First Time (growing legal that is)!

Well, as you may have seen elsewhere, I had a rough day yesterday! Went to pick up my 3D-printed open-centered pucks and 20’ from the shop had a head-on collision! Thankfully nobody in either vehicle was hurt, but it’s gonna cost me an arm & a leg. Being the ‘foreigner’, it’s obviously MY fault! So not only do I have to pay for my truck repairs, but also for those of the other guy’s Prajeo (or however you spell it). I won’t even know how much for another 3 days. :sob:

Meanwhile, I got up this morning and decided it was time to harvest seeds off the first Sour Strawberry plant I pollinated. All my seeded plants are in one greenhouse and I’m afraid of the beans getting mixed up on the floor, so I’m picking all those with opened calyxes w/tweezers before they fall. Tedious job but paying off! Looks like about 350-400 S. Strawberries and a lesser number of Carl’s Shoes (HUGE seeds!) and also of a Black Domina cross.

Took these at lunchtime, went back in the afternoon and put in a couple more hours!

I’m stoked! Gonna spread these beans around OG-Style here in Asia, where I can just send vials in bubble-wrap…no pucks (or cards!) required!

Sorry but I was too wound up to take pictures today. But the ones in this picture (from a few weeks back?) are now reaching head-high and flowering out already!

The autoflowers are looking like it’s almost time to harvest and the in-ground are looking very happy! The one (Franken Bubble) that the termites shredded seems to be the only one they were interested in (Thank God!).

Okay everybody, hope you have a better weekend than I did! :rofl:



Thank the fuck that everybody was alright…

Let me guess, even if you were a local if your vehicle as the bigger than the other guy’s then also you’ll be at fault, that’s kind of like the norm where i live SMH…
Plants and beans are looking good brother, take care man, be safe :green_heart::green_heart::kissing_heart:


Wow. That’s one of the coolest mantises I’ve ever seen. You can see the intelligence in them. They’re initially scared of humans, but seem to calm down once they figure out you don’t want to hurt them. We found one of these in Mississippi: Climaciella brunnea - Wikipedia


Cherry Pie is a really good strain. I had some that originally came from a dispensary in Oregon. Exactly what a sativa is supposed to be. It’s really awesome that your autos got so large. You don’t see autos do that every day.


So here’s some quick shots of the Dark Cherry Pie autos…pretty close to done I think. Then again, there’s no rain in the forecast for a while, so might just let ‘em go a little longer and see if more smells develop? I’d be interested to know if anybody else has tried using large pots for their autos and if they ever got this big? There’s one of the younger ones (behind the below plants by 3 weeks) that’s now 3’ taller than any of these and it just ‘started’ flowering! :joy:

@BigMike55 's Bloody Monster. Cut the biggest 2 or 3 buds a few days ago. These are plumping up.

A few more trays of starts coming along. @Budderton White Papaya x White Castle, Biker Slush f2’s and some more Franken Bubbles.

Ice Cream Cake x Biker Slush and the new Arunothai germination testers;

Ice Cream Cake x Biker Slush

The “Reds” from @MissinBissin & @SativaKid ;

And to close things out for today, here’s the last few days’ seed harvest drying in the tent! (100 beans per bag - mostly!)

Been chopping a lot of males and hermies these days, seems like 2 to 5 a day lately. Probably stressed out and finding themselves confused at germinating and going out directly into 12/12! I’ve stashed 6 males up in the mountains for pollen collection and wish I could keep a few more, but the stress is too much having them around! Plus there are so many young ones I’ll probably have a few more males if I really need them!

Getting caught up with trim jail (almost!) but probably just in time before the auto’s are done!
Okay, wishing you all a good week! Mine’s gonna be “challenging”, looks like I ‘may’ find out the financial situations on the vehicles costs tomorrow. :sob: Hoping for the best outcome! :pray: :pray: :pray:



Wow you have a super yard @Tlander

And those ArunoThai, well congrats on those results already. Seriously, those are the first I’ve seen in Soil

Hope you had a spectacular day…

Thanks again Tl

~ mb


God dam @Tlander ,your a general in the green army!! Putting us to shame!:rofl: Ride the wave!:surfing_man:


555! Thanks @Budderton ! I’m still just a ‘Private’, just very lucky to live in a place where I can go for it year-round, unlike most of the rest of ‘Outdoor OG’! So, it really comes down to I’m incredibly lucky to have such a great OG family! Thanks to you and all the others that have allowed me to run your seeds! It’s an honor and highly appreciated!



