First Time (growing legal that is)!

Did a lot of moving plants around today, then potted up another dozen or so 10 gallon airpots. Put on my albino skunk hat and chopped down a 3+ meter hermie autoflower today :cry: Damn, I never get to see the ‘back’ of my head! :joy:

Pulled some of the mossie nets and took some quick photo updates on the ‘month-old today’ group for a couple of their/my benefactors…everybody got topped or fimmed last weekend and they’re just crankin’! These are all like going 12/12 from planting - I think our daylight/night cycle is at 11:55/12:05 today. They’ll be declaring themselves in no time! Thanks guys! :pray:



There’s quite a few more that I didn’t have time to photograph, sorry - I’ll try to remember! All in all, they seem to be just loving the ‘new’ whateveritis that’s changed!



Well, I DO try!

New homes!

Older siblings to 'show ‘em how’!


Know thyn enemy!

Real ‘Stinker’!


This is the ‘top’ 3 feet of a 7&1/2 foot plant, nice ring of nug-filled lower arms down below!

Okay, back to lunch! Happy March everybody!


WoooooHoooooooo!!! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

I just checked and am very glad to report that my :mailbox: is functioning and firing on all cylinders! :rofl:

Thanks OG’s

Okay, @Budderton was easy! The tails are usually already climbing out of the envelope!

Based on the amount of ‘Sourness’, I’d guess the next one is @Mithridate ? :joy:

And third…it’s just a guess but… @US3RNAM3 ??? (If not, please let me know and/or help me figure out who to thank!)

I “Highly” appreciate the OG-ness guys!

I was shocked and amazed to find that what I thought was a massive order of big airpots at the beginning of the short season has today been totally exhausted! And there’s still a table full of solo cups left and beans dropping out of thin air! :rofl:

You guys can make Life feel Sooooooo Goooood! Thanks again!



You are absolutely correct my friend !

Since humidity can be a problem, I added some blue jag, a Jamaican blue mountain x Honduran landrace cross. These don’t care about hot cold dry wet, they’ll keep on going.

I saw pics of it covered in snow, and they looked unphased haha


Ding-ding-ding! You got it! Hope you find something worthwhile :pray:


Thanks bro! I was about to DM you about those BMJ! Caught my eye right away! Looks like I’m gonna get to see a bunch of sativa’s in the near future and I’m looking forward to it!

That’s sounding like the ticket! I’m just sooo ready for something that’s flowering days don’t get numbered by how close they are to rotting out!



Right on @Tlander ! I’m happy to see they made it safe and sound. I forgot I had sent those “The White” crosses. They are a few years old and may not jump out of the shell. The Biker Slush stuff is all freshly harvested in December. :v::grin::canada:


I just broke the online software of a vendor while trying to bulk order more airpots tonight!
:rofl: :crazy_face: :rofl:

I gotta remember to get you a picture of the White Apricot Sherbet tomorrow!

Good Night all! Have fun!


Start things off with a picture from a buddy up North. We both lived on Kauai at the same time and both had fond memories of an ancient mango tree encased in Tropical Green Jade Vine. When it ‘went off’ if you were fortunate enough to see giant grape-like clusters of the most spectacular blue-green flowers you hold the image forever! This little mandala of fallen flowers just looks very cool to me!

I’ve about hit my limits on the two BOG Sour Strawberry males in the tent! Did a heavy chop on one this morning and if I can get to it, the other is coming down too. Now, suddenly coming into a big inheritance from the "Estate of @Mithridate , I’m gonna be even more into freely distributing the seeds my plants are producing to the Asian scene! Maybe we can set off an “Asian BOG Wave”! :joy:

‘BIG’ pollen sifter;

Little pollen sifter;

I was further stunned and amazed upon returning from my round the island trip to deal with my visa, to find my foreman and staff took the initiative my absence provided to re-roof one of the growing areas with the new, 4x thicker greenhouse film AND use up 2/3 of a remnant roll of insect screen and close off the space at the height of butterfly season! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:
I’m so fkn lucky! :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: We discussed this as an ‘idea for consideration’ at about 4:45pm yesterday afternoon!

Now I just have to try to eradicate everything that’s already living in there! :joy:

By the way, the three plants in the foreground are the KD Koh Tao Purples, all starting to flower now. The one in the lower right is ‘in-the-ground’, the other two are ready to go into their holes but I’ve wanted to watch this first one’s reactions. It is in about an 18 gallon hole back filled with our LS mix and a lot of earthworms…and that’s on top of the entire 10 gallon airpot full of the same mix & worms it’s been growing in! I’m thinking this may be way to much neuts for these sativas? I’m finally almost through using up all the last season’s amended mix and still have another 40 5&10 gal to fill, so might try the other 2 KD KT’s directly in the native soil with just a bit of our mix.

