White Whidow Seed Selection for Breeding

Hi all,

I would very keen to try to find a WW female keeper ( and a male too) but I would like to do something unusual.

Firstly I would like to try different WW from different seed bank.
Some seedbanks sell only regular seeds. Mr.nice is an example. Others sell only fem. GHS for example. Others both, Dutch Passion for example.

I would like to do a full grow ( 60*120cm tent) with 8 plants in 6.5l only with WW from breeders that sell both fem and regular ( no breeders selling only fem).
Try a tent grow only with feminised seed and spot what’s the seed bank I Ike the most.
When this will be decided I would like to grow a pack of regular and find a keeper.

I hope this makes sense.

Now I would like to ask everyone if you could help me to spot SeedBank that sell both regular and fem WW seeds.

Any recommendation?

Many thanks in advance.


i haven’t run it, but Joey seeds in canada, they ship elsewhere, is supposed to have good stock from the older or original release. the aloha widow is supposed to be really good too, but it’s hard to find.


Many thanks Splinter, I will have a look at.

Sorry I need to make an update on my first message.

I would like to try fem first, but after I would like to grow also those breeders who sell ONLY regular ( Mr.nice) together with breeders who both regular and feminised.

The web page says this:

White Widow F2 regular

White Widow This is the F2 made from seed stock I got from Green House in Holland in the late 90’s shortly after it had won the cannabis cup. It has been a long time favorite of many growers. Some people have said that the WW sold by Green House today is not the same as what they offered years ago. Enough people demanded the original version that I decided to come out with this. Consider it WW from days gone by. White Widow is a cannabis cup winner that has won multiple times. It has incredibly frosty buds so covered with trichomes that it looks like it’s got snow on it. The trichomes themselves have long stalks making the buds look furry. It’s a good yielder and amazingly potent. I saw a report saying white widow was analyzed by a laboratory at 19.5% thc. It has been used to create Blue Widow, White Russian and other heavyweights which pays tribute to it’s phenomenal qualities. Veg for 4 to 8 weeks and then flower for 8 to 10 weeks. It can grow tall so top it or bend it in veg to keep it short indoors. It like lots of light and medium ferts, heavier in late flower.

Indoor flowering 8 to 10 weeks

I am curious why F2 seeds? And not F1 or some more stable F4 or above?
Are there more traits on the F2 offsprings than F1?


I’m a true White Widow fanboy and I’ve tried so many different White Widows over the years and there is very very very few breeders that even remotely look close to what the true White Widow is.

Your plan sounds Nobel, but I’m sorry to say that without access to the original breeder cut or first generation seeds, nothing you will breed is worth calling White Widow, especially from breeders offering fem and regular seeds.

I don’t even think hunting through Ingemar(the real creator of White Widow) seeds would get you anywhere. He might have discovered White Widow, but he’s not the best breeder himself though.

Black Widow is selected towards the indica leaning side of White Widow and the high is not as good as the breeder cut. A dream of mine would be to use BW to backcross the breeder cut until you have something semi stable.

I’m sorry if I come a cross negative, but I’ve tried so many breeders WW and nothing really compares to the real deal! Best seedline to date is still BW…

Pz :v:t2:


Please let discuss this Lonely.

My first approach with WW was in the 2002 living in Netherland for a long time.
I remember WW as a sativa plant ( 40 indica and 60 sativa) which is the opposite of several nowadays seeds (60-40).

I have tried only GHS, nirvana and Dutch Passion but never spot something similar to what I was trying in Netherland ( actually GH coffeeshop at that time). And always thought was me not being able to grow it at her full potential.

I agree completely with you comment in general, although I am not convinced about the “original breeder cut”… I don’t think GHS, mr.nice, Ingemar A.wonder), or others have the original cut anymore ( although they say different), or if they have is not compared with the '90 cut.

Here maybe I am completely wrong.
But my intent of finding a good WW keeper is not to have an original WW. But Just having a WW I like which I can use for clones or breeding learning curve.

But still looking into reputable genetics with strong linage and breeding accuracy.

Someone suggest me to try the following:

  • Whitewalker Kush from DNA
  • De Sjamaan seeds

Any thought about it?

Many thanks in advance


Cloney is on IG and Discord, not sure about here. That’s his info on the cut he has, if legit it’s likely the best place to start.


Very interesting.

White Widow from Luton.
Is this part of the same exodus Collective in Luton known for the exodus Cheese?
I couldn’t find the WW btw on the clone webpage… neither seeds.


The f1, or whatever they were, are the pack of seeds the guy bought long ago when the were released. he used that to make f2 that are for sale now. I keep not buying them because I too want fems. regs use up so much resources. the f2 have a good rep. there is a lot of discussion on some other forums. apparently he is the source for good AK47 too in the same way. You will not find f1.

Yes, the original cut(breeders cut) is definitely sativa leaning. @Fuel is sure that the breeders cut is still alive here in Europe.
I’ve also tried De Sjamaan(Ingemar) and it’s not very good, obviously a filial but not very good. As I said, BW is as good as it gets these days, atleast in seed form. So I would but a couple of packs and try to find a good male and female from the BW line.

Pz :v:t2:


FWIW I’m growing my first White Widow right now. -About 3-weeks into flowering with a Dutch Passion fem. Great structure. It responded to FIM well enough and has a wonderful bush with many flowering sites. Here’s a photo of it out front with the temp/rh monitor node hanging down in front of it.

-and another shot


BW is out of stock…but not sure if since long time or just recently.
Hopefully they will release them soon.


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Looks amazing.
Tried lot of years ago and from this picture I should try again!

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