First Time (growing legal that is)!

Hats off to you @Tlander
That is such an amazing collection of Living plants.
Loving the diversity of shapes and sizes


Thanks @MissinBissin I owe it all to my bros & sis’s here on OG! None of this would be happening without you all! Thanks again! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Party favors for the 4-20 celebrations are stocked up! :rofl:

Oh, by the way, got the truck back WITH working brakes & AC! Tomorrow starts the Songkran (Thai New Year’s) celebrations, which after Xmas/New Years is the deadliest time to be on the roads here, so I’m just gonna look at my shiny ‘new’ truck parked in my driveway for a few more days! :joy:



It certainly looks like you have enough going on to keep you busy good job brother


Yeah, my staff will be on ‘holidays’ so we spent the last week hooking up 6-8 automatic irrigation controllers, about 6 new sprinkler systems for non-ganja plants, rigging new hoses all over and soaking things down in preparation…but it’ll fall on me to cover about 3 acres of plants for the next 5 days of the heatwave we’re in right now!

I reconfirmed that @BigMike55 's Bloody Monster bud is MY kinda weed and absolutely :fire: :fire: :fire:! The kind of weed that after 2-3 hits you just start getting so into whatever project pops up that before you know it the Sun is setting on another day! Looking forward to putting that quality to use the next couple of days! :joy:



OK looks like your phone might start ringing.
Who doesn’t want this now?


Those are some airy buds, bro… :rofl: :rofl:



This is the close up of @tlanders Pearly Bud Pheno!

Trichomes everywhere!

The thing that stands out in the article below:
I didnt see any benefit to those phenos back then. (And now if I’m honest)
The smoke was a proper Thai/sativa blasting.
Straight up to the moon.
Super trippy, great colour inhancement
Can be creative if you can handle the power.
Terps where almost erotic.

Make me excited to hear the smoke report on this one…
Hope you get the ride to the moon because there is not going to be a bunch of bud… :call_me_hand:


Have I mentioned how much I hate termites lately? Saw the drooping leaves of the BC Big Bud x Kryptonite as I walked into the nursery this morning, and knew right away the suckers had come back;

Lifted the stem right up out of the soil;

A few comparison shots of leaves;

These for @firehead of his Mango Smile x Low Rider UV To be fair firehead, I had an outbreak of leaf miners a week ago and had to strip off most all the larger fan leaves.

And a few leaf comparisons for @MissinBissin & @SativaKid on the “Reds”; Red Thai, Red GSC & Red Headed Hippie. There are only a couple of each right now but even so there are some big differences in the leaf forms and especially on the Red GSC serrations. Two very distinct forms.

Red Thai

Red Headed Hippie

Bunch of mostly sativa or sativa dominant plants in 3 to 5 gallon airpots

Those just might be my last photos for a while - camera seems to have stopped focusing anymore! :sob:

Well, today marks the start of the Thai New Year - Songkran. Happy Songkran everybody! Hope you all have a wonderful 2566!



Happy Songkran TL! Hope it’s a good celebration!


Happy Songkran,Tlander!


Enjoy your Songkran, Brother.


What a Celebration @Tlander to start the year with.
Photos of the leaves are greatly appreciated… too bad about the Termites, that did not take long.
I’m so excited that I have a couple pairs of the Reds in progress.

Question for you, what does LSGTK break down into… lemon skunk … I’m guessing (rookie mistake)

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I believe it’s “Lennon Skywalker Ghost Triangle Kush”! I’d need to look it up to see what notes I have logged about it, but it’s 4am here so it’ll likely be later! Thanks!



That is correct.


I’m outta likes guys, including you too @THCeed, I APPRECIATE THAT HELP.

Nice to know I’m getting a taste of it… SOMETHING FUNKY

You know how to run 24/7 @Tlander. It is an art


Great pictures look like very unique plants.

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Rain is back! Like clockwork, the day after Songkran ended the rain rolled back in. If it wasn’t for the fact that so many ‘short-season’ plants are in bud I’d be really happy. It’s got to be 10-15 degrees cooler today than it’s been in weeks.

Early this morning;

Had to scramble to cut a bunch before they got thoroughly soaked!

Fortunately I had just cleared Monsoon Hut of plants yesterday, cleaned it up and bleached it all down. Managed to get about a dozen budded plants moved in before it started to really dump!

A few more for the donors;





Man you really got a lot going on there. Great looking plant. :clap:


Man, it would be such a pleasure to stroll through your garden. Lots of wonderful aromas, I suppose. Beautiful work! :v:


Yobros! Picked up an AC unit for the drying tent yesterday…12 hours in and temps are a bit cooler but humidity levels are up too high! Always something! Hoping I just need to tweak settings around to get it right. My guys put another row of in-ground Arunothais. Been cutting more and more plants lately and looking forward to lightening the work load for a while. It’s been 9 months of non-stop business of 100-150 outdoor plant maintenance and dealing with rains, molds, heat, drought and at least 4-5 species of pests and I’m pretty exhausted. Seed production has taken a huge jump forward the last month or so. Even with quite small short season plants I’ve gotten really good production numbers pulled 700+ beans out of the (LPC x Doc’s OG) x Cherry Punch, and 270 of the Dark Creme autoflowers.

Afzelia xylocarpa seedlings;

Spent a day up atop the mountains in the much cooler weather scoping out some new grow zones with free water! A few shots, just for fun!

Black Bat Lily. These were some of the parent plants of the hundreds of youngsters I’ve got going!

Oddly named “Black Boy” Burmese Papaya strain


What a great kickback spot somebody created! There’s fires burning in Indo & Malaysia in the South, filling our air with smoke…can’t see the nearby islands, let alone the mainland. Meanwhile N. Thailand, Cambodia, Laos & Vietnam are in the peak of their burnouff season so the North of Thailand is setting records for dangerous air quality levels! (That’s NOT the sea in the background below…just the next ridgeline!
