First Time (growing legal that is)!

After last night’s uploading/sorting fiasco, I’m gonna keep it simple tonight!

555! I finally got there before the beetles did!



I HATE termites!



LOL, Man makes plans and God laughs !

1 Like

@BudBusterPro ! Yep, I always heard it as; “Want to make God Laugh? Tell her your plan!”


A couple more of the KD KT purples in-ground coming along nicely!;

The friend that couriered the Arunothai seeds to me from up North also brought me some Afzelia xylocarpa seeds to try to germinate. It’s a really attractive hardwood that’s prized for it’s timber. But the seed prep involves getting through the very tough seed hull by soaking them initially in boiling water and then letting it cool for 48 hours before planting. We’ll see if they go!

Removing the aril;

Before planting.

And, yet another new Mantis species seems to have moved in! Sorry, lousy pic!

Have a great weekend everybody!


WoooHooo! Just returned from a fun meet-up with a native landrace team that drove down from Isarn in NE Thailand from the exact area(s) I have come to believe was the main source area for all those beautiful Thai sticks we ran into in the mid-1970’s. Our ‘initial’ meeting was a looong time ago and on a different island, but the Spirit is still the same! I’m soooo happy to see a group of Thais proud of their landrace and working so hard to continue and promote their heritage in the old traditional way rather than jumping on the ‘dispensary’ bandwagon!

I’ll try to follow up later with more info, but this is gonna be a tough week for me to post much, have patience!

But meanwhile, I’ll toss up a couple pictures to entertain you all!

Hang Garoke strain;

Storage & fermentation equipment

Not much goes better with Thai weed than Thai food!

But once my butt hit the beanbag, I found it VERY difficult to come up with ANY reason to do anything but…Smile, smile, smile! :rofl: (and take pictures!)

One of my favorite views of the Thai mainland and the karst formations in the haze

It was a really fun connection to re-establish after almost 30 years! Lots more info to follow…slowly!



That’s awesome @Tlander ! Happy to see you make reconnections with old friends. That’s always cool. And you sure know how to make a guy jealous!!:rofl: Seriously beautiful scenery, not to mention the buds in the bamboo!!


Is that how they cure their weed? That’s interesting. I’ve never seen that. Cob curing, but never in a large bamboo. So cool, bro. Thanks for sharing with us! peace


As much as we all bitch about ‘trim jail’, it’s really nice to remember there ARE some benefits! :rofl:


555! Guess I really should be emptying my trim-tray a little more often! Could only fit about 1/3 in my press!



Amazing icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, whatever you do you always GO BIG … Aplausos|nullxnull


555! The older I get, the more “Go BIG - Go Hard or go home & die!” seems to be becoming my motto! :rofl:
Thanks @George
Well, I blame it on the Golden stuff! I forgot to measure how much that tray yielded! I pressed as much as I could fit on the brass press and them remembered, so weighed out 7 x 1g. vials full. Imagining I used 1/3 of the pile in the press…and of course I ‘tested’ it for Science, so I guess I got close to around 10 grams! To tell you the truth, I don’t even know what that means! Good? Bad? No clue even as to how countless many plants got trimmed over that tray!’s in the drying tent anytime it’s not ‘in use’ (rare occasion) and it’s been doing that for a few months now!

Checked on another large seed vial of an earlier batch made in Nov or Dec. (Who am I kidding, no checking - I FOUND it, hadn’t a clue it was there! :joy:) Absolutely perfectly preserved and the perfect time to change the lid over to a fresh one! Done that! :sweat_smile:

Fun times! Have a great day/night!


Okay guys (& gals), I have to take some time away to deal with health issues, so I’m just gonna post some shots of the young ladies in the “Hunt 4 'em” style again! No time to tag everybody to their exact plants (sorry!). These are ALL very young plants under 12/12 outdoor, but this morning they all looked to be just exploding with growth!

@misterbee @THCeed @Budderton @MissinBissin @Mithridate @firehead @CADMAN and anybody I else I missed!

And the autoflowers, which are right on the edge;

Hopefully I’ll be back soon (-er or later)! My best wishes to all of you for your continuing grows!
Truly a pleasure to have the opportunity to hang with you all and your generosity is highly appreciated!

OG’ers; YOU are THE BEST! :heart: :heart_decoration: :heart: :heart_decoration: :heart: :heart_decoration:


:star_struck: :heart_eyes: :star_struck:



Feel better soon brother @Tlander


To your Health @Tlander, and Thanks for another Update. Seriously, each strain looks so strong, and the 12/12 lighting actually really surprises me…

Thats super early to have gonads hanging-out, he’s just saving you some time.

Be well and take an extra scoop for yourself… we all want you Strong!
the Pots gonna be just fine.


Hoping for a prompt recovery, take good care of yourself and your garden of Eden … beer3|nullxnull


Payers and vibes sent your way good brother! Here’s to peace, good health, and loads of Joy! :beers:


Right on @Tlander . It’s always satisfying to see one of my cards make it half way around the world safely! I hope you find some good ones in those, happy hunting!!
And I’m just a hopeful agnostic but…May Jahs light shine down on you and drive away any shadows this week !!!:sunny::sunny::sunny:


Thanks OG! :pray:



Lots going on in my life at the moment making it hard to post as regularly…I’ll try!

Spotted the first nanners popping out on the KD Koh Tao purples this morning. I recognize that ‘normally’ this probably wouldn’t be happening, but they have likely been given the heaviest stress-testing they have ever encountered. I put these in on Dec 17th (I think!), absolutely the most out-of-season planting date possible! They dealt with punishing monsoon weather for their early life and were in black 10-gallon airpots which caused their soil to heat up to temps that I can’t even believe they handled! Then a few weeks into flowering I transplanted them in-ground (another stressor) and then we hit Equinox and they found themselves trying to flower out and bulk up when they should have been just starting to veg! Sorry girls, I can understand your reactions! Despite all that, they have performed far better than I’d expected.

After defoliating;

A few other random shots;

Thanks @misterbee ! Been collecting pollen off this male in my driveway and hitting up one of the females in the nursery. Hopefully will get some nice seeds for long season.

Some of the Dark Cherry autos from one plant that seems to attract aphids…all the nearby ones seem immune, so this one had to go early.

Made a bunch of seed off of some BCA from @JohnnyPotseed :pray: and tossed a few in on the side just to see if they would pop. Have had to pinch off lots of leaf-tips due to it apparently being leaf-miner month now!

One of @BigMike55 's Bloody Monster in the foreground (the three largest colas got cut off this one last week) and a KD KT in the background.

20 strains. Not a bad haul! Now if I could just figure out how to add about 4 more hours to every day… :joy:

Looks like I’m gonna need another tent for drying soon! :rofl:

Okay, that’s all I’ve got time for now OG’ers! Thanks for dropping by and I hope you have a great week!


That KD Koh Tao purple makes me think of the thai sticks. The bud shapes look about like what they would have wrapped onto the sticks. Perfect size to wrap and put in the ground for cure. :thinking: