First Time (growing legal that is)!

Ok so for my style of growing, I like to feed enough that I get just the slightest tip burn on the leaves. About 1/16th of an inch. That will tell me I’m hitting them as hard as possible without burning them up.
I never could get BM to show tip burn. And I upped their feeding to at least 1000 PPM. Every day. No plain water. Always nutes. She loved it. And even applied more nitrogen during flower because they demanded it.
Hungriest plants ever.
That is until I started this run. That Sheelavathi is a hungry biotch!


Thanks @BigMike55 ! Funny, I noticed those tiny burned tips in one of the photos and thought, 'he pushed ‘em to the limit and then pulled back a pinch"…just about the same thing you said! That’ll ease my mind on givin’ 'em a further boost.

I’m just playing around with seed-making, unlike lots of you Pro’s around here! But you guys are so damn inspiring, really appreciate having this fantastic community! So I have been seeding out lower branches around here the last couple months, just hoping to produce enough to re-grow and pass out to the locals around here to give 'em a chance to play with OG Fire! Speaking of playing with fire…I’m shocking myself at how many different males I’m keeping around while in the middle of a rather sizable grow! Been chopping off tops and sticking them in the ‘maleboxes’ but little success without a better ventilation system…just can’t find that 25th hour! But that gives me another week or so to see if any females are ready before the second flowering of the males. (Just the musings of a ‘beginner’ pollen chucker! :rofl:) Anyway, your Bloody Monsters, @Maddawg 's London Pound Cake and @JohnnyPotseed 's Franken Bubble have been the big depositors in my home-grown seedbank lately! The Franken Bubble x Blue Tara (BT also from JPS) stands a chance of being something special…we’ll see I guess!

Thanks BigMike, and everybody else here on OG!



Yo gang! Got a few minutes before starting on more transplants so throwing up some more shots from today. The little direct-seeded into 10 gallon airpot auto flowers (Dark Cherry Pie) that went in 43 days ago have gone a long way towards changing my opinion of autoflowers!

Here they are 10 days ago

At 25-30 days it was like an alarm went off! Her’s some of the gals today (Bad sun angle over here too! :crazy_face:)

So yeah, you can forget the idea that you’re only gonna get little tiny plants out of autoflowers! Give 'em a big pair of :boot: :boot: and they’ll find a way to fill 'em! :rofl:

And I got a couple for @Budderton ! Remember how you said everything expresses itself ‘differently’ in my environment over here? Well, I’d bet this is a first for you seeing your White Apricot Sherbet looking like this! :joy: (Sorry, dark pics shooting into the late pm sun). That’s my size 11 flip-flop against the airpot! If I put the tip of the right-hand bud in my armpit my fingertips can ‘almost’ reach the main stem! Who needs a tape measure anyway?

Likewise, probably a first time for Carl’s Shoes to look like this;

The Lemon Slush has taken the same form of a single Giant cola! Didn’t snap a shot as I moved it out to a remote location and slid a lower branch into a wax paper bag full of LS pollen that I had stashed in the freezer last month. We’ll see if anything comes of it?

Here’s a couple of the LA Affie #11 x Afghan H.P.

Well, despite breeding for fungus resistance, the Grape Dragons were very close to being slain today! I spotted 2-3 little spots of botrytis yesterday and hit 'em with the hypoclorious acid…it worked where I sprayed but the buds are so dense you can’t see inside. By this morning I had to cut out a gallon ziploc full of gnarly buds. :sob: Again, soooo damn close! @BasementBeans Gonna keep an eye on 'em and see if I can’t get something to smoke out of what’s left!

A week ago

This morning

After trimming out

Auuuggghhh, they look so barren now!

And so, as usual, I just couldn’t resist! :rofl:

Switched back over to my deep-water ultra-sound cloner w/air bubbler. The shallow one allows the water to heat up too quickly and I wasn’t as happy with the root quality. It’s being ‘tested’ to the max! I forgot it’s got a lot less sites and overcut the number of clones it can hold…but they were ALL really important! Felt positively Biblical having to decide which children to ‘sacrifice’! (Only tried multi-cloning with 2 sites :rofl:

Okay, seedlings are calling out for a helmet check and transplant. Have a great rest of the week everybody!



Right on @Tlander , nice update! Yeah, those are so weird and unlike the parents, I don’t quite get it but it’s awesome to watch unfold! They look like they might fill out and be cricket bats. At least it looks like a structure that may resist rot. (Hopefully :grin::crossed_fingers:)
And the A11s are rot free eh? That’s great news!


