First Octopot grow, just started week 8 of flower

Pics taken end of week 7, day 49. 4x4 tent with four 6gal Octopot’s. Two plants on left are Peanut Butter Pie, two on right are Cherry Paloma, both by Raw Genetics. Using Hydroponic Research VBX and Shine, Mammoth P, and SLF-100 in reservoirs. Also added one air stone per reservoir when I flipped to flower which are ran 15min every hour. Running a 630W Optic Led Slim 600H light, 90% power was the highest I could go since the plants got a bit too tall and are within 6-8" of the light. Extremely happy with the Octopot’s, my plants are twice the size of my previous run (hand water 5gal pots with soil).

The only issue I’m “fighting” this run is high humidity when light turns off. My 4x4 tent is in a 10x10 room that I have a window AC unit running and 50 pint dehumidifier. The dehu is keeping the room 40-42% on average, it’s the lowest I can get it with light off. The tent stays in the 55-58% range when light is off, temp 69-71F. My AC Infinity T6 exhaust fan is running constantly at speed 8-10 (which I am venting outside through window in room). Not having any problems with light on conditions since the temp is higher then (76-78F now, brought it down a little now that it’s late flower, ran 80-82F previously). I was planning on dropping my light off temps down to 65F to help bring out some colors but I don’t feel safe going that low with my current humidity issue. Should be noted that I am running a total of four 6" circulation fans, two pole fans above canopy and two fans at floor level pointed upwards into canopy.

Are my humidity struggles “normal” for this time of year? Previous grow I was able to get my humidity down in the 44-46% range at 65F when light was off, but my plants were also much shorter. I assume this is due to a combination of my plants being much larger and more importantly, high summer humidity outside constantly. I really thought the big 50 pint dehumidifier would be large enough for the task, but I may need to consider one of the larger “commercial” style units. My current dehu is filling a 5gal bucket 90% full daily.

Picture below is from a couple weeks ago, it’s the most recent pic I have showing the entire setup.


Holy crap, dude. That tent is full as a tick. Very nice work. My tent is at nine weeks right not. Your plants look better than mine. And way fuller. But my flowers are a thing of beauty.
Yours are spectacular too. Again. Great work, man!
Here’s one of my buds.


Thank you for the kind words! I’m very happy with how this run is progressing, especially since this is only my second grow lol. Still have MUCH to learn. I tend to get rather obsessed with my hobbies, so I’ve done a ton of research in hopes that I’d be the most prepared. But there is no substitute for hands on experience. I’ve certainly learned a bunch more on this second grow by introducing Octopot’s and synthetic nutrients. I had some nutrient issues on my first run with organics and soil but this run has been all good, zero issues in that area. Only problem this time was my plants almost outgrowing the tent lol.

What strain do you post the picture of? She’s a chonker for sure!


That’s my own cross of Cap Junky and Blue Tara. I call her Chunky Junky.
Ill tag you into my thread at the latest pics and you can see the rest. I’m not real good at growing. I am still learning too. I’ve only been growing about five years or so.


AND DOING A DANG EXCELLENT JOB OF IT!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Chunky Junky, perfect name!


Nice work bro! I will ride with you for a while :mage: