First grow how’s it look week 4 veg permanent marker

i was pointing out what was starting you asked if it was starting to flower when JustANobody

he was pointing deficiency du to yellowing starting from bottom wich is inficative of Nitrogen deficiency

What do you suggest how much nitrogen should I add or how should I go about fixing it thanks for your input

I second this

Ok I will do that when I get home


If it nitrogen deficiency bumping up your PPM (Nutrient strength) will take care of it. take pics first. It will help your fellow OG’s Diagnose problems.
I think you’re doing great for your first grow!

on that question i cannont help you as i mix dry amendments into my mix of 1:1:1 perlite :compost:peatmoss

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Close ups for you guys

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Looks like they’ve had some burn and pH issues at some point, which is what I was wondering about with the seven gallons of coco. How much lighter are the pots right before you water them compared to right after? I always like multiple feeds daily to keep things stable, but I’m not sure if that would keep things at full saturation too much with seven gallons of coco and not monster plants.

Take some true closeups of individual leaves that have issues too.

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I’d up the feed, water 2-3 times per day, pH it to the same pH each time. 6.0 would be fine now. Feed/fert the first time to your 10-20% run off and then the other one or two feeds/ferts don’t worry about the runoff unless it starts to have runoff adding just a little bit. Flora series is super popular so I assume there’s enough magnesium and everything in there. Bumping the ppm/ec up to the high end of the medium chart should fix things.

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Ok at first I was having over watering issues and I was only doing 2 gallons once a day for all 4 plants


I made a big mistake and I apologize these are 3 gallon pots I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say 7


Ahhhh, that’s much better. Haha. Up the feed and feed 2-3 times per days. You’ll be golden. Something like one hour after lights on to runoff, then again 3-4 hours after, and then again 2-3 hours before lights out. You can get a little runoff each time too. Coco loves being wet. Plus, now I know those things are decently rooted out. They just need some more feed and keep the coco wet. Once it starts drying out you’ll get problems without all of the meters and crop-steering stuff. Super nice first grow for sure though. They should be in tip-top shape within 2-4 days with some more feed and more feedings. Best of luck in flower!!


Thank you allot man you’ve been a huge help you really think going from 1 feed a day to 3 a day will be ok


Definitely. It’s what coco prefers. I just put seedlings in one gallons a week or so ago and they get fed seven times per day. They’re loving it and growing like crazy. It’s hydroponic growing, not soil.


I feel like my plants have nutrient burn or something I’m going to post a couple pictures as of today.
Yesterday I raised the feed level just want to know what you guys think


Hahaha I just seen this lol haha that’s fukn hilarious


I don’t think it’s nute burn. I think it’s your pH or your lights are too bright

Eta: I just barged In and started yelling. That’s rude of me. I think this, because my plants like to look like this and it’s always pH. Or the lights because I thought “I’ll just turn it up a touch”.