First the good news…

A couple clones of Ghost Dawg 4 (Mislabeled the photos as ‘3’) from last grow are flowering out nicely. Last run they got hit by budrot pretty bad, hoping to get some blemmish-free buds to smoke this time around.

The ‘real’ #3;

Have to laugh, with all the work I do to make clones in the ultrasound cloner, I stuck a bunch of male auto tops in a couple glasses of water 20 days ago and stuck 'em in the ‘malebox’ to collect pollen. Last night I decided to change the water in the glasses and here’s what I found! "Set 'em and foget 'em!

Now for the bad news. Second flowering auto in three days got totally chewed off just below soil level by termites! Lil’ fkrs were like a cartoon. I’m standing there looking at the plant’s drooping leaves trying to figure out what’s happening when the whole plant drops into the soil 1/2"! When i grabbed the stem and lifted the whole 2 m. tall plant just lifts right out and it looks like I have subterranean beavers!

Oh well, more beans dropped already! I got fantastic care packages in from Cadman, Budderton, THCeed and MisterBee (Thanks guys!) that I was wondering where I was gonna fit any more in! (But not until I get rid of the termites!)



(Posted elsewhere but…)

Well, I had to let the #11 run to the limit to see just where that limit is…hit it today. Had to clip the top cola and get it outta there. Bummer! Would have liked to give her another week or two. Not sure how much this was caused by the nearby Grape Dragons that got hit hard this week. (I flash-dried one small GD and tried a puff last night…might have been a mistake! It was sooooo tasty I’m even more bummed to lose them! May just have to clip one plant early and dry it so that I don’t miss the whole thing!

If you didn’t know, she looks delicious, if early!

I accidentally hit this poor little guy with a strong soap wash before I even saw him/her! he/she crawled inside the shadehouse, wriggling on her sides and trying to rub the soap out of her eyes. Sorry!



Yeah, I don’t know about these tight, chunky Afghan things in your spot. I think you need something a little looser and more open in structure. Perhaps a Durban or other fast sativa would survive better? And when you find the one that doesn’t give a hoot about rot, you should use it like Frank’s hot sauce and put that shit on everything! And that Grape Dragon is flavourful isn’t it?!:v::grin::canada:


Super flavororful!!! Yeah, I know it’s probably beating my head against the wall trying such dense buds over here…but I’m a stubborn SOB sometimes! I had ‘high’ hopes for the Grape Dragons as the grandparents had been expected to add some fungal resistance to the mix…just not quite enough for the islands though.

I’ve got a couple Durban Poison going from clones of last run’s plants and yes, they look far more suitable for this climate. In reality, it’s a roll of the dice weather-wise. T’land is very narrow as you head South, meaning we get hit by the Easterly monsoon (just ending now) and later on the Westerly monsoon tends to push all the way across the isthmus and we get the tail end of the West coast weather! Anyway, part of the plan was to try lots & lots of different strains and see what works…couple more years of this and I should know! :rofl: I know that while it’s frustrating, I’m still having a :basketball:!



Well, looks like there just might be something left to try off that Ole #11 after all!

The old covered grow area is starting to fill up again;
(Note; The rice hulls were to mulch down the gravel in the area where I accidentally ‘launched’ probably 30-50 Franken Bubble seeds airborne! None have sprouted yet despite mini-sprinklers…I think I may have missed the ‘landing zone’ by a few meters! :joy:

I moved the 2 Sour Strawberry confirmed males into my ‘drying’ tent and will try to collect enough pollen to dust any of the remaining females when the time comes. Might even get some first dust by tomorrow? (Haa, haa, haa - it’s sure not the DD Show!) @DougDawson

The Guardian of the Sour Strawberries!

Also pollinated an entire @Maddawg Shoreline gal just for giggles and collected some flowers. We’ll see how drying it goes. I need one of those nifty aluminum pollen screening cans I keep seeing posted around here.They are always “Unavailable in your location” every time I check!



I’m excited to have, just moments ago, collected my first BOG Sour Strawberry pollen to try a little seed preservation of my own. :heart_eyes: Thank you @Mithridate !!! :pray:



Congratulations, now go forth and pollinate :slightly_smiling_face:

Any screen or fine colander over a bowl will do. Even nylon pantyhose and the like.


Thanks @Mithridate ! Yeah, but ya know how it is with “The right tool for the right job”! :joy:
I can think of a lot of worse things to be obsessed over!

