First Time (growing legal that is)!

They are beautiful looking birds. Sounds like that game cock knows what the good stuff is! :joy:

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Haa, haa, haa! Remember the discussion about my ‘little’ autoflowers? Well, a couple are now almost 3 meters and starting to stack!

Finally scored a couple pollen screeners right here on the island (Take THAT Amazon!). Gonna do tonight’s collection using the small one and see how it goes! Big one was $4, small one $3!

I’ve been plucking male flowers with tweezers, depositing into little plastic tubes, pouring them out onto paper squares, tapping them and removing the flowers before putting them in my drying tent for a few days, repackaging them and freezing (whatever I haven’t put to immediate use! :joy:). Appears to have been working! I decided to seed out a few small females of some of the wonderful gifts I’ve received here on OG! Thanks guys & gals! :pray: @Maddawg @Budderton @THCeed @CADMAN @misterbee @Mithridate @Big_Yeloe @BigMike55, @DougDawson and all the rest of you!

And some of the girls in the monsoon hut are getting pretty close!

Here’s the one 2-month old BOG Sour Strawberry that I am NOT seeding out! The others have all been getting a daily dusting.

Managed to find a 40 m. roll of greenhouse plastic that’s about 4 times as thick as the last roll (the one that started ‘failing’ after 3 months!). Also picked up another irrigation controller, a few hundred meters of PE pipe & tubing, shitloads of drippers and as much assorted BS as I could fit in the back of my truck (and my wallet would allow) :rofl:

Almost all the new seedlings that got soaked; (BC Big Bud x Kryptonite, Lennon/Skywalker Ghost Triangle Kush – FEMS, Wreckage Master Bastard, BOG Bubble, BOG Sour Strawberry) are doing great… with a few lost to damping off. I’m pretty excited over this new lineup! Have I mentioned how much I just love OG’ers??? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It IS pretty astounding you know… for an online community we barely even have ANY trolls show up (and the occasional one that does, leaves quite quickly! :joy:) and on the flip side - where else in this divisive modern World do you find such a large group of friends who not only are willing to freely share their most-prized ‘treasures’, but who actively engage in blowing peoples’ minds with their generosity in doing so?

HUGE thanks to everybody around here!
:heart: :heart_decoration: :heart: :heart_decoration: :heart_eyes: :heart: :heart_decoration: :heart: :heart_decoration: :heart_eyes: :heart: :heart_decoration: :heart:


Yep, OG is an Oasis on the whole world wide web :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
And i too would like to offer my sincere thanks to you and everyone around here for that :pray::pray::pray:


I’m really glad that Life cycles around! I was quite bummed with the way everything was looking a week ago…couldn’t stop giving myself shit for screwing up every single plant with the over-soapy! I’ve been trying to make amends this last week, and by this morning I can see things turning around. Means I ‘wasted’ a week of my plants’ lives, but other than the autoflowers the week won’t hurt too much. And the auto’s are charging so hard in their 10 gallon airpots I don’t know what I’d have done if I hadn’t set them back!

Meanwhile, a little ‘show & tell’ for the donors (only gonna post one of each);







And a quick look around the monsoon hut


And yet another new species of mantis has shown up!

Okay, I see I’ve spent my entire lunch hour posting on OG! :joy:
Have a great day!



Nice looking plants my friend. Keep up the good work !! :+1::+1::v:


Not sure one can over-soapy.

Oh! Your talking about your plants… My bad :wink:


Cool mantis. I’ve never seen one like that. If you don’t mind, could you post pictures of other critters you find? There are some amazing organisms there in SE Asia.

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Another Sunday and the Sun’s sinking low already! Left for the nursery early this morning with a couple different buds to taste from time-to-time! Well, that worked, just not much “TO” between then and now! :rofl:

Thoroughly stoked to find all seed increases seem to have taken really well! This isn’t @Budderton or @DougDawson style production, but there’s gonna be some happy very Thai’s around here soon!




