New to the field, it’s a gift.

I was spontaneously gifted this baby. Unfortunately my space is limited, the budget is limited and my knowledge in plants is minuscule.

The gentlemen who aided me in this quest said to be firmly honest when I join and post a picture. So I know zilch, nodda, BUT I’m an eager soul to learn. This isn’t some plant you can just water and hope for the best results.

So, any help on this new path will be greatly appreciated. I will be reading more forums and watching any YouTube related topics. I am a freshie.

Thank you and have a great one!



The plant looks healthy.

How limited is a limited budget?

Tons of information on here so just cruise around and you’ll learn a lot.

Cheers and all the best.


Good news, you can grow some serious plants under these constraints!

You might benefit from a bigger pot and some more dirt, but there are some members here that work wonders with tiny pots.

With a 15 gallon pot and fruit scraps from the kitchen I’ve had great results just adding water and hoping for the best. In fact that’s how I’ve achieved my best results.

You’re already in the right place asking the right questions :wink:


If you can find some M3 soil (Michigan made mix) and a 5 gallon pot-- you won’t need to feed until about 1/2 way through bloom! Otherwise, leave her in there, and we all can help you figure out what nutes to use! You can get pretty much anything you need on Amazon IF you do not have a grow store near by…there are even options for Lowes/Home Depot…not my 1st choice, but organic and workable… just make sure that planter has lots of drainage!

Next you need a light-proof place to grow her.
Light-proofing the inside of an unused/cleaned- out closet is how we started! Justmylar or white plastic sheeting and duct tape!

For Light, You can use 3-4 clamp-lights ($8 ea at Walmart) fitted with high output LED bulbs for growing- usually around $12 a 4 pack… make sure they are the plastic kind- and CAREFULLY saw-off the frosted bulb part- leaving just the base.
Hell- we started out ‘in the day’’ with shop lights and aquarium lights!

A clamp fan or small wall mount oscillating fan (on clearance at most places now for under $20) for air circulation will do…

Next- IMO- you want to do some minor bondage on her… it will help her get more ‘shrubby’ and be able to handle bigger buds.
CAREFULLY attach a string to the planter- (just heat a nail or skewer and burn a hole big enough for string at the top) then tie the other end to the top of your plant, just under that top ‘canopy’’ and gently arch her down toward the planter… you’ll tighten it a couple times throughout the grow to keep her bent down. Just make sure that the loop that is actually tied to the plant is loose-- do not ‘‘choke’’ her…
Then pop her into the closet!

BUT: If you really need ‘on the cheap’ and have a secluded place outside-- build her a tent out of clear plastic with a small vent at the top-- just ‘Tee Pee’ some dowels (push them into the ground, or it’ll blow away!) or PVC and wrap in plastic. Leave a side ‘open’ with a flap so you can easily access it… But if you live where it is really hot, and the season lasts well into October- – then cover it with screening…then put her outdoors, and tie/feed & water as needed! Space, air and lighting solved ! If you know it’s going to get cold enough for frost- you can cover it at night with a sheet of plastic.

There is a lot to learn and deal with in growing, and it can be daunting- but doesn’t have to be with all these folks around to help!


Welcome @AresRaptor in 2006 I started with one plant. My screen name was myoneplant shorted it later to MOP. Welcome again :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:


You can put that pot on top of a bigger pot filled with certified organic soil, on top of a slightly wider saucer and water into the saucer, you can’t really over water that way. (Common rookie mistake.)
Fill up the saucer for as long as it keeps getting absorbed.
The roots will simply keep growing down through the watering holes of the smaller pot into the bigger pot.
You can then throw a bunch of kitchenscraps on top of the soil of the bigger pot.
Or sow a variety of cover crops or companion plants that help the cannabis grow and lures any insects away that would otherwise munch on your cannabis.
For example clover, vetch, etc…

A tent is not absolutely essential, if you have a closet that is completely dark that will work too.

As for light, I’m happy with my quantumboard, (cheap, waterproof, quality build, dimmer), just make sure you unplug it when you want it completely off.

Welcome to OG, and feel free to post updates and ask as many questions as you like.
As for the right answers, that’s for you to feel your way into.
Have fun and trust in the magical power of nature, it created us!


Student budget. Once a month income. Closet is best option due to seasonal and area no good for privacy.

So far I’m enjoying my note taking. And yes tons of goodies already and it’s 6 posts in. I’m pretty excited.

Thank you!


Thank you very much! I will certainly
Be off to pick up supplies today.

Tiniki - maci. Thank you in my language.


Thank you very much.

The read was thick but very informative. So with the bondage, is that throughout or just for a bit? I see you said “tighten,” and I’m just curious on the duration. Pretty neat to know. Lots I didn’t know. Especially the amount of diys.

I’m feeling like a kid with a Fishing rod for the first time. I appreciate it all very much!!


Welcome to OG and a very rewarding hobby. All the knowledge you seek is right here on the site and I see some growers have already started to guide you. Before you know it you will be the one answering questions for others, enjoy the journey.


It can be done for quite cheap. If you’re on a budget in a major centre it’s quite easy to find used good stuff cheap :+1:


Hello and Welcome to the OG @AresRaptor.

I think Doug Covered most of it right der’ :arrow_double_up: .

The best thing I can tell you is watch your plant. It will tell you what is going on and if it is in need of anything.

Don’t worry if your first plant isn’t 100% perfect.
The whole grow thing is a learning process.

As you can tell the OG will take care of you.

and as always…
Here is to the good times to come on the OG :call_me_hand:


You can do it just the one time-- or-if the new growth stretches, tie them as well.
When you ‘tighten’’ it is just enough to keep it secured while it puts out new tops- and the top re-orients to be even with the ‘new’ tops…do as little or as much as you like… it is mostly so itstops stretching and you get more bud-sites at the top!


How’s it going @AresRaptor ? :slight_smile:


i was thinking the same thing. i wonder what happened to the poor girl. looked a tad frail in the first picture.