Intro to organic cannabis growing with top dressing dry nutes 101

edit: i got severe burning using meal/guano, im going to do just guano in 2-3 weeks after i flush one plant

if mixing chemicals every week is too time consuming, there always organic gardening, where you top dress 1tsp per gallon of soil every 3 weeks (you can feed until the day of harvest) and water with plain tap water. it may burn off some colonies but in my experience tap water is fine for casual or experimental use

if you choose to go organic you’ll need

dolomite lime (1tsp per gallon EVERY 3 MONTHS)
high nitrogen bat guano or blood meal for veg 1tsp/gal
high phos for bloom (bone meal, guano, etc) 1tsp/gal
a measuring spoon to correctly measure dry nutes
possible stuff for teas

you MAY be able to add bone meal, and guano, and meals since some dry nutes packages include them with more, but ive only done guano. this crop (bubba kush auto) im doing multiple nutes when they bloom, but ymmv.
water when soil dries out and you should be good until harvest

expect explosive growth and amazing quality buds, ive seen plants grow so much they’ve needed additional lighting

no pics since they’re all on my android but Ive been growing weed for 20+ years on and off and organics is like the miracle cultivation method

also roots organic has an organic dry nutrient solution with stuff like green sand and guanos and meals, but you feed every other week instead of every 3 weeks, expensive however

start adding nutes at around week 2 or 3 or when plants need nitrogen or have a calc deficiency (for the dolomite lime), start with nitrogen then add phos into bloom

when you water it should swish around the top and drop nute water to the pot slowly

good growing

mysterious stranger


I really like the simplicity of this. I know a lot of people here are growing great plants with mind boggeling systems but I like it simple. I use dirt and leaf mold from the woods on my farm mixed with composted cow manure and hay from where we feed in the winter. The Universe will provide. :wink:


Nice!! Good info. Just getting into organic gardening. Using this on these in a cold greenhouse in 3 gal pots and working great!

All my grows are currently organic and i usually use dry fertilizer but this liquid fermented fertilizer test has boggled my mind.


There’s a whole soil recipe thread you should make your recipe and throw it down over there so others can share the wealth! Thanks for the info. Do you like Coco as your base? Or what are you adding all these dry amendments to?


took me 20 years to get it this simple, i started with a 5 gallon bucket with 4 hydro cups lol

i cant add manure or anything since i grow indoors, but guano is good enough for me

i still cant believe the results i got and how easy it is compared to fertillizing with salt chemicals, or even hydro


nice plants and chickens!! i dont think ill ever use manure because it smells awful and i sleep in the same room i grow, guano and dry meals are probably as far as ill go, maybe add some innoculant next time like mycoriza or the other ones. i dont plan on using teas because it takes way too long lol


ill check that thread out! ive only tried this method once but the results were amazing. i added guano 2 days ago and these plants are just exploding got 50-65% bigger in 2 days, after i see tops im going to add phos nutes. im seeing a little bit of clawing in one plant from too much nitrogen but the rest of the plants look good. sadly i lost 3 and i replaced them with seedlings

i use plain soil, i get these 5 gallon roots oranic soil bags for 35$ for two shipped to my house, all i need to do is make holes in the bottom and i got a pot, really helps when i want to reduce stuff like cleaning and the effect on my back


Love the organic gardening, I use promix as it is a nute free base what I add in is what the plants get. Most all premixed soils have a range of nutes mixed in and can be unreliable as to how hot they are from bag to bag. Also don’t forget about perlite. Like to add 25 % more. Also I like to find bone meal with no nitrogen in it.


ive never used promix… im afraid it’d get messy mixing stuff and putting them in pots, the roots 5 gallon bags are perfect for me, never really needed to add perlite but i have heard cannabis likes perlite

bagged soil can be a crapshoot, ive gotten bags of root organic from amazon that have gnats, one of the last bags had these ants carrying white stuff into the soil, so i just put it outside, dont want to get ants in my grow

my pills make me super lazy and fat so i cant really do much mixing, a top dress every 3 weeks is fine for my back, its just watering with a hose can take a toll on me lol, guess i gotta bring that up with my doctor

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sorry missed ya dirtyslowtoes lol

i use basic soil from amazon, either roots organic or fox farms, sometimes happy frog. i tried using coco but im on meds and my back hurts when i do stuff so the most i can really do is water now

this isnt really a soil recipe, this is just a technique i learned on icmag, attached are pics of my plants, 3 bubba kush and the smaller ones are pineapple express #2 and i think some freebie auto. these are all autos, after a trip to the er for a while i can grow out my double bubbleberry and chronic mothers

i think ones sick or just green or the light, the tops look fine off camera

i just added organic nutes to them about an hour ago and theyre growing fine, think they might have a toxicity. only time will tell v0v

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yeah im starting to see some curling, maybe i added too many nutrients

so ymmv with organic nutes, really need some expertise to do it right

this recipe worked fine on my last grow =(

anyways, ill flush out tomorrow if its too bad, or let them go for extra bud

guess after this im moving to 24 plants in sog… never went wrong measuring on my 22 gal rez

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Looking damn good to me. I appreciate the response! They look good. I’m definitely a fan of less is more.

The curling is generally too much calcium, but it’s hard to say without more precise notes. They look like you’ve got em under control for the most part 🫡

ty DST! ya, when i first tried organics it was like night and day feeding my plants. i hated getting chemicals everywhere and buying gloves, after waterings theyd just explode

hopefully it is little calcium toxicity, just realized its just one plant so i screwed up on that one, isnt curling scary curl, just a little curl on new growth, one plant is going good and another has some sort of burn mark on the tips

the little ones are fine

the curling literally happened 20 minutes after i took those pictures, but ya, it actually looks fine!! scared the hell out of me lol

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Here are some fresh pics, they’re growing rapidly but they just started blooming

Gained like a quarter of an inch so far, maybe more, starting to get branchy without topping or fimming

strong text


I’ll try to update this thread with pics of my autos, as a guide and precaution to new organic growers.

Here’s what I did last feeding: I eyeballed the nutes using a hand shovel and I think I burned them, but it’s been 48 hours and it’s minor, any worse I’ll flush and possibly just use guano instead of guano and blood or bone meal

The burn is limited to one leaf in the middle of the plant and another plant has something, I’ll take pics later

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I only got minor burning and plants are going decent, stink like coffee and gives off a heavy stone buzz, I thought I was getting pine so I’ll sell this stuff top price

I checked after 1tsp gal high phos meal/guano I got monster growth and minor burning

Will take pics later


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