In need of some advice and opinions

I am hitting a frustration wall with these plants, caused by myself of course. Too excited first grow put them into 5 gallon pots from the get of coco that I didn’t rinse or buff because I lacked in the research department, and probably over amended a little and used that from seed to find out later that it’s best to have zero nutes at the start. Stunted the growth. Then I overwatered maybe 2.5 weeks in, stunted the growth some more. By week 3.5 the cal mag deficiencies were starting to pop up and added to the everlasting stunt in growth. Today I decided Ef it and defoliated and did some LST for good now but in the process snapped the main stem in half of what was the 2nd biggest of the 3 which was probably completely my fault but man, never been more frustrated :joy: already ordered some more seeds in case these just up and die on me one of these mornings. What would y’all do in my situation? genuinely in need of second, third, and fourth opinions lol.


These pics are from today, thanks for all the advice everyone. I’m gonna take a big step back from the tent and stop bothering them except for watering and occasional photographs. Thanks again!


The more mistakes you make, the faster you learn. It’s just a matter of perception.
Choose the most benevolent point of view, all the rest is frustration.

Finish this the best you can and if you’re interested in organic no-till growing I can help you get started with that, but I don’t know about synthetic nutes.


I’m really liking the color though, they look healthy to me.
Don’t underestimate these plants.


Yeah I take a toke and chill out, gonna continue to take care of em. I use down to earth dry amendments for the medium I started to make the grow as organic as possible

I think it will rebound if you are patient. I would try and take some clones once it starts taking off again and apply what you’ve learned thru those mistakes to the clones :slight_smile:


Stems snap, it happens. If there’s nodes it can regrow from, it will. Plant doesn’t look bad.

IDK who told you not to use nutrients with coco. It’s inert. You need nutrients. I feed seedlings with the same strength formula I give veg plants and plants in flower. Never “stunted” or “burned” a seedling with a moderate feed.

What exactly are you concerned about? It seems healthy. Some plants veg slowly.

I find handwatered coco works a LOT better if you cut it with 50% perlite or other media. Large volumes of pure coco handwatered does weird stuff with pH and nutrients.


I guess I’m concerned with the overall growth, looking very small comparing to most others at this time period. Just not sure why they are so stunted for being healthy looking.

Are you growing autos?

If not, no mistake made, keep it in veg as long as you want!

Aggressive trimming of photoperiod fems will give you bonsai moms if you do it right.


the plants can still turn out ok, just veg them for a bit with a good water -feed regime, I have seen worse, sorry didnt read @Yetigrows response, i agree with @Yetigrows


Looking good so far.
Don’t compare plant size to others. There are a number of factors at play there.
Only concern should be keeping them healthy until they finish.


Couldn’t agree more there. Mine get fed in coco in solo cups. Also agree other then size, they look pretty good.


My wife was right about size? I figured she was just pandering to me.

Seriously though, they look fine. Just veg as long as it takes til they are as big as youre happy with, considering the stretch theyll do in flower first.


They are autos yes 🥲

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Then it is what it is sadly. But if you have the room you can start some more and let these finish it out. Might as well since all the same light schedule.


That’s why I got some more they should be here in a week or so, gonna put them in 3 gallon fabric pots instead of 5

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Those plants don’t look too bad to me. If you wont take it to harshly I’d recommend you stop “doing”. Your making the most common mistake new growers make …over doing everything. Just stop. Leave them alone. Don’t over water over trim over feed over correct. Marijuana will grow out of a crack in the sidewalk without any help from man. The term is… LITFA …leave it the fuck alone. If you do nothing to those plants for a week you will see them improve. I hope this helps.


You’ll want to use salt based (bottled liquid nutrients) in coco. Typically it’s about 70% coco to 30% pearlite. Some ppl add worm castings although I don’t really see the point because worm castings are typically used for the microbial life they contain (among other things) and salt based nutes kill microbes… anyway I don’t think it’s too recommended to start mixing in dry amendments into your coco. For the next auto grow, try sowing the seedling directly in the medium and don’t touch them. Just follow your feeding schedule and let them do their thing. Typically, with what I would call, your aggressive low stress training technique here you would only really want to perform that on photoperiod plants so that you could keep them vegging longer but with autos you really have to be experienced to pull off that type of training. Anyway, hope that helps. In general with autos you just want to keep it as simple as possible and let the plant just mostly do it’s thing!


I’m loathe to do ANY training on autos other than some minor LST or say topping at 5th node if the plant is REALLY rocking…

Your timeframe is so short on those plants, any mistake costs you.


Runty slow growing seed plants happen all the time.

If everything else is growing quickly and the slow growing plant looks healthy, it’s probably just the plant, not you.

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Every weed plant wants:
Air flow
Some wind
Close to VPD as possible in veg atleast.
Oxygen to the roots.

All the above have charts except the media part do depending on media nutrient delivery can be either
Semi organic (what i do)
And synthetic (HYDRO).
Coco is amazing u can do both with the right amendments.

Roots will want nutrients via
Straight synthetic
Or organic with symbiotic root hairs working with symbiotic microbes and fungi (all available in dr earth ferts for example).
Or both.
Prep everything first.
Flush the media if using coco.
Water it with low synthetic nutes i use megacrop .5g per L u can get exact ppm .43 x .5 x 1000.
Dry run tent with everything except the seedling to get your shit in check.
Once established a bit u can feed semi organic i like to finish organic before i water only makes it easier to feed and plant doesnt starve as it works with the media to feed as it needs.

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