First Time (growing legal that is)!

:joy: Thanks for dropping in @Herrsquidward I hear you! I still flip back the sheets & covers every night before sliding into bed! The big black/blue/green ones are like are like crabs - hard to miss! The little brown ones are perfectly camouflaged, sometimes being translucent, and love to hang out under pots & bags…or in the rolled up top edge of the bags…right where you’d grab 'em to move! Not to start a “Scare Night” but our centipedes are worse! :hot_face:

Yeah, the monsoons can be heavy, you never know ‘how’ heavy until it’s over. The good part is you know approx when it’s gonna start and when it ‘should’ end! But over the years you get used to it (more or less!). Takes about 3 years before you just decide to throw out any leather items and seal any important books/documents in zip-loc baggies! Good part is my water bills drop to nothing for one or two months!



Yo @Budderton ! Well, it’s not that it got ‘weird’, just that that one I had done a lot of pinching with a lot of regularity and it had something like 16 ‘tops’! I was really looking forward to seeing it develop buds! Pretty sure they were all F2’s, but my Libre-Office software has developed some kind of glitch and I can’t access my log book! (Might have been caused by me just wishing for an escape from so much logging lately!).

That said, it’s the Lemon Slush that are doing ‘Weird’ things! Got 3 of them that are doing some weirdness; ever since starting flowering they are throwing out single-bladed leaves really thickly. I was dreading the trim job if they make it all the way through! I’ll grab some pics and post later to show you what I mean. Somebody else would probably have culled them…Me? I want to see what they do! Perhaps my soil mix is out of whack? But it’s basically the same mix as all the rest? If anybody recognizes this phenomena please enlighten me!

Whoops, time to get back to work! Have a great day!



Centipedes are also creepy. I got stung by one here. It was a small, light blue one about 5 or so centimeters long. The sting was mild. Very mild. It was somewhere between a mosquito bite and a bee sting, and nowhere near the most painful I’d ever experienced. Even with that in mind, they still creep me out. The most alarming thing I’ve seen here was a scorpion crawling across the goddamn ceiling in my bedroom, like some monster in a horror movie. I definitely killed that little fucker and used my torch lighter to reduce it to ashes.
My rule with scorpions outside is if they’re more than about 6-7 meters from the house and moving away, I let them live. My phobias are my own concern and I won’t take it out on innocent creatures, BUT I will absolutely not cohabitate with them. We also have two small dogs, so any scorpions in or around the house have got to go.
I’ve been in the Jungle before (the Amazon and the Philippines) and I do not envy you. The jungle is very, very cool but there are some nasty little creepy-crawlies there.

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Haa, haa, haa! You gotta go through @Budderton 's “Cobra Lips” thread! :joy:
See post 115! (I think?)


Is that where the lady was kissing the cobra? I’d rather deal with cobras than scorpions. I grew up in the Deep South (Arkansas) and there are snakes EVERYWHERE. In fact, my favorite fishing spot was notorious for the snakes. I went to the upper end of it (it was actually a creek that had been dammed off by beavers) and there was literally a water moccasin every square meter. You could not take 5 steps without running into one. This was all fine by me; that many snakes kept people away from it. Funny thing is I didn’t have to embellish anything. The truth was more disturbing than any “fish story” people could tell.


Busy times around here! Sold off a couple big 6-wheeler trucks full of palms, flowering trees, bromeliads and other stuff all the while clearing more for grow space, adding more drip systems. Still haven’t utilized 50% of the last grow’s amended mix yet! Weather is back to being fantastic, if a bit hot mid-day. All-in-all, Life’s a Ball! :crazy_face:

Been a few weeks so I broke out a tester of the fermented Thai Stix to check on things. Forgot to take a photo of the wrapped stix with the cordage but it looked something like this;

