second that ^
And yes, welcome to OG!


I third the “a little of everything” sentiment! but if i had to choose, I’d probably go with flying triangle


Sounds like you’ve got some great choices there! While I haven’t personally grown any of those strains, I’ve heard good things about all of them. The Flying Triangle and Booty are both known for their heavy, relaxing effects, while the Razzberry Unicorn and Twin Flame V.2 have a reputation for being potent and flavorful

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Any pick will be a good one…

I’d go with Headband x G13hp… but I’m weird… :rofl: :vulcan_salute:



Go with the booty, I’ve seen several grows of it. (Check out the Bodhi thread on RIU) and if you like sticky stanky, greasy funk that’s the one! The flying triangle is supposed to be terpy as all hell and hard to pick just one flavour. Lots of goodies there but those would be my first two and third would be the same as @Gpaw

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I’m not saying anything! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I have the exact same problem. I have a lil box o bodhi and I cant decide what to run. I also have another box of bodhi done by others or crosses that feature his work. I think I am gona break the first box into two runs. I have 8 strains so do 4 strains per run. Two seeds per strain. That gives me 8 plants per run and I will still hopefully have some left after I deal with the males.

So I recommend you start 2 each of as many as your space can handle. The Booty sounds most interesting but they will all be good i bet!

i would go with:

  1. 56 day Headband x HP (HP goes well with OG/OG-like)
  2. GG4 x Snow Lotus / GG4 x HP (ive seen journals of space monkey and thought it looked great)