First grow how’s it look week 4 veg permanent marker

Can you control humidity well? 28 gallons of coco and four large happy plants in that tent is going to be tough to keep down. Hopefully you live somewhere dry and it’s no big deal though.

Yes the humidity almost stays at 55 percent with no work at all and at 79 to 82 degrees it’s an indica so I’m hoping I get more bushy than tall. So what would you say maybe 1 more week of feeding aggressive instead of medium and no pruning for that week?

That’s my feed chart the medium feed all the way up to now and I’m at 6 weeks 5 days today thanks for all the tips I love this site

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I know they look tall in the picture but they are only 20 inches tall

I vote yes.
But I’m guessing @PatHealy is far more experienced than me. so I will defer to him.

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Ok hey Pat what do ya think man

That feed chart seems good and detailed, I’d just be at the higher end of the range for the medium chart. If they’re plants that won’t stretch much and humidity isn’t an issue for you, you can veg them another 1-3 weeks and get them more mature before flip. I just worry that those roots have a lot of space in seven gallons of coco and that when you flip they might do quite a bit of growing in those three or so weeks after flipping light schedule. Looks like you’ve stayed on defoliating and pruning already though, so I’m sure you can handle doing that if things get out of control. As long as humidity stays down and you’re moving the air around in the tent, you can ram it full. Might end up with a good deal of larf, but you could do a staggered harvest or just make hash with the larf. Things are going great for a first grow though. Nice job!!


Thank you very much what is larf.?

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I ordered molasses for the flowering. Of this plant what do you think about molasses? Do you have any thoughts on that?

Larf is just the stupid word used for all of the underneath buds that don’t develop in the way the top part of your plant does. Thats why I said staggered harvest, which you’d cut the top half/third/whatever you feel is the good finished bud and then let the undeveloped buds left mature for another week or two. If you were selling, larf is no good. It’s a pain in the ass one trim time too. But, it all washes for hash too. Whatever feels best for you.


I would definitely not use it in coco feeding liquid nutes. I can go check the Flora series though. Maybe that line has some organics and stuff in there. But, I’d definitely steer clear of adding molasses to a coco grow for your first time. I’m not even sure molasses would be able to do anything in there, but mess things up. I’m not sure the life exists in the coco to break the molasses down and whatnot, but that’s more for an organic or scientific grower to clear up.


Ok awesome thank you and 1 more question what do you suggest the humidity be at for flowering and what ppfd should my plants be receiving right now

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450 isn’t bad for veg, but I’d just bump it up to 500 and see how they respond. Ideally get them happy and ready for flower under 600 if you have the right conditions. I imagine once you flip they’ll grow up into more ppfd anyways, so cool you have a meter to make sure things are perfect. I’ve never used a meter myself, but they seem super handy. Veg is the easiest part though, so you want them as perfectly healthy as possible before you flip for your first time. That feed chart seems pretty detailed though to help you with feeding for flower. I’d just stay away from trying any PK boosts or anything for your first run.

If you can stay at 45-50% humidity for flower and then drop that even lower for the finish you’d be golden. You could also try doing it the VPD way, but that gets to be a bit much for me in a home setup.


as a spectator im curious is this cultivar specific or general preference

talking about deficiency here i know im late but im giving my penny

I’d say snap some closeup leaf shots of areas you think have problems. I can never really tell from lights on full tent shots unless there’s a really obvious problem. My lights have far red diodes and can make them look a little paler than they actually are and so on. They just looked a little hungry to me. I assume seven gallons of coco stays pretty moist with an everyday watering to runoff, but I’m curious how stable the pH stays in there without multiple daily feeds. Do you know how to check your runoff?

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I’m supposed to get a 20 percent run off right and test that with my ppm meter I haven’t done it in a little while but I will right when I get home today

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What kind of deficiencies do you notice I’m new to this I thought they were looking pretty good but there is always that guy who notices problems I’m
Willing to hear what you think amumayuk

10% runoff is fine, but I’m certainly not measuring it exactly or anything. Haha. Just give the ppm/ec and pH of the runoff a check next time you get around to it. I think your plants are fine though. Maybe slightly hungry, but nothing to be concerned over. Only thing to be thinking about is tent space and how those will look in week four or so of 12/12. Best of luck!!

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Thank you so much for the knowledge and vote of confidence I will do what you recommended and get back to you again thanks everyone I’m digging this site