First time grower here!

Hello! I am growing some seeds for my very first time in an indoor tent and have some questions maybe this forum can help with. What are the best ways to keep a constant rH level? How long do I keep the plants in the veg stage before switch light cycles for flower? And how long do I keep the plants in flower before harvest?? I’ve done lots of research and have a very good start with 4 photo periods that have yet to be determined female, and two autos that I planted purely out of curiosity. I am taking any and all advice on this. I’m growing out of organic coco with all organic amendments.


Welcome …photos or auto plants 18-6 in veg flipped to 12-12 to finish

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@Gardentomato Welcome to OG . You will find alot of info on this forum by using the search icon at the top . As far as keeping humidity under control you can use a dehumidifier . The amount of veg time is really up to you , some veg for 4 weeks while other veg for several more weeks. But being in a tent you have limited space so I would think a 4 to 6 week veg would be best for you. But others that have more indoor experience will chime in soon also. Once your plant is in flower its flower cycle is already determined by the genetics so in that aspect you kind of need to know the genetics or wing it by watching the trichomes.


Welcome to the club,

Like @Donnie said you can use a dehumidifier.

Depends on a few factors such as how tall is your tent and the strain you are growing. When you flip to flowering some plants can double or even triple in size. I know with my tents I give at most 6 weeks before flipping to flower. But at the same time you can do a grow start to finish on 12/12 lighting and grow a plant, it will be smaller then if you gave it 18/6 lights for veg.

I have never used coco myself, but from what I have read from other people that have say soil pH can be an issue for some.


Using pure coco be sure to use plenty of Calmag during your flowering stages… it also dries out very fast so keep them watered but not wet… go with feed feed water, feed feed water…
feed at half strength, watch leaf tips… if plants are healthy keep as is… if bottom leafs are yellowing then up strength to full… in mid flower cut all nitrogen and up the PK with a bloom
booster at week 5 6 to 8… week 8 stop all feeding, water only… Organics this should be a good enuf flushing if you do it for 2wks… most strains run 10wks in flower…

My advice… Order a good grow book, when I started I read 3 cover to cover… it truly helps ok. even books a million had them… wishing you the best of luck


Welcome to OG @Gardentomato. When I joined, I read all the basic grow threads and the FAQ. You have lots of time to read.


Welcome to OG! Only real advice I have is read, learn and make up your mind how you are going to grow. You can take suggestions from people as you grow. Although, you won’t be able to follow all suggestions at the same time…

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Hello sir In regards to a constant rh …I just wanna clear this up for myself .do you have a intake outake exhaust for the tent ?

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Link to some environmental techno info.

Best wishes on all your grows



The longer you keep your photo periods in a vegetative state (lights on18 hrs and off for 6 hrs) the larger they will get. Your autos will start to flower once they hit a certain height or around 4 weeks or so after germination. They will begin flowering automatically, no matter what the light cycle is.

If growing in coco, I would suggest going to a website called Amazing info there. Also a place called has some really excellent, rudimentary stuff to get you started and answer a lot of your questions. Both of those places have recommended feeding schedules. The thing about coco is to learn how to measure the EC (electrical conductivity) of the water going in and running out of the pots. Again, a lot of this info can be read at the first website I recommended.

As for chasing RH… you’ll come to learn this will be difficult to maintain, even with a dehumidifier. You’ll need a good exhaust fan in your tent. I highly recommend an AC infinity T6. You can set it to kick on once the sensor reads a certain level. RH will constantly fluctuate but at least w good exhaust you’ll be able to manage it somewhat. It will all depend on where the air is coming from or where the tent is sitting in your house. RH will be different at all times throughout the year. Summer is more humid and winter more dry. Not to mention it will fluctuate when you water all your plants. There’s a lot to uncover and most of this will come with experience. You’ll get to know your grow space the more you grow so just keep growing :+1:t3:

Best of luck!


Welcome to OG my friend

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Yes I have a ventilation system that exhausts out a window

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ive heard alot of good things about this ac infinity fan

Not that specific size just that the built in controller works well for controlling temp/humidity


inkbird is another solid brand you could look into

My cat ate my auto seedlings first leaves, will the plant die or is there hope for it to recover it’s leaves?

All you can do is wait and see. It’s a big drawback, but if there’s any photosynthetic material left you’ve got a good chance.


This is what im personally doing to control temp/humidity.

Little bit more complicated then the other options but it gives me the option to control and monitor everything anywhere I can connect to the internet. Also makes it quite easy to expand and setup different “zones” for my different rooms.

I could also set up text message alerts for example if i diddnt have internet access.


I highly suggest using @Papalag fertilizer program… very simple, very easy, very affordable

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Thanks but I Can’t take all
the credit for the schedule I tweaked it a bit for my own needs but ifish , cbn buddy , jetdro , Gram t all had a hand


Yes sir you guys did a hell of a job tweaking that formula and the plants you used it on looks great! I appreciate all your guys effort on that! Could you give @gardentomato a link please