And I keep holding out on cutting the Ghost Dawg clones, but I’m scared to death of botrytis hitting them. One’s still cranking out new pistils while the other isn’t. Any opinions on how much longer they could go are welcome!

Hope you’re all having a great weekend!


Yobros (& Sis’s), A couple shots…trying a bit of everything around here these days! Keeping track is now a thing of the past, I’m afraid! :rofl: Fortunately I label things pretty well so as long as nobody gets up to any funny business I can eventually sort things out!! :rofl:

I found myself wondering why I stopped using the mossie nets on young seedlings at transplant? So this latest batch has them again and I must say it really does seem to help a lot with the early stages. A bunch of OG Gift seedlings are mixed up in there in 10 gallon airpots! BOG Sour Strawberry, Wreckage Master Bastard, Cindy99, Goji OG, Mango Smile x Lowrider UV, Lemon Skunk, Black Skunk and BOG Bubble! Quite the lineup!

@misterbee @Mithridate @Budderton @THCeed @firehead @Cyr_grow @Maddawg @CADMAN

And the ebb & flow table full of perlite and vermiculite is doing a great job regulating the moisture levels for young seedlings. Use the double click zoom tool if you want to see names if I didn’t label em!

The autoflowers are reaching for the sky! Had to raise all the tomato cages up on 3 meter rebars after the pictures! They’re at about 75-80 days right now and are starting to fill out their buds. Looking forward to tasting these before too long. I wanted to test autos to see if I gave 'em big enough shoes - could they fill 'em? Planted directly two seeds to a 10 gallon airpot. Guess the answer is yes! :joy:

And collected the first 5 testers of my second round of autoflower seed making! Looking ready!

The Shoreline seeds are coming along nicely

On a sad note, one of the two larger seeded female BOG Sour Strawberrys is looking bleak. I went down to do my daily pollinations and discovered one wilting down. Not sure but looks like something similar to a case a few weeks back where termites just chewed straight through the stem just an inch below ground. We’ll see how it looks in the morning. Meanwhile, I moved the other heavily seeded plant back into the monsoon hut where I can keep a better eye on it.

Okay, glad you could drop by! Thanks again to everybody that gifted these great seeds, believe me when I say, “It’s ‘highly’ appreciated!” :rofl:



Holy shit! Your a seed planting animal! And making seed to spread around now too! Simply awesome!! Tland is lucky to have you @Tlander !
Did you have to supplement light for a long time on those autos to get them that big? :grin::v::canada:


555! Thanks @Budderton I think I caught a bad case from @Maddawg !

No, no light supplementing on these. They went from direct, 2-seeds to 10 gallon airpot out under greenhouse plastic, but basically outdoor. Once the rains stopped/slowed the greenhouse roof is rolled up from 8 am to 5 pm daily. They grew ‘well’ for the first 3 weeks but at about day 25 they just exploded! By day 30 it was apparent that they were gonna go through the roof in the next 24 hours so we moved 'em out into full sun and tomato-caged 'em.

Now, these are a Thai-bred batch of seeds purchased online at a ridiculously low per-seed price just as a test. I had some early males and herms, used the male to make more seeds and plucked balls from hermies for a week or two when everything decided they were girls after all! Still spending waaay too much time checking every node 2x/day on them! The other “factor” is that this current grow is the first time that I have added a good double-handful of worms to the bottom third of my living soil mix in the 10 g. I always used about 1/3-1/4 worm castings in my mixes but only had the occasional worm.

Damn, comin’ up on midnight again…I keep saying I won’t do this! :joy:



@Tlander what is the smell like on the Shoreline?

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Sorry @Smooth , my nose is shot post Covid! And it has had very little ‘education’ anyways! I’ll give it a try after it dries a bit and see if I can get anything.



As they like to say in Thailand, “Same-same, but different!”

The two seeded BOG Sour Strawberry plants both survived the night and are both now nestled in a corner of Monsoon Hut. The stem/root of the one that wilted down yesterday feels as if half of it is gone! Gonna splint it to a rebar tomorrow and see if I can nurse it along far enough to save the seeds.