The inner wrapping is corn husk and then it was bound very tightly, put in a glass jar in a darkened tent on the warm side and left alone. First thing noticeable was that the veins of the corn husk are imprinted on the licorice-like bud stick. The compression really did meld the whole thing into a single mass. Not really any noticeable smell other than perhaps from the small amount of mold on the corn husk. There wasn’t much smell until we started to break it up in a hand grinder. I bit ‘woodsy’, earthy, & musky. Nothing really special on the taste on the inhale but the exhale had people commenting. Not that anybody actually came up with a coherent description, but we all noticed ‘something’ about it :joy: My buddy went into a very emphatic story-telling mode about one-third of the way into the joint between 5 people and at the end of the story I was hit by hysterical laughter, not over the story but at the thought that he was going to say at any second, “I don’t think I got very high from that joint”! But as I said, we moved on far too quickly to testing a few other buds and then the best hash I’ve ever made! Will have to repeat the tests! :clown_face:

Gonna have to re-do the smoke test…things got botched up when we moved immediately on to testing 3-4 other strains and the hash! :rofl:

On with the show, Grape Dragons are looking beautiful! I want to understand what it is that causes certain strains to get this type of edge-in curl as the dust up? I noticed it recently on Sugar Cane and today all three of the Grape Dragons are starting to show it as well. The trichomes on the bottom sides of the leaf, as they curl upwards, just sparkle in the sunlight. And this is just the first day!

The old Ebb & Flow table is ‘operational’ and I set in some testers bedded in a perlite/vermiculite mix. Hoping to reclaim my porch (and sunlight) from the tent, but doubt I’ll ever get it empty enough to take down before I’ll need it again for drying! :joy:

And @Budderton 's LA Affie S1 #11 x Afghani HP have confirmed a suspicion I’ve had for a week now. Looks like we’re gonna get pink pistils! Until today I wasn’t sure if it was my bloodshot eyes or them really having a pinkish glow!

The Dark Cherry Pie autos are astounding me…starting to understand why people grow these finally! Here’s a dark picture of one of the girls just starting to show sex at 31 days from planting. The day-to-day growth on these things is astounding! Gonna have to move them out over the next 2 days as they are on the short side of the greenhouse and about to hit the ceiling.

Okay, got loads of soakers to go deal with before bed, hope you all have a great weekend!



:rofl: I know the feeling! Well that’s cool @Tlander .
It’ll be interesting to see if the pinkness continues to progress through flowering. It’s weird for me to see the long, eyelash pistils on these. For me, they where short and stumpy , when I did them inside. I can see they’re loving the tropics! And that Grape Dragon is gonna be bad ass! @BasementBeans did a great selection with those. Here’s a shitty phone pic of one I did inside.:grin::v::canada:


Thanks @Budderton . The LA Affie #11’s seem to have much longer pistils than the #9’s which are ‘normal’ length and show no signs of coloration. The 11 buds really caught my attention right from the start! Typical for a stoner, but I keep having a hard time remembering how you described the different forms they took, one taller and, the more favorite one, shorter is how I seem to remember it? (But which one’s which? :clown_face:) I’ll have to comb through OG to find it again! :joy: But I’m looking forward to watching them stack…and sampling them!

The Grape Dragons really started to put on crystals in the last 24 hours! There was a moment today when the sun hit them just right and it was like one of those days in the mountains with dry, powdery snow that just ‘Sparkles’ :sparkler: I’m really hoping I can make some seed with these this run…otherwise I gotta contact @BasementBeans and line something up for the long season run. I’m thinking this just might be the environment they’ve been looking for all along! But they’ve got a long way to go still…think they’re at about 2.5 weeks of flowering now. Do you remember how long you ran them for?

I put in some more seeds to soak last night about 10/11 pm…true to previous form, your LA Affie’s were showing root tips by 7 am when I looked! Just amazing vitality in those seeds you made! Thanks again bro! Oh what I would give to have all my seeds germinate like yours! You’ve got/developed a great gift…and it keeps on giving! :pray:



The A11 F1s where all small in stature, but carried as much bud as the regular sized A9 F1s and where better quality. More trichs, terps, effects ect. I got pine scented incense cone, with a bit of mint on some and a bit of something skunky on others, across all phenos from both A11 and A 9 in the F1s.
The GD where pretty fast inside. They where done at 8 but I let them go to 9wks, so I could harvest them with some other stuff.
Thanks for your words @Tlander , I appreciate them. I just try and take what I’ve learned over the years and do my best with it. One thing I’ve learned is to make good selections you’ve got to be selective.:grin::v::canada:


Well, it was another moving day! Auto’s finally get their place in the Sun.

