First Time (growing legal that is)!

That almost reminds me of the Smoky Mountains area, at least compared to where I am now, which is very dry in comparison. I love you photos! peace and prayers, bro! :pray: :v:


Great pictures you are lucky to have the ability to walk amongst it😎


HaPPy 420 Everybody! Hope you celebrate in style with great friends!

Can you tell that short season is winding down? Based on ‘empties’, I’d guess we’re 1/3 done. Of course there could be another pile of empties around here that I’m spacing on! t IS 420 after all! :joy:

From ‘empties’ to ‘fulls’! Bought a portable AC unit for the tent. Knew there was a chance it’d be a total waste of $ but had to take a shot at it! It’s been about 36 hours and (until I see my next electric bill anyway!) I think it was worthwhile!

The ‘brown’ buds are what was happening with our natural temps here! Damn! Smokes great but looks like hell! Gonna see how the new ones look in a few days ! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Oh God! Just zoomed in to see what the writing said on the pollen-pac on the left middle…“Black Creme Auto-flower”! I had it the whole time when I wanted to pollinate those ‘string-of-pearls’ Black Cremes! :clown_face: EDIT: Just hit up 3 of the ‘String-of-Pearls’ plants! We’ll see!

Headed up to the mountaintops this afternoon/evening to celebrate 420/my birthday with a group of old friends…I’m gonna supply the ‘party favors’ and I figure I’ll get everybody involved in writing out tags and dropping a few beans on such an auspicious day to do so! Just told my guys to double up on the cups, so should be about 32-48 cups and an envelope full of 3D-printed pucks of about 10 strains of seeds courtesy of OG Fam! (No, those aren’t the party favors! Just coincidentally sitting there!)

Thanks again for all the OG friendships & beans! (and fish! HHGTTU ref. :joy:)


Happy 420 TL! Party on!!


Happy birthday my 4/20 brother! And, hope you and your crew have a great 4/20 day in general. It sure sounds fun planting seeds in places. I might find me a spot or two and plant something today, in another part of my town/area. :wink: :beers: :v:


Wow, that took an extra 24 hours to come down from! :crazy_face: Hope you all had a great day!

The ‘end-days’ of short season continue around here…

The portable AC unit is cooling down the drying tent, still too hot but better! Looking like we may be able to have some nice ‘green bud’ after all. At least until the electric bill comes!

Just hate it when the ?Mystery? seed turns out something really different!

@Cyr_grow First of the Lennon/SkyWalker/Ghost/Triangle/Kush budlets getting a lite trim
Sorry about the light-quality of the pics bro! I’ll shoot them again tomorrow in daylight!

Had another Mantis hatch-out on the porch today! Found the egg case on a plastic bag of plant tags in my bookshelf after a little hunting…think I just missed the hatch by an hour or so as they were all still pretty congregated together. Then again, pretty good size already? Gave about 20-30 a free ride over to some nearby plants!

Ahmmm, had another visitor too…not as welcome!



Man TL, you’ve got all the good wildlife overthere!
Do you have a “snake guy” that deals with them or is it just a live in harmony type of thing? Just yesterday, I was talking with my oldest son about attending the next big herpetology swap meet over in the big city I live sorta near. We enjoy us some reptiles!!:lizard::snake:
Oh, and the nuggs are looking on point!!


Yo @Budderton ! 555! I’d have been happy to send 'em your way! :joy: Yes, there is a guy who you can call to come deal with them. He’s been doing it forever…but even the best slip up! He got nailed on the hand by a large cobra in a confined space last year. Said he hadn’t even noticed it happening, but cobra venom just eats the skin away like acid…it wasn’t a pretty picture. But he’s back at it again!

This one was under the bathroom counter next to the gas bottle (and the toilet!). As much as I dislike doing it, I really needed the toilet :joy: (and my housekeeper’s 5 year-old was in the house) so he got his head bashed, unfortunately. In the shadows it looked like it could be a cobra, but afterwards I realized it was a Kukuri snake. Nasty, ripping teeth that do a lot of damage, but not poisonous. I stepped on one that I didn’t see while carrying a flat of plants into the greenhouse…sharp pain that made me think it was a centipede or a scorpion. I only saw this one before I sat down due to all the blood on the floor from where he must have grabbed the frog.

