First Time (growing legal that is)!

Don’t I know it! Very beautiful coloration to look at, and no matter what I try I have at least 4-5 around the house, hiding behind cabinettes/drapes, etc. Amazingly LOUD, especially during the night! And the dirty f’ers shit really stinky bug feces all over the place. Never heard them called ‘FU’ lizards but have often thought it!



You DO know seed! Not even one BD cracked a hull yet! Well, it WAS/is an experiment! Probably a good thing - the Sour Strawberries are poppin’ like crazy! :rofl:


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My wife and I had a couple of tokays we managed to tame. One actually seemed to like attention. She liked to being on people’s necks, where it was nice and warm. The other tolerated being picked up, but didn’t like it. Tokays do have really beautiful coloration.

Okay, I’m gonna try reverse psyc…Instead of sending DM’s I’m going to post in here and tag the donors.

But first found these beauties blooming on my staircase this morning!

It’s getting a bit crowded, but everybody seems to be coexisting pretty well. I’ve started color-coding the pots as we’ve got so much to look at it’s easy to overlook something important!

Yo @Mithridate ! 7-days old and I moved 'em up from cups to some 2 gallon airpots. Trying out this size a.p. for the first time…they hadn’t shown roots hitting the bottoms of the cups and since these new a.p.'s are so shallow I thought it best to move 'em in now so maybe they will put out some lateral roots instead of just hitting the bottoms right away? (Everything is still a ‘test’ around here! :joy:)

We’re getting a lot of males showing themselves these days…well, it ‘seems’ like a lot of males, but I think its just that there are sooo many plants that 10-20% feels like a lot of plants! :joy: Now I’m posting these for the donors to see, I’m just not pointing the camera at all the females (yet!) but there are plenty of 'em! Forgot to shoot the male BC Big Bud x Kryptonite (and a few others)! All males are getting their heads cut off French Revolution-style and moved into quarantine until I determine how many females we have…just in case I want to seed something out in the future.


Yo @THCeed !

Yo @Budderton ! Now I get one! Where was he six weeks ago when I needed him???

The three KD Koh Tao that went into the ground this last week are perking up and looking a lot happier than they were in the 10 gallon a.p.'s. The day after the transplant I was bummed to find aphids…a little searching and it was apparent that the tiny black ants were shuttling them onboard. Did a dusting of the ground around every plant with sulfur and by today the ants have disappeared! A couple more ‘soapies’ and I hope the few remaining aphids will be gone too!

After seeing the reaction of the KD’s to being put ‘in ground’ I decided to see if I could dig a row of holes between the betal nut palms to put in a few more. After chopping through some of the toughest roots around to make two shallow little 18" diameter holes I gave up on the idea! Later this afternoon while checking on the upper field plants I happened to look over and was blown away to discover that my foreman saw what I’d started and had dug out 7 holes big enough to drop in a 10-gallon airpot plant with room to get our hands down in there to remove the a.p. and backfill! I’m truly blessed! :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

Had to chop another 10’ autoflower that decided to go hermie last night. :cry: This was another of the Thai-bred autos which I knew going in couldn’t be trusted…but they were so cheap as to be almost free so I said “why not”? :clown_face: Live & learn! 555!

Okay, back to trimmin’! Hope you all have a great day! Thanks for stopping by! And as always, thanks to the donors for sharing your beans, it’s VERY “highly” appreciated! :joy:



Looking proper over there @Tlander !! I gotta tell you, your living our dream! Ride the wave! :grin::v::canada:


Looks awesome :ok_hand: keep up the good work.


Well, I’ve got some time in trim-jail coming up! But got some cured jars to get me through it!
Here’s some nugs off the Ghost Dawg clone ready for testin’

And here’s a quick look at one of the KD Koh Tao Purple in-ground grow and a few of the early budlets forming up!



Man those KD KTPs got me stoked to pop some this summer! I’m really digging the way the flower is setting up! I imagine they do better against botrytis. They look great! :v::grin::canada:

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I’m laughin at my ‘lil’ autos! :rofl: These are the direct-seeded in 10 gal airpot Dark Cherry Pie Autoflowers at 90 days. About 3-3.5 m. I remember joking that I wondered if I gave 'em big enough shoes, would they be able to fill them?

Yet another Mantis species has shown up to help out!

The upper monsoon hut is looking a little barren tonight after we decided to drop 10 plants in there, and I pulled two more males.

