First grow how’s it look week 4 veg permanent marker

I would, it’s only going to help. They shoukd turn fairly quickly. Overall they look really good. No major deficiencies but they look to be starting.


They look to be starting flowering already? Is that an issue if my lights are still 18 and 6

Nope doesn’t look like they are. Are they autos or photoperiod?

I’m an idiot and responded to my own question sorry yes they are feminized photoperiod


Yea you’re good, they don’t look to be flowering.


When should I flip to flower I’m in week 6 should I give it a week

Is this the lighting? or is this yellowing between the veins. Maybe a few Close ups. of these leaves?

I’m new to coco myself. But if I was giving them only 2 Mills.Per gallon , my plants would die.

(Edited to correct my intelligible Writing)
(Only 2mlil. Cal-Mag. Per. Gal.)

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Like I said , i’m new to cocoa , but I found this to be helpful. I am also using general hydroponics , three part plus cal-mag & silica.

You’re right that’s yellowing I fed them right after that picture I will take some more today what were you thinking they were hungry? And my lighting ppfd is at 450

Yellowing between the veins high up on the plant. In my experience has been a calcium/magnesium deficiency.

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If it was just bottom leaves it could be nitrogen deficiency.


The newest photos were 20 minutes ago after a feed they look a little better right

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Hard to say.
Did you start feeding them with every water?

What PPM/EC are you feeding them?

Feed every single time in coco.


Do you have a different tent for flowering out? Like asked above me what strength feed and pH? How often you feed? How much runoff? What size pots?


Ppm 850 feeding every watering 7 gallon fabric pots and recently defoliated and pruned

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I’m doing the flora series growing in coco and no I don’t have a flowering room I’m guessing you think they will get a lot bushier

I tried responding, but kept getting 403 forbidden or something.

Edit: Now it works. Haha. In seven gallons of coco those are going to get big in flower in that tent. I’d up the feed some, crank up the light some, keep pH stable, get them super happy again, and flip to flower soon.

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