Plucked another 20 or so dark seeds off of the 1 remaining seeded branch of the Dark Cherry Pie autoflowers. Saw more, but still tightly nested, all in good time. Just wanted to make sure I plucked those most likely to fall!

All the new recruits (BOG Sour Strawberry, Wreckage Master Bastard, Cindy99, Goji OG, Mango Smile x Lowrider UV, Lemon Skunk, Black Skunk and BOG Bubble) are looking great! Worms or the weather??? I don’t care as long as it continues! Freed up a couple more mossie nets that turned out to be protecting males, so the 10 gallon VIP’s are almost all netted now. Outstanding mention goes to Wreckage Master Bastard and BOG Bubble! There’s one plant of each that is twice the size of everything else!

The male Sour Strawberries in the tent are puzzling me…I’ve been collecting pollen on a daily basis for 3 weeks now. But it still looks like we haven’t reached major dusting yet. Every night I think okay, tomorrow they’re all gonna pop…nope! I’d like to push 'em, I need the tent for some other males, but I don’t want to waste the opportunity to get all the SS I can!

Okay, back to trim jail! Have a good week all!



The rigors of testing have left me incapable of writing much, so pics will have to do most of the talking today!

This sunny scene greeted me as I started down my stairs to head to check on the plants this morning…damn beetles get to eatin’ the petals before they’ve even finished opening :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Found a few aphids on a budded out plant first thing in the morning…so did a complete soap spray (at faaar less soap levels than last time!). That got me thinking, I decided it was time to re-up the compost and worm teas again, so started digging out the leaf compost pit. This is the same one that got all the Psilly-spored cow, buffalo and elephant shit back prior to monsoon. I’m pacing this pile to last, so we only removed about 1/30 of what’s stashed. I was blown away at the quality of what we screened out of there! So much so that we did fast 200-gallon tea brew, threw in some seaweed and did a massive soaking of all 150 plants in one go!

The larvae of the local variety of Asiatic Rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) just loves compost piles. These all came out of about 30 gallons of compost! My foreman’s son was transfixed! They really remind me of the obese guy in Dune! I’m always worried about missing one in my LS mix and having it munch down on a fully-budded plant like Bugs Bunny suckin’ carrots down out of Elmer Fud’s garden! :rofl:

My seedlings in the Ebb & Flow table are the happiest I’ve seen them in months. The tent setup was convenient, but the high temps was taking a toll. Now most are looking incredibly healthy taking on an almost bluish green hue… and what a selection they are! Have I mentioned how much I love OG’ers??? :heart_eyes: The bottom watering of the E&F is also really good at denying the fungus gnats the conditions they want (Though you can see from the sticky traps -and those are today’s sticky traps!!! there’s still plenty of bugs left around!).

The slightly older siblings (3 weeks) that are already in 10g Airpots are exploding as well!


And, have I mentioned yet that I’ve gotten into Airpots??? 5 & 10 gallon, with a bunch of 1 gallon autos.

Yo @BigMike55 BM’s have started to fatten up a bit now (90 days since planting), with no signs of stopping anytime soon! (These poor little girls had a rough, abused childhood with the monsoon kicking their asses!)

Yo @JohnnyPotseed 75-day old FB in a 10 gallon Airpot. Haa, haa, haa, I know, ‘witchcraft’! :japanese_ogre: And you probably didn’t even know you made auto-flowers :rofl:

Okay, that’s it for now… made it over the HumP Day! Hope you all do too!


I probably just got a seed or two mixed up cuz lol
But, everything is looking good!


Yo guys, How’s your weekend been? Already sunset on Monday over here now.