I’d swear they grew 6" today after moving to full sun! Today was their 33rd day birthday! I’d say they have doubled in size in the last 4 days! Fans are bigger than my hands now.

Another couple @Budderton models;

A couple ‘Ugly Duckling-footed’ plants that suddenly decided to stretch out and fill in the blanks! May just turn into something nice after all!

And the Grape Dragon’s from @BasementBeans …sorry I keep posting them like they’re my grandchildren’s report cards! :joy: But I just love 'em!

And finally, had this guy drop in to visit today.

Have a great week!



I had some bud from Oregon called “Enzo Cherry Pie”, and it was a pretty awesome sativa. It had the heart-pounding, balls-to-the-wall effect I like so much. The first time I tried it, I also watched Apocalypse The Second World War for the first time. Good times.


Gettin’ late, seeds to plant…but gotta post a few! :joy:

One of @Budderton 's babes!

LA Affie S1 #11 x Afghan H.P.

And the autos took off this last week! Lovin’ being out in the sun!

Seeds are callin’ me!


The Affies look nice! The color in those pistils is beautiful man! I hope they finish strong for you!


Another busy Sunday! Pollinated 2 branches on each of 2 Dark Cherry Pie Autos.

Decided the Grape Dragon male in the ‘malebox’ isn’t gonna make enough pollen to make more seeds, so hit a lower branch of each GD w/ Blue Tara…

@Budderton 's Carl’s Shoes were looking ‘worn out’ 3 days ago and I even contemplated taking them out…glad I didn’t! In the last 3 days the ‘leafy sticks’ have turned into colas the length of my entire arm!

And the likewise previously ‘not so hot looking’ White Apricot Sherbet are doing the same thing now!

Found my first bit of budrot on one of the Grape Dragons! Bummer, hit it with the hypoclorious acid which should stop it in its tracks if I got it deep enough into the buds.

The LA Affie #11 just keeps on building

Had some friends that had an idea for a couple hundred grams of smaller Ghost Dog buds I had jarred up;

Reroofed the bud house after the cheap greenhouse cover disintegrated after 3 months! Added more drip systems, gave everything a good soaking down and came home and tucked in another 40 or so seeds tonight!

And finally, @CADMAN 's Xmas package arrived in the tropics!

Time for some sleep to get up and do it all again tomorrow! OGTW!



Wow! Those Carl’s Shoes look like they’re just getting going. Still plenty of time to fill in. My adult daughter described the mom to those as “smells like stinky feet and taste like fruity pebbles”
And that A11 is a little chunker! Nice trich rails starting on it. Did you keep any cuts of it? It will be a good test to see how it holds up in the high rh environment. I hope they do well for you.:grin::v::canada:

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Haa, haa, haa! I think m’be the plants are just confused…coming from Budderton’s where they had an environment where they got so much attention to detail on logging, and then ending up here with so many plants that I can’t even keep track of 'em all! :joy: Found 5 more transplanted clones of her just yesterday…I’m VERY stoked!

Finding that budrot on the Grape Dragon was depressing…I’d just read about how strong their resistance to fungus is! And the bad news is that it’s been pretty dry for a week or so now.

Plucked 39 mature seeds off of the lower branches of a Bloody Monster that I hit with Blue Tara pollen! Wonder if that’s been run before? @BigMike55



Have not heard of that cross. Close to harvest??

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@BigMike55 Getting there, saw three seeds sitting on the soil in the airpot and realized I better try to find some before they dropped and I lost 'em all. This was a BM that only had a couple weeks veg before it decided to flower out, so it hasn’t got much size to it, just pretty much a single cola. Noticed another one in a 10 gal that taking on a nice shape though.



Search for @GREANDAL grow of BM. Or mine. Greanal has it going on for sure. That will show you what she’s capable of.


Yo @BigMike55 Haa, haa, haa I’ve been going through the searches on OG one-by-one to see what I can find, thanks! How heavy of feeders were yours? Wondering if I’m hittin’ em hard enough or too hard. And thanks again for the beans via JPS!