2 of the other 3 are female and the third has yet to declare. This is a speed-run so I’m not gonna have time to be picky, besides there’s only 3 for now (2 of Cadman’s 5 have popped by this morning, and I still have some of yours left in the refrigerator. :star_struck:
Wouldn’t mind keeping a stash of that pollen frozen for later!

I spotted some aphids the other day and did a soap spray late in the afternoon, hitting EVERYTHING pretty thoroughly…too thoroughly from the looks of things. Photos are probably gonna be pretty “bud-specific” the rest of this week! :clown_face:


EDIT: By the way, I have those pollen papers folded and clipped closed and stuck them in my drying tent (60% RH) in a side pocket. How long should I expect before I can remove, rep-pack and seal for chilling? Would appreciate ANY adice, want this to last! Thanks! :pray:


Hey @Tlander , pollen can be dried at a much lower rh. It’s not like flower that has to be slow dried. I leave mine on an open paper, between two plates, with a 50 gram desiccant pack, in the same room as my natural gas fireplace. Quick dry in about 3 days, then fold up the paper like an envelop, into a sealed mylar bag, and into the fridge/freezer till needed. If you plan on using it more then once, store in seperate single use portions because once it warms, you cant really refreeze it. :grin::v::canada:


Thanks bro, that helps! Day 2 of collecting was a bit slower, but the total is growing! I think I’ll be using it in 2 weeks to a month from now, but a couple extras unopened wouldn’t hurt.

Hey @Budderton remember that ‘odd’ Carl’s Shoes plant? Looking like she’s gonna make something of herself after all! Biggest cola is about 2’ now and getting fatter daily!

The autos are chuggin’ along, if looking a bit sparse. I’ve been taking off a lot of fan leaves to open them up to cut down on fungus. Pretty wispy still, but after seeing the last 3 weeks of growth I think they could do anything! So much for the ‘little auto plant’ story! I’ve pulled 3 male/hermies out of about 20 plants.

Just the lower 2 rows are autos.

Okay, off to transplant again! Have a great day!


Well, Looks like we weren’t ‘quite’ finished with monsoon yet!

So upon coming down from the mountain I checked on the White Apricot Sherbet that has been gettin’ pretty thick these days and sure enough found the beginnings of budrot forming. Chopped it a week early and sprayed it down with hypoclorious acid, 'cause I’ve learned my lesson on hoping it’ll all go away! :crazy_face: Considering the fact that the plant was on the possible ‘chop list’ for under-performing 2 weeks ago, it’s not looking too bad. Here’s a couple shots after a quick wet trim.

And a quick check-in on the Carl’s Shoes gal;



Sun’s down on Sun day…pretty relaxed day, everything just needs time now to recover from the ‘soapy’. Tried to clear out the tent of all the seedlings and clones, cut it back to just the 2 male Sour Strawberry plants from @Mithridate that I’m collecting pollen from and a few plants drying. There’s 3 females of the Sour Strawberry just showing first flowers so at least one will get heavily seeded! Put in a handful of SS from @Cadman as well, so stashed pollen hopefully will get used before long!

Well, for this evening’s entertainment here’s some shots of a few in the finishing room under the

Big Shoutout to @Budderton @misterbee @Maddawg @Cyr_grow @THCeed @Mithridate @CADMAN and all the other generous OG’ers who have been so OG! :pray:

And thanks to them & the great OG’er community :pray:, there’s a whole new generation of BOG & BOG-related stuff poppin’ up in SE Asia!

The first few growers I’ve turned on have been seemingly stunned to find that there’s even BOG in T’land, and for free at that! :clown_face: I’m sure somewhere, some how there’s been BOG in the Kingdom in the past…but you guys have just opened a new door for BOG and I’ll do my best to see that it spreads widely! Thanks again for your passion & generosity! :1st_place_medal:



Right on @Tlander , that is awesome! Your overgrowing Thialand in proper fashion!! Good on you man! :clap::clap::+1::grin:


What was your germination rate on the bog bubble?

@Cyr_grow 7/9 & fast! :+1:



I’ve had a few busy days trying to keep everything moving forward on all fronts while the plants recover from the soap storm! I’ve made the mistake of not continuously re-packing my pollen collections from the maleboxes, tent and remote corners of the land for 4-5 days while they dried in the tent. Looks like I’ll be in pollen-jail tomorrow! Fortunately, There’s not that much in each one! I’m just a pollen chucker with small needs, lookin’ to make some more of these great bean gifts from OG to spread around further!

Meanwhile…I just can’t help it! :rofl:

Hoping those of you who were freezing are starting to warm up again and your gardens are safe!