Really beautiful “garden” you’ve got there :kissing_heart: and amazing wildlife icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, living so close to Nature is a God’s blessing :pray:.

Glad you were not severely injured, you can always recover from losses but health is more important, following along … beer3|nullxnull


Okay, same drill! I promised people I’d post photos of what I grew from their seeds and ‘try’ to comment if there’s time…well, if uploading and captioning didn’t take so damn long maybe I’d have time to write too! :joy: Yeah, I know…if I didn’t plant so damn much this’d be easier! :joy: Sorry if it’s boring, I won’t feel bad if you cut out now, but following through with my word is important!

@Budderton @firehead @BigMike55 @misterbee @THCeed @CADMAN @JohnnyPotseed @Mithridate @JohnnyPotseed and a host of others!

Your beans are in here somewhere, IF you’re interested! I started trying to put individual’s different strains together and tag 'em but it’s now 10:30 pm here! So, think of it as a treasure hunt!

These are almost all VERY young! They hit the E&F table w/ lights for a week or two and then off they went into 12/12! There’s gonna be a lot of varieties to try out before too long! Hell, I’ve still got jars from December that I haven’t tasted yet! :rofl:

Thanks again OG’ers! :pray:

The new reincarnated Twin Towers! I cheated…it was “5 Towers” but I cut 3 already! :joy:


The in-ground young 'uns! I’m kind of shocked that the Blue Tara pollen seems to have imparted a lot of BT on the FB x BT cross! I didn’t think it would have much/any effect after reading your take on it, but figured it was all I had on hand at the moment! Glad I tried! I’ll be watching this cross, the Blue Tara’s are right up there in the 'Stickiest Bud’s" competition for sure!

End of part one…to be continued…bud shots and fun stuff next…then bed!



Nice pile of reefer growing right there. Good work, my friend.


Part II:

Couple shots of the autoflowers;

555! The ‘top’ of that cage below is at about 3.5 meters! And this one is just staring to throw pistils! :joy:

New ‘Bulk-Bean’ pucks! (The remainder from those I picked up when the accident happened)

The KD Koh Tao Purples (we’ll see if they really ‘purple’?) are filling out their buds REALLY nicely! Thick and sparkly but still light & airy, just like a good Sativa should!

Odds & ends;



Franken Bubble x Blue Tara that went into soak on Jan 23rd!



The “Reds”

And finally, what a time to run out of papers! :sob:

Hope everybody was able to find their kids!
Good night from this side! Good luck with the Hump!



Your putting-on an amazing show.
I’m honoured to be at this-end, watching you Blow us away with productivity
I can’t call My activity today, growing 555


Thanks @MissinBissin ! Yeah, I’m gettin’ pretty good at this ‘shooting photos & postin’ stuff! :joy:
Still got a long ways to go on the growin’ end of things though, but I AM having a :basketball: over here! :joy:



Everything looks so “Tropical” when you grow it out, @Tlander ! And you got all the coolest mantis! :grin::v::canada:


That’s it!!! I’m coming to visit. Might take awhile. I’m poor. Hehe.


@Budderton I swear, it’s the beans you sent! I’ve always had a few Mantis around here, but since I added ganja they have just exploded around here! I gave up on even trying to photograph most of 'em now. That one managed to get under a sealed humidity dome, so I gave him/her a free ride to one of my porch plants!



Just start swimming West @BigMike55 I’ll tow you in as you move into view!
Put a couple joints and a Bic in baggies, might take a while!



I have a 4 wheel drive pickup truck! Hey I had a twin towers plant myself last harvest. It’s written on the bag. It looked very similar to yours. It’s cool to see you grow so many hybrid types. I suppose they’re as rare there as Thai is here. Always. fun watching! peace

Here are my twin towers from last summer. It was a volunteer, second generation, that grew out of a rock pile. It topped itself and It’s one of my favorite smokes this year. I haven’t a clue what genetics are in it. Her sis is to the right of her in the bottom pic.


Don’tcha just love it when Mother Nature decides to make fun of us?