I’m stunned and amazed at the current round of autoflowers! If you saw my first attempt of thirty plants, (which resulted in about 3 joints if I leave out the single plant that I never transplanted from it’s 4" cup and which turned out to be the biggest plant of them all at 14"!) you’ll likely be amazed too! These were all direct-seeded 2 to a 10 gallon airpot and grew ‘normally’ for the first 25 days…then the magic started! We’re coming up on 90 days next week and I’m more than satisfied at our second attempt! Most of them are now above the tops of the 2 meter cages raised on stilt-legs a meter off the ground! And the third attempt auto-plants are taller than these already and are just showing preflowers! I DID say I wanted to see if I gave 'em big enough shoes, would they grow to fill them? The openness of the buds (and a lot of defoliating) is allowing for really good air movement, no signs of any mold…though have found a few caterpillars of late.

The Ghost Dawgs just keeps chuggin’ along! I keep thinking it’s time, then when I get down there and look I can’t help but give 'em ‘one more day’!

The Durban Poison is getting close as well now. Odd little plant w/ just 3 looong colas! Starting to foxtail now.

I’m getting really excited about the new batch (well, it was ‘new’ last week anyway! :joy:)…(BOG Sour Strawberry, Wreckage Master Bastard, Cindy99 x Evil Pineapple, BC Big Bud x Kryptonite, Goji OG, Mango Smile x Lowrider UV, Lemon Skunk, Black Skunk and BOG Bubble) are all charging! I’m trying a whole lot of changes at once so it’s gonna be difficult to determine what it is that’s making such a huge difference, but everything seems to be moving in the right direction! I’m betting it’s the addition of 2 heaping handfuls of red wrigglers per 10 gallon airpot! Every time I move a pot I find a mound of worm castings under it and usually 10-20 worms as well.

I’m also 'seeing RED! Fortunate to be running a test on “Red Thai”, Red Headed Hippie" and “Red Girl Scout Cookies” courtesy of @MissinBissin and @SativaKid . Had amazing germination of 12/12 tails in 36 hours. They’re all in plug trays with 9/12 already popped through into the World for a first look around! The remainder of the beans will go in for long season, this’ll just give me a nice preview.

Seeds are coming along well on both Sour Strawberries, as they are on the single Black Domina, the Carl’s Shoes, the Shoreline and about four auto-auto crosses on each of 4 of those tall auto plants in the beginning of this post. Today I started pollinating another of the London Pound Cake and just might knock up one each of the LA Affie #9’s and #11’s for good OG measure.

I’ve had a bunch of activity on the landrace front (Thai, Burmese and Lao!), but I’m gonna have to see how much room I have left! I thought I’d bought enough airpots to get me through the short season…but :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: well, you know me by now! :rofl:

Okay, thanks for droppin’ in! Hope you have a great week!



Cue that Tarzan yell @Tlander.
Woke-up to your Post, your making me proud Brother
Thanks for all your Work


Haa, haa, haa! It’s only work if you stop to think about it! :rofl:
And who the Hell has time to think! :rofl:

Thanks for the opportunity! I’m still waiting expectantly for the “Winner” that can stand up to; 2 opposing monsoon seasons, high temps with drought conditions for 3-months and then super high humidity the rest of the time, prolific insect and fungal webs and one human that ‘thinks’ he has some kind of a clue what he’s doing! The latter probably gives 'em the most challenges! Moving back to Sativas is likely to be a good move in terms of battling the budrot here. I’m looking forward to seeing how much better a sativa can handle the “Home turf”.

For me anyway, this whole year was one of those “Once-in-a-lifetime” opportunities… I sure won’t ever have to say I overlooked that opportunity! :rofl: I’m old enough to play the part of the crazy professor and all those here who know me, do so as “That crazy plant guy” from decades in the non-ganja botanical fields. To get this opportunity ‘in my lifetime’ and at the same time ‘in this place’ is such an amazing gift, I’m just awestruck at it all happening!

And to top it off, I finally found all you guys! At EXACTLY the right moment! “They” say there are NO coincidences! Anyway, it’s my HUGE pleasure to share time and company with you all here (oh, and seeds too!)! Thank you family!



Your making us look good over here TL.

You, are quietly setting the example Sir
(maybe not quietly… it just awesome to watch)