I have to shoot those bud shots over in the daylight…not sure what’s up with my phone-cam…like me - probably just getting old! :joy:



How’s the bog bubble doing I sent you?

1 Like

Few Arunothai shots;

And while my camera seems to still be screwed up, at least the blue from the flash is gone;



What is your opinion about the L/SGTK?

555! Well, it’s pretty early to tell! And, as with everything on this short season grow - I don’t think any of it’ll be ‘replicate-able’ in the long season. I can say they were very heavily stress-tested! Having lost my seed-log software I’m at a loss to try to check any data I have logged in. Sucks! I pretty sure these were some of the last big planting, which was on Feb 2nd, (yep, checked the tags) meaning these were only about 10-11 weeks old when cut! These girls started flowering when only a few weeks old and they stretched out really fast. The buds are a much lighter structure than most everything else OG’ers have sent me and that seems to have helped with the mold issues (which EVERYTHING except the pure Sativa’s have experienced). I did try a couple puffs last night and again today while productively cleaning up in one of the greenhouses…but it was sundown before I knew it! (Though that in itself is nothing new around here!). I managed to get a lot done and there’s no couch-lock, all-in-all a very nice high for ‘uncured’ buds! Taste was still lacking, but they’re not really even totally dried yet. :joy:
Ultimate ‘early’ assessment; I’d grow 'em again! :+1:

I’ll give 'em another couple weeks to cure and try again…but honestly, I just did a count and there’s over 50 jars curing/awaiting testing so it might take a while! :joy: I think there’s another one still in the greenhouse that’s a bit taller and, if it can hold out against the mold, it should be two or three weeks more mature at harvest.

Here’s a few shots from earlier;

The plant on the left in the foreground is the LSGTK



Looks like you’re gonna have some long colas! That LSGTK looks like it will be a plant with nothing but bud. Awesome! :v:


That is one of the reasons I love this strain.
Especially indoor, 1 big cola.


What’s giving it the sativa look? I don’t know what Lennon is.

The information for the Lennon strain is on my thread.


Okay, a few more shots for the donors! (Sorry, I’ve lost my seed-log program, so can’t look up who’s is what, but I’ll try to guess! I ‘believe’ almost all of these went in on/about Feb. 2nd, making them about 11 weeks from planting now. I knew I was cutting it close, but figured I’d run a few to see what they did in the tail end of short season even if they wouldn’t get much size.


@THCeed (?)

@misterbee (Thanks bro…I hadn’t realized how many of your gals I have running here still!)


From the looks of the thrip damage, this little guy’s probably pretty full!

Transplanted the Dohn Makha (Afzelia xylocarpa - Black rosewood or Monkey Pod Tree) up into bigger airpots today

That’s it for now, have a great day OG’ers!

Oh, one last thing…" When you give a worm weed, it gets the munchies, researchers find" See CNN’s story;


I’m pretty sure @misterbee holds approximately 37.63% of all seeds on earth. :grin: :pray: :v:


Wahhhooo! Finally got my truck back with working brakes! Went straight in to do my registration & insurance before tomorrow’s deadline! Got back just in time to take a few shots before sunset…

Camouflage is working pretty well!

A couple oddities to start;

Nepenthes bicalcarata

Flowering bromiliad

Various tillandsia

Some girls


Last holdouts in the Monsoon Hut

Another ‘new’ species of Guardian Mantis


Okay, on to the Asians

Here’s some of the Arunothai that went in-ground a while back. Starting to put out some nice branching, fan leaves mostly 9-bladed with one or two at 11.

And a few KD Koh Tao - purple shots

And one KD Koh Tao 2 (other one was a male)

Have a great day!


Good Morning/Evening @Tlander, those Koh Tao shots look amazing !!!
Thanks for stopping & taking the shots…

What do you have growing at Torso/Chest height on the Poles in the ArunoThai shots…