Some odd’s & end’s at all different stages at once in their new shelter! Chaos reigns in short season!

And it begins! Woke up before dawn and listened to the cicada waves move across the land now that we’re headed into “The Heat”! You can really audibly hear the startup and movement over kilometers like waves on the sea! They’re totally harmless, but it’s impossible not to flinch/swat when one of these big guys (who aren’t great fliers anyway!) comes jetting aimlessly at your head with an ear-splitting screeeach! :rofl:



Well, “The Fat lady sang!” Outta nowhere, we got hit with 4-5 waves of weather yesterday, downpours like the worst of the monsoon deluges! They only lasted 10-20 minutes but it was enough to thoroughly soak buds & people both! At 5 pm last night I went down to have a look at Monsoon Hut and found a scene I’m becoming way too familiar with…even with good greenhouse roofing and big ass fans it doesn’t matter when the humidity levels reach that of the bottom of the sea!

With an hour of daylight left, I did my best to do a quick wet trim on 3 plants, including “The Fat Lady - Ghost Dawg #3”. She was a clone off of last run’s seed-grown plants and went into a pot on Dec. 1st, so she was right around 90 days yesterday. (or, I could just be stoned?) While small in stature, she far-outdid her Mom in the, err…‘Development’ department. I just might have to plant the rest of those seeds and make clone-Mothers out of them…OH WAIT Tlander, you’re forgetting where this story is going! :clown_face:

To be honest, I’m getting sick & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tired of this ‘game’! Every time we get down to the last 2-3 weeks of flowering, along comes Mother Nature to throw a hissy fit! :joy:
Spent the next 7.5 hours in trim jail, cussin’ a blue streak! Well, at least up until the point I decided to break into a jar of @Budderton 's Carl’s Shoes anyway! Things got ‘easier’ from then on, even if a bit slower! (Budderton - right click on the pic to ‘open in a new tab’ and then click the magnifier and check out the trichs!)

I can just imagine if she’d had another week or two!

When it rains, it pours!

I DO see a lot more of Sativa coming up in my future around here! I have loads of OG gifts that I’m not going to let go to waste, and besides I can be a crafty SOB about it when I want something bad enough! :japanese_ogre:

Meanwhile, I’ve unleashed The Mantis Army of Ninja Assassins (M.A.N.A.)! Found about 30-50 of these little guys crawling all over another Budderton plant. At first glance they looked like large black ants and I started to make a move to whisk them off! I looked high & low for the egg case, which has to be right on the pot/plant for there to be this many, but couldn’t find it anywhere.

2/3 of them were still there this morning so I picked up a couple hitchhikers and gave 'em a ride to the next “filling station” (anybody still remember when they called 'em that?)

Okay gang, that’s it for now, gotta get back 2it! Have a great day!


Well shit. Sorry to hear about the unkind weather. We just got 8 inches of sloppy, wet snow overnight. :sweat_smile:
Hot damn, that CS looks like it turned out for you! I’m glad it helping to take the edge off of trim jail. And those mantis are very cool!
I agree, I think you’d do better with sativa during the wet season too.


This year has been one of bizarre weather patterns across the world; presumably, Thailand is going to get some of it. Brace yourself for maybe an early monsoon, or something along those lines. It has gotten to 80 (26C) here in Georgia already. Even the oaks here are budding. That usually doesn’t happen for at least another month.
Buckle up, it’s going to be a strange year.


Side note; My long-time buddy, botanical expedition leader and master photographer Chi’en Lee in Borneo ID’ed those new black Mantis for me! He’s a true Master of Nature photography, have a look at some of his other stuff sometime. My guarantee; You’ll be blown away! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

Ant-mimicking mantis (Acromantinae), nymph. Sarawak, Malaysia (Borneo).

Here’s Chi’en about to consume one of the World’s largest species of earthworm (this one’s just a pup!) on one of our trips in Borneo. (No worms were actually harmed in the making of this photo!)




Thanks for the link out to images - outstanding photography!


Agreed… absolutely gorgeous photography !
His staging and selection of subjects is truly AWESOME!
Thanks for sharing those with us @Tlander …I believe my life was enriched by the experience !
Standing ovation for Chi’en and his dedication


I’ve been DM’ing people with pictures and then thinking I’ve posted the same info…NOT! So I’m gonna copy & paste some messages to try to catch up a bit around here. Skip it if you’re busy! :joy:

I’m doing a little tropical testing for @MissinBissin & @SativaKid . Started off with a little test of 4 seeds each of Red Thai, Red GSC and Red-Headed Hippie. With the on-going botrytis battles with the hybrids, I’m looking forward to seeing some more Sativa action around here!

