First Time (growing legal that is)!

Right on @Tlander ! I hope your week is trending in a positive direction!:point_up::arrow_heading_up::v::canada:


Another round of “Hunt 4 Yours”! Again, these are all VERY young plants put out in 12/12. These were planted so late I was worried they’d just be stuck in veg for the next 8 months, but so far everything seems to be willing to put on a little show!

@misterbee @THCeed @Budderton @MissinBissin @Mithridate @firehead @CADMAN and anybody I else I missed! Thanks again! :pray:

There are a whole bunch more in the other grow areas, but I didn’t have enough time to shoot & label 'em!



A very representative catalog of the beauty and goodness this magical plant brings :kissing_heart:, glad I found this thread … beer3|nullxnull


Fantastic! What a collection.

:point_up: :point_up: This 100%


Mother Nature is a mean bitch. Underestimate her at your own peril.


There are a lot of foxtails on that Koh Tao. Is that good or bad, or does it matter?

Had to whack another of the Dark Cherry Pie autoflowers today (Have to remember to plant one of these for next Xmas! :rofl:)

And here’s an oddity! About a month ago I noticed this plant starting to get really triched-out sugar leaves but there was no sign of any pre-flowers. Worried that it might be going hermie or even a full male, so I moved it off to a distant corner of the nursery. Checked it daily for a while and it kept up the trich production but I couldn’t see any signs of sex. About 2 weeks ago things got crazy for me and I totally forgot it was even there, until last night. Use the zoom function and see if you can find a single pistil anywhere on this plant? Budderton says he’s seen pistilless female plants before, but rarely! I’m halfway tempted to just cover it in pollen from the Black Skunk (Mister Bee :pray:) that I’ve been collecting the last few days and say a prayer! :rofl: Really dense, sticky, hard golf ball nugs! And thus far, unbelievably, no mold!

First Arunothai hit the ground. Decided to put 4 of these and 5 Franken Bubble x Blue Tara in a new row of in-grounders on drip lines. Will be interesting to see if, like everything else right now, they just flower out or if this is gonna be a record-breaking veg cycle! :joy:

And the first Dohn Makha (Afzelia xylocarpa - Black rosewood or Monkey Pod Tree) seeds have started germinating! A friend sent me a box full of various tree seeds from North Tland a few months ago…I was in the midst of harvesting and just stuck the box in the drawer of the refrigerator I put out near the greenhouses for cold water so we didn’t have to walk home every time we got thirsty. And promptly forgot about it! The best info I found said to pour boiling water over them and let soak for 48 hours. Then remove/scratch the aril and plant. Looks like the refrigerator worked just fine! I see dirt movement on 8 of the first 36 cells for the first time today.

Oh yeah, I had a lot of pollen off of one of @misterbee 's Black Skunks and have been knocking up a female, but today I had so much extra pollen I decided to hit one of the Lemon Skunk as well! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Have a great day! It’s gettin’ late here, take care OG’s


I think that a lot of the Thai landraces seem to foxtail. Not sure if its a plus or a minus…kind of like fat leaves or thin? I was surprised how large diameter they were, but they are also really ‘airy’. In conditions here that’s a huge plus as there’s still a lot of air movement within the buds themselves to keep the mold at bay. I mentioned before, the KD KT’s got extremely heavy stress-treatment so the foxtailing could also be caused or exasperated by that? We’ll see how they smoke before too long!



Great Choice in using the Black Skunk pollen :skunk:!!! Thanks for another stunning update @Tlander


555! Black Lemon Skunks! Thanks @MissinBissin ! I’m still just a ‘pollen chucker’ here, I’m not following some great plan I’ve cooked up and not even sure if it’ll be a good choice or not, but it sure was fresh & abundant!


Only had time to snap a few shots as I had to get the rest of this morning’s Black Skunk pollen ( @misterbee ) back to the tent. Made the call that it was getting too risky to leave the male standing any longer so after this morning’s collection it got the chop. I’m stoked to see that after 4 days of pollination’s, the female Black Skunk I’ve been pollinating already has swollen calyx all over it! Hopefully the Lemon Skunk will have the same in a few days!

A few more for the “Hunt 4 'em” update! MUCH easier this time! They’re all (Except the BOG Bubble) from @THCeed and ALL are at 9 weeks from planting! :rofl:
Thanks bro(s)! :pray:

Just copied the tag, but now realize it’s wrong - NOT from THCeed! Thanks @Cyr_grow !)

Have a great day OG’ers!


Few more for the gifters…





And some odds & ends…

Maiyong Chid (Similiar to a mini-mango w/edible skin - delicious!!!)

Mai Mahka ( (Afzelia xylocarpa - Black rosewood or Monkey Pod Tree) are gonna need transplanting pretty quickly I think!

The low side branches of this Karel Haze clone (from last long season) were flopping around on the ground this morning 'cause the stems couldn’t handle the weight!



Good morning evening @Tlander !

Hope all is well :call_me_hand:


A few more;

@MissinBissin & @SativaKid gifted me some of their Red strains. I’ve only put in a few of each as I wasn’t sure if they’d handle the late start. We lost a couple early on and had a couple males pop up, but the remaining ones decided to get on with things! Hard to believe these are just 5 weeks from seed! Thanks guys! Can’t wait to try 'em in the long season.

Another fun little ‘experiment’! This is a Baobab tree seedling that appears to be loving it here!

And spotted this hanging over the Franken Bubble x Blue Tara crosses. No scent, but nice colors!

KD Koh Tao Purple;

When things go ‘right’!

When things go ‘wrong’! :joy:

Another time when things go wrong! Think these went in just a few days too late! Poor little things!

Okay, Warden says it’s time to get back to my cell!

Hope you’re all havin’ a good day!


Well, I got paroled for an hour!

First batch of Black Skunk pollen is ‘In the bag’! Thanks @misterbee !

Definitely pretty ‘low-tech’ around here!

But I hope to be using 'em up pretty quickly any way!

One down, only about 19 or 20 to go! :joy:

Okay, back to my cell again! :rofl: :sob: :rofl:



What are the blue things on the sides of the air pots?

1 Like

I’m not sure which pics you are referring to, but my guess is they are the plastic ‘screws’ that hold the sheets together. They come as flat sheets (well, sorta flat!), you insert a bottom disc and roll the sheet around it and then where they overlap you screw in 2-3 plastic screws to hold them together. If you mean something else, just add a picture of what you’re talking about.



Holy Cow those plants look amazing @Tlander, especially for 5 weeks…
Thanks for this update, its greatly appreciated.

Look at all those Bud sites…
Those KD Koh Tao look awesome…
Have a good rest Tl


Here is the picture of what I am asking about.



The seam is there so probably to hold it together.

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