Speaking of males, we re-organized plants today and there’s now a new quarantine/waiting area for the confirmed male and unclear un-gendered plants;

Looking like @JohnnyPotseed 's Franken Bubble’s are gonna get their own piece of turf around here!

Alright, bedtime again over here, have a great day ya 'll!



Man, you got ALL the mantis!!

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It’s getting to be like "A species a day’ around here! :rofl:

I got a chance to go up atop the highest mountain on the island today to visit an old Thai friend of almost 30 years. I’ve been hauling a truckoad of various plants up there every time I go for over a decade now. The place feels like home with so many ‘old friends’ around. Today I went to check up on some Brugmansia that a botanist friend in Nepal sent me seeds of many years ago. They were just never entirely happy down here at sea level, that or the heat/dry was just too much! So I took some up to test out in the cooler temps on the mountain a year or two ago.

It was in pretty good blooming form but no scent, which is a huge disappointment as they’re super fragrant.

Well, 4 joints, 2 beers and a meal later I passed by about 8 meters away and almost got knocked over by the perfume! Ended up laying on the ground under them just inhaling for a while! :joy:

Heaven, just Heaven! :heart_eyes:



Beautiful, simply beautiful.

We grow brugmansia up north too hehe



Wooohooo! Those are beauties Mith! I have had a few salmon colored and some yellows, but the whites seem to be the strong survivors over here! I hunted for them for years. Finally got the Nepali seeds from a friend and a few years later found a Botanical Garden I was working with in Northern Thailand had hillsides planted in them! Came home with labeled zip-locs full of seed! It’s not just ganja I go crazy over planting! :joy:



Well, another day, another row! @JohnnyPotseed sent me some Franken Bubble beans a while back and I ran a few and made seed on one. I’ve been putting a few in from time to time and noticed the other day that we probably had enough in 10 gallon pots to make up a row of their own somewhere. Decided to try another in-ground test of it.



Three of the seven are a Franken Bubble x Blue Tara I made (BT also from JPS).

We’ll see how they like it directly in the ground. We’re coming up on the hot/dry time of year and this should stabilize the root temps much better than the black airpots. Been very tempted to buy the white ones but they’re twice the price over here! Then again, I picked up a 1 galloner to transplant it the other day and was shocked at how hot the rootball was just from the sun hitting the pots.

Meanwhile, the “Waiting Room” of males and potential hermies is filling up! It really takes up too much time checking every single node for flowers that might possibly open before the next check-up, so I won’t be keeping many of them around for long. But there’s an amazing variety of strains in that little stag party and quite a few horny females around the place…so we’ll see!

Captions got shifted a bit, first 2 are correct, the rest need to move left.

And finally, a couple more Mantis species visiting today;



@Tlander Damn beautiful garden!! Amazing!! You are doing a fantastic job!!
Wish I were your neighbor!! :flushed: :astonished: :sunglasses: :partying_face: :exploding_head:

Are these what we call Angel’s or Daniel’s Trumpet!? Guess it is, Brugmansia!
You Kick behinds brother!! :sweat_smile: :laughing:

Keep up the awesome work!! And those tall colas, full of buds on top! Wow!! :hugs:


Thanks @Abbbian ! I’m thinking to do a lot more in-ground plants, IF these test plants do well.
Yes, the common name is Angel’s Trumpet. I enjoy 'em for the strong scent they put out late afternoon/evening…but they are also one of the ‘medicine’ plants having, I believe, DMT in their seeds. 40 years ago I might have been game, but not now! I’ll be satisfied with the wonderful scent!

Yeah the autoflowers were quite a blessing after my first go-round! I thought I could safely transplant 'em without screwing them up, despite what everyone warned me about! :clown_face: I didn’t take into account that by purposely transplanting them very early, it meant there was no strong rootball to hold the soil of the 4" pots together so they fell apart in the process…the biggest one (of 30!) turned out to be the one I just left in it’s 4" pot! :rofl: This new batch really showed me what you can do with direct seeding into a big pot.



Autos?! Damn, I’d like to see what you could do with some Nepalese. No doubt there are gigantic genetics floating around there in Thailand. While it might not yield much, having a 20-foot giant would be cool, because…why the hell not?

Haa, haa, haa…because my ladder is only 10’ tall! Checking upper buds for hermie’s is hard enough on 12 footers already! :rofl:


If only we all could have that problem. Not trying to wish bad on anybody, but I wish more of us could have problems like that.


There is always a way! :call_me_hand: