First grow in many years - white widow auto

Hey guys! Had a bunch of problems with these but they are finally starting to look like they are gonna make some decent bud.
Seeds were cropking white widow auto.

I used foxfarm happy frog and Medi-one as my nutes… I think Medi one created a lot of problems for them. But it’s probably user error lol…

They aren’t much to look at but they are gonna do the trick!


What week are you in?


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CONGRATS!!! Got back on that bicycle and moving right along. You didn’t loose a step. Do enjoy your weekend, take care, stay EXTRA safe and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee:


Right on with the white widow auto they are my first grow after 40 years dont mean to step on your post. But here is a pic almost ready for quality control


Kyle they sprouted oh Oct 6th… They’ve got another 4 weeks I think on them I think… Just in time for Christmas lol.

Pot daddy looks great man! I’m liking the autos. My next run is gonna be a photo period sativa though just to change it. I also think I’m gonna do Coco next run so it’s easier to flush mistakes if I make them. The PH and everything got all messed up on these white widows and they haven’t really been the same since


Autos can’t handle as strong as nutes as photos can they just got a little nutrient burned, fox farm can get a bit hot at times, great plant structure though, should get a really nice yield out of that for an auto.
Great job autos can be very finacy and your clearly doing well. This will really help you going into a photo grow. I find them much more forgiving and rewarding.

Happy growing,

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Thanks for all the replies guys! Here’s an update Pic from today

My other plant is less mature and leaves are somewhat drooping… Anyone have any ideas?


Yeah i have 2 white widows one is about 2 weeks behind

i got back into growing 4 years ago–after many years of being in related aspects of weed world. it’s all good as long as we give ourselves a little time to knock the rust off–and make mistakes. courage is taken, not given. :slight_smile:

and isn’t it just plain AWESOME to be hands-on with the living beings themselves again!! love their flowers, but love them even more.

Aint that the truth got stuck in hospital thought i was having a dam heart attact but only high very high blood sugar ill be ok as soon as i get out of here and put more pics up.

Peace out and stay safe

Sending good karma your way.

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