Very first grow, day 54 of flower

As the title says, finishing up my very first grow. Have three different strains (friend hooked me up with clones to start).

Parfait, Umami Seed company
Cherry Runtz, Tiki Madman
Blue Dream, Santa Cruz cut

Using a 4x4 tent in an empty small spare bedroom. I tried doing as much research as I could before starting back in December. Acquired all the equipment I’d need for managing the environment in lung room. Growing in 5gal fabric pots with high quality potting soil. 100% organic nutrients. Top dressed with Dr. Earth fertilizer, used some Roots Organic liquids, and brewed many compost teas. Fortunately I have been able to maintain ideal VPD throughout the grow. I’ve made many mistakes along the way that I’ll learn from. Only a couple more weeks left until my very first harvest!

Can’t wait to finish this run so I can reset tent and get started on my second run. Hoping for better results on my second try. Big changes for round 2! Picked up a set of four 6gal Octopots, along with the new nutrients to use in them. VBX/Shine combo, SLF-100, Si-Tech silica, and Mammoth P.


Wow, great job for a first run or any run! :star_struck:


Fantastic job!

Welcome to OG…


Killing it, baby. Here’s to 100 more rounds of success :purple_heart::metal:t2:


Beautiful man


You absolutely crushed it! Beautiful plants :+1:


Thank you all for the kind words! I did a TON of research before I started, and still do today. Plus I can be a bit “obsessive” with my hobbies and this new venture has become my primary focus as of late.

I certainly screwed up hand watering and over watered many times, and don’t think I nailed the nutrient part either. I also went back and forth on my light intensity multiple times before I finally got myself a par meter. The one thing I was able to nail down was the environment. I’ve successfully kept the VPD dialed in the entire grow so I assume that was a positive.

I cannot put into words how crazy excited I am to start my next run in the Octopots. I’m also looking forward to the new nutrients and being able to follow a strict feeding chart, should help with my feeding issues. Expecting to have explosive growth next run!


What nutes are you going to run in the octos

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You killed it, the Newb genius
No shit, this is your first grow, bud
Your going places


Looking great for a first run. :+1:


Looks so good for your first, I’m on my first as well and I hope they turn out as well as yours have!


I got all my supplies together for my next run in the Octopots. I’ll be using Hydroponic Research VBX and Shine, along with SLF-100. Plan to add Si-Tech mono silicic acid silica in veg into early flower, and will start adding Mammoth P at start of flower.

Also picked up a battery powered fuel transfer pump to help fill each 6gal reservoir from a 5gal bucket.


First grow? Somebody likes to do research…:I see lots of success for you. Beautiful stuff, please keep sharing your adventures. Cheers.


Nutrients I’ll be using in Octopots, not pictured are Si-Tech silica or Mammoth P which I’ll also be using.


Running a Gorilla Grow lite 4x4 tent, with an Optic Led Slim 600H NextGen 630W light. Here’s a shot around start of flower of the light and tent set up.

And here’s a quick pic of the lung room, trying to keep things organized. Have tent positioned near middle of the room so I have plenty of room around all sides to work inside.

Half way through the grow I ended up routing my exhaust out the window. Started having problems with high temps in tent and lung room in flower once I turned my light power up to 90%. I live in an area with very cold winters so I don’t have ac installed yet. The high temp problem was caused by my big dehumidifier running constantly to remove the moisture from the tent exhausting into room. Venting tent outside completely fixed that. I then had to re-learn my environment control as that was a drastic change.

Here’s a pic of exhaust routed out window. Went out the top as I’ll be installing a big window ac unit in the bottom come summer. Also added a backdraft damper in line.


Awesome less is more in the octos I’m about to start up again and going to run a lower EC and see how it goes.


Your plants are thriving like they’ve been doing this for ages!


Those buds are looking mighty fine!

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Harvest day! Chopped on day 67 of flower. First grow in the books, keeping fingers crossed I nail the dry!


Very nice! You did well, hope you enjoy the fruits of your labor.

No fan directly on plant, just the inline exhaust on low.