My first time growing

Hey, so I’m a full out rookie to this right now (the site and growing) but I plan on growing marijuana as a business when the opportunity arrives with the new legalization of pot in Canada.
Anyway, right now I’ve 8 or more seeds of various strains germinating. Since this is my first time growing I don’t plan on taking this plant and continuing it’s genetics, unless it turns out to be really good. If not, which is the more likely assumption, I’ll be trying to find better seeds from someone else. But I would really appreciate for any input and tips that I can get.

I put the seeds in for germination last night around 10pm and around 3pm my gf and I got curios and looked at them. Around that time we had 4 possibly 5 seeds starting to sprout.
When they’re out of the germination container and potted I’m going to be growing them outdoors in a ‘Greenhouse tent’ but I’ll be moving it into a closet when it starts to become obvious what it is.
In the closet I’ll have a little grow box that’s 5x2x3 that I found on here since I liked the desings, but I’ll be adding my own little mods so I can have a bottle of CO2 to keep the PPM levels appropriate.
When it comes to a return on how much I’m going to get back, I’ll be happy with just about anything to be honest. I was told not to expect much since the first couple times you grow it’s usually more trial and error.

What I would really appreciate is knowledge on what types of bulb and where I would get it. And I’d also would like to know how to mask the smell.

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Hello, welcome to OG! I wish you luck starting for the first time.

I’d say that probably for beginner I’d skip CO2, it really grows well without it and you need to get some experience so try to stay low and go with some easy and fail-proof setup.

Regarding bulbs, HPS is pretty much industry standard. For the smell you need to use Carbon Filter. Its size has to be chosen in relation to your exhaust ventilation. Choose the bulb wattage first, then vent and filter.

If you choose appropriate ventilation and supply enough fresh air, you can get great results without using CO2. I’d leave CO2 to professionals since there is only few percent of yield surplus. As a beginner you don’t need another thing to take care of.

What about medium and grow style? Have you got any plans about it?

BTW cabinet only 3 feets high? That is not much for flowering chamber.

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The cabinet’s roof will be detachable with the intake so I’d easily be able to screw more boards in for more gorw room.
It’s more so a temporary thing until they need more room.
As for the co2 I thought that it would help more so I’ll easily leave that out of the equation, makes everything easier on my wallet.
I also figured I would need a carbon filter as well.

And I’m not 100% as to how to answer your medium and grow style.
If it’s possible, what would you advise I do?

On a Side note, 6/8 have begun to sprout out of the seeds within 24 hours.
My bud told me put it behind the fridge grill, it’s just warm enough.
I put it on top of my surround sound system’s amp because it’s always nice and warm but in a dark area.

Welcome and have a blast!

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Your plan is cool and will work but you are adding a little risk starting outdoors and moving indoors. Fungus can be systemic and you wouldn’t even see it till the plant’s immune system weakens such as the end of flowering. Eggs from insects can be brought inside also. Just something to think about.


I’m not that worried about bugs because it’s in a enclosed area when it’s growing outside.
As for the fungus, I’m going to take the risk.

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If you want to start outdoors and move in, that leave all bunch of hydro and aero systems out and you are probably limited to soil type mediums.

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Learn to grow, then save your money, if you want to grow legally for recreational in Canada. There are already somewhere in the neighbourhood of 2500 individual grow licence applications waiting for gov’t approval. Its gonna take corporate bucks to get set-up and lots of it. Canada is not going to use the California system, of seed to sale for private grows. The gov’t was asked this on Thursday, and they consider the 25 licenced producers “small businesses”. Not to poop on your dreams but…I wouldn’t start growing with commercial legal rec. business as your main goal. Learn to love your plants, then go from there. I was hoping there would be more provisions for boutique growers, but it looks like Canadian gov’t will try to prevent this market from developing. They are going to CRUSH the dispensary system this year, just watch. It will feel like prohibition 2.0, only rich fucks can play by their costly rules.

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That size flowering room would be fine for now. My first few grows never got over 4 feet with the pots. Training is good. I also used a cheap 125w cfl with hood. No hiding the smell, i toke A LOT and im sure that reaks more then a plant or two. I used a single turbo force fan. And also. Dont do hydro. 1)tons of work. 2) you have to use synthetic chemicals or if organic you have a TON more cleaning then you already have. 3) youre waste water. Youll most likely dispose of it however you can so the nutrients leach mother earth. 4) did i mention the work?

Check out the notill threads at grasscity.

Benefits of notill and natural farming

  1. Little work 2. Little transplanting 3. Not a slave to ph. 4. Cheap. 5. Little feeding. 6. Nature deals with pests for you. 7. Very forgiving 8. No flushing.

I’m going to attempt hydro around my 5th year into growing.
And thank you for the no-till information, I’ve read into it and I think I’ll try that.
Seems better than my gf and I’s plan to put it in the soil she uses in her mini garden and hope for the best.

I second the advice of not starting your seeds outside and then moving indoors. Too many variables and risks, especially for a new grower. Start indoors under cheap CFLs and hone your skills as you move forward. As with the CO2, don’t make things more complicated than they need to be. Getting from seed to mature bud is an accomplishment and it may take more than one attempt to be successful.

Good luck!


Yes your first couple of grows will just be a learning process, If you are just growing a few plants just start with cfl’s or better yet you can use LED bulbs in place of the cfl’s, I saw 4 Led bulbs for around $5 at walmart the other day or you could mix it up with cfl and LED bulbs, go with a 6500k(day light or cool) bulb for veg growth then switch over to 2700k(warm white) for flowering or you could just mix the two up as I have done before. Or you can just go get a cheap Mars Hydro LED grow light on ebay, they work better than CFL.
If you are technically inclined then I would recommend building your own LED light with LED cobs, but you might want to wait on that until after a few grows.I actually built my own LED grow light for cheap first using cheap chinese 100w cobs then later using Cree LED’s in cob form. As for soil just go with some fox farm ocean forest if it is available, It is already amended and you can use it for a few weeks without even fertilizing your seedlings.
Any decent potting soil will work for you though. Go with a simple fertilizer like fox farm also, they have a 3 part fertilizer that is simpler than some of the others that require mixing 5-10 different parts. The main thing is to have proper air circulation in such a small grow area as heat can be an issue.
I know I was all over the place, but there are many options, If you want to just keep it simple just go with the CFL or LED bulbs and any decent potting soil and a simple one or two part fertilizer and some good air circulation with a carbon filter and you will be set for your first grow.


dude that grow box is sick! i need to build a micro grow soo badXD

yeah, I can’t take credit for it. I just posted a pic to give him an idea of a simple setup…:slight_smile:

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Thanks for the info pookie,
I’ll try my best to follow it. Unless one of my buddies that grows decides to help me out and give me some stuff lol

Also here is an update on the seeds. In a hour it would’ve been 3 days exactly.

Plant them asap:) those roots getrin long. Try not to J curl the tap root.


While I was away at work my cats managed to knock all of the seedlings out of their home, my gf heard them do it and replanted them for me.
I’m hoping that didn’t jeopardize this. The cat’s have also done this to my gf’s garden fucking shit heads.

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Haaaaah damn catsXD ive had that happen a few times. Un recovrrable though as no one heard it. Quite funny. I dont blame the cats though. They cats. Thats what cats do. Fuck up shitXD i started putting my seedling in a locked room:)