First grow how’s it look week 4 veg permanent marker

My ppfd is right at 500 to 515 as per recommendation from this site which also seems to line up with allot of research what ppfd do you think they should be at in about 18 inches away from the canopy


And if it were light burn wouldn’t it start at the top of the canopy


IMHO it’s a deficiency. Common occurrence with me anyway. :fist:

Bump up the cal mag and see what happens! :pray:
100% not light burn btw

Well done thus far! I have some permanent marker waiting for me to run so I’m excited to see what you end up with! 🫶

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hey, I got a pretty easy way of growing in soil, organically, all you do is feed once every 3 weeks, no phing, and you can feed till the last day, no flushing, and sometimes, like with Pineapple Express autos with this method, you can just cut, dry for a week, and sell to new users and it’ll stink like hell

heres a pic of one organic plant I think 6 weeks plants, this is an organic top fed Pineapple Express auto I got as a freebie. ended up selling it to my aunt. got me like a qp

I agree with both @AppalachianBiscuits and @OGSince03

I think you’re having calcium/magnesium deficiency that is possibly brought on by pH swing. My suggestion would be to increase the cal-mag.

Have you checked the PH and PPM of the run off?


Yes, the leaves that have a canoe shape up top indicate some kind of stress to me. It looks like someone went through and hotdog style folded the leaves. This indicates a VPD or light issue to me. Some strains just do this to be sassy.

Your light setting sounds fine, unless you are vegging for 24h or something unusual.

I’m circling back to pH, and like the others say, pH swings or out of range causes nutrients to become unavailable to the plant.

This is where my usefulness stops. I’m a garbage soil grower. There are a ton of awesome coco growers here.

Did you wash your coco before you planted? I do know coco is like Rockwool and will play games with your pH if you don’t prep it

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I did prep and I will give you numbers after work today for ppm and ph thanks everyone big help

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1380 ppm
6.9 ph on run off

what is the PPM and pH your feeding?

do the plants look The same today as they did in your last pics?

1080 ppm and 5.5 6.5 ph I’m growing in coco pearlite

Thinking about it. You just started feeding every water.Maybe it’s left over damage from giving it just water? If the new growth is green , that might be it?
Another thought, when I waterlog mine or Let it dry out too much. I get the same PH swing damage.
If it takes more than a couple of days too Go from wet to dry It could be over watering?
Honestly I’m starting to get over my head here.I just started growing in coco About half a year ago.
But overwatering and underwatering have Given me the same damage your displaying.
It was.
Suggested to me by a fellow To let it dry out.
To ALMOST too dry. Water with your regular nutrient regime. said it will “reset” Is the ph. it did work for me.
Wish I could be of more help.

You’re runoff seems to be okay.Just make sure you keep watering at P. H.-6.0. On the dot.
Honestly I stopped checking my runoff. I don’t believe it tells you much about the Plants roots? Maybe a proxy But not the hole story.