7 of 12 seeds are pushing forward. Started w/ 4 of each seeds. 3 RHH’s, 2 Red Thai and 2 Red GSC remain. 1 each of the latter were pretty weak and died off in the cup (Front & middle rows left). All remaining got transplanted into 1 gallon airpots today and will hang out under 24/7 lights in the ebb & flow table for probably a week or so.

Got soooo much going here right now that I’m gonna have to wait until it’s actually time to transplant to decide if they will go in 3, 5, 10 gallon airpots next, or in-ground. Has it been your experience that the sativas prefer much lower nutrient levels than the hybrids/Indicas? I’m worried about my living soil mix being a bit ‘strong’ for them if so. I put a couple KD Koh Tao Purple’s that were in 10 gallon airpots into the ground in massive holes and used a lot of local dirt as backfill to test it out. Will see how the respond in the next week.

Still waiting her turn to go in the ground! (She’s in as of 3/9/23!)


“Reds” Update; Mar 9
Just a ‘touch-and-go’ landing here!

I dug up and dissected one of each strain’s ‘no-germ’ seeds. The…oh f! Well, one of them :joy: was a hollow shell when pried open (think that was the Red Thai). The other still had a white embryo that had developed pretty far along, but hadn’t ever had the strength to crack open the seed hull. (Red Headed Hippie). Couldn’t find the other Red GSC one! :rofl:

Then a few mornings later I found another of the Red Thai’s had popped, so it’s there in a cup amongst the 1 gallon airpots.



And, just for more giggles, soaked some more of @Budderton’s magic beans! Here after 24-36 hours of soaking.

6/6 tails

5/6 tails

The White Apricot Sherbet x White Castle already went into soil yesterday!

Speaking of seeds…
Well, I gotta say thanks again @Maddawg ! I had to cut the Shoreline OG f2 as budrot was rearing it’s ugly head. Probably would have gotten another 20% if I could have let it ‘em finish. Looks like 600+ (There’s 110 in each bag x5 and 75+5 in reality!). I’ll spread them out among growers over here…it’s not like I know what I’m doing w/breeding, just pollen chuckin’! :rofl:

Oh, I just pulled 12 BIG, fat, dark brown ‘tester’ seeds w/high-raised ridges (Like a walnut) out of the bottoms of some buds on the Black Domina! Gonna punch em’ in some trays w/ a short soak and see what gives when planted ‘straight off the bush’.


Meanwhile, we’ve added another ring to the circus here! In the midst of all this planting and transplanting, we’re also harvesting, trimming, drying, burping and doing lots of ‘testing’!

Yo Cuz,

Took down a JPS Franken Bubble as well…90 days from planting, only 2’ 6" tall but 5 x 18" colas, thick as could be!

One cola was too heavy to stand and feel out of view to the right!

She’s damn thick! I’d have liked to let her go another week or two, but the couple-times-a-day showers are causing budrot to pop up and I made the call that by tomorrow morning she’d submit to it. There are a bunch more at various stages of growth around here, but all a few weeks behind at least.

Thanks again @JohnnyPotseed ! :pray:


Got a chance to sample a little of Budderton’s ‘Carl’s Shoes’. These were the some of the plants with the extremely ‘odd’ growth pattern in flower, turning into single-bladed 18" colas.

Waaaayyyyy too stoned to type, but ‘they’ say a picture’s worth a thousand words, so here’s a couple pages!

Last month;


This has been my ‘go-to’ for the last couple days! Just took down a 6 1/2 footer last night…sticky as can be!

Thanks again Budderton!


Okay, that probably more than anybody can handle and I’ve gotta check on the drying tent before bed! Have a great day and a big THANKS again to all you OG’ers! :pray:



Really awesome bro. No words here. peace


Wow you are a BeAcOn of NRG @Tlander.

The Ladies are Thanking you incredibly so, and I cannot believe the Black Domina seeds. Well, simply, every strain you shared with us looks amazing.

Have a great Nite Sir!
You’ve certainly got this side of the Planet all Kranked-Up Brother



Very cool! You also have tokay geckos there. They’re also called “fuck you” lizards because of the sound they make. You’ve probably heard them. One of the creepiest things about SE Asia is the damn foot-long centipedes that can put you in the hospital. The tokay geckos bite and draw blood, but it’s the small, venomous critters there you need to worry about.

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Right on @Tlander !! It makes me happy to see you having success and enjoying the selections I sent you! I’m curious to see how those fresh off the cola BD seed germ. I suspect you won’t get a great germ rate. Great experiment though!!